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Barcode Scanner



  • toddmike1964
    toddmike1964 Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2022
    Goodbye MFP
  • ltomberry
    ltomberry Posts: 12 Member
    Not to put too fine a point on it, but the new owners are idiots and can go die in a fire for this one. Time for a new app after 8 years. They really screwed the pooch this time.
  • k8blujay
    k8blujay Posts: 23 Member
    You take away previously free features... I delete the app and block ads elsewhere....
  • 23mountains
    23mountains Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2022
    This is such a terrible thing to remove from the free version. Adding our meals will be very inefficient and will have us looking for another product. We put up with the annoying ads, understanding your need to generate revenue, but losing important functionality for long time users is a really bad idea. We are seniors watching our nutrition for critical health reasons and can’t afford the hefty monthly fees for premium for even one of us, let alone both of us. It’s a sad day for us.
  • 23mountains
    23mountains Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2022
    This is such a terrible thing to remove from the free version. Adding our meals will be very inefficient and will have us looking for another product. We put up with the annoying ads, understanding your need to generate revenue, but losing important functionality for long time users is a really bad idea. We are seniors watching our nutrition for critical health reasons and can’t afford the hefty monthly fees for premium for even one of us, let alone both of us. It’s a sad day for us.
  • nikkitlr
    nikkitlr Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve never been so disappointed in the loss of a feature. It costs MFP nothing, NOTHING to offer it because it’s already a feature we’re using and have been using for years. 10+ years of being a member and participation, honest, high recommendations to friends and colleagues all the way until now. I used to love this app….all that data MFP has collected and sold…not even the option to keep free barcode with ads….now you want to charge me to collect and sell my data now too?!?! So, so disappointed in whoever thought this was a good decision.
  • Rockit_29
    Rockit_29 Posts: 3 Member
    edited October 2022
    I’m totally bummed. Feel like the pulled the rug out from under our feet.
  • AjKoele
    AjKoele Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2022
    I have been an active free member for 10+ years and the fact that y’all decided to charge us premium in order to get bar code scanner is the dumbest thing EVER! I refuse. I love this app but I can’t do it anymore with our the scanner so peace out….
  • brmusic
    brmusic Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2022
    I’m changing/removing all data from this app and leaving to find a better one for this very reason. I get having a monetization model, but removing nearly necessary features from the free version to try to force people to the paid one isn’t adding enough value to validate the price. Instead, they’re going to lose out on the important referrals and community involvement as the free people leave.
  • proworker88
    proworker88 Posts: 3 Member
    Not sure where I was supposed to post this. Why in the world is the barcode feature now locked behind a pay wall? Now its just more steps to enter some food. Not a deal breaker for some but it is to me. I try tapping the barcode button and it takes me to the subscription page. No. Just. NO! 👎
  • proworker88
    proworker88 Posts: 3 Member
    Not sure where I was supposed to post this. Why in the world is the barcode feature now locked behind a pay wall? Now its just more steps to enter some food. Not a deal breaker for some but it is to me. I try tapping the barcode button and it takes me to the subscription page. No. Just. NO! 👎
  • gryhndlvr
    gryhndlvr Posts: 4 Member
    What a terrible business decision! I will certainly be finding a new app, there are plenty of them out there. It is ridiculous to take away a feature that has been free for all of these years!
  • cmmallia
    cmmallia Posts: 2 Member
    Has anybody found another app that has a barcode scanner that is similar to MFP? I am looking for a new app to track my food and exercise after this change to put the barcode scanner in the premium subscription only.

  • gonzalezalejandro715
    gonzalezalejandro715 Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2022
    why in the world do i now have to pay a premium to scan barcodes on foods? i know i sound lazy but come on $20/month or $80/year just to track food?? just a matter of time i guess
  • gonzalezalejandro715
    gonzalezalejandro715 Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2022
    why in the world do i now have to pay a premium to scan barcodes on foods? i know i sound lazy but come on $20/month or $80/year just to track food?? just a matter of time i guess
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 302 Member
    There is so many other food tracking apps that have barcode use. I found one called MyNetDairy. So far it's amazing. The only thing it misses is the community. I'll be here for the community and there for my food logging. Please bring back the free barcode. Why is there no free exercise?
  • AZfly
    AZfly Posts: 1 Member
    This is just stupid to make scanning bar codes a premium feature. Not going to pay that much for it when it's been free all along and one of the best features. I'll be looking for other apps now. Unless MFP decides the reverse this terrible decision and not be greedy.
  • nycgurl529
    nycgurl529 Posts: 7 Member
    Adding my two cents - hate that I can't scan my foods. Will be looking for a new app.
  • fitmom8978
    fitmom8978 Posts: 1 Member
    After having access to the barcode scanner all of these years and now asking us to pay for it?! I don’t know what the new owners think they are going to get in the way of revenue but I’m guessing there will be more folks finding a different way to track rather than pay, including me. MFP so disappointing! 😡