MFP The Biggest Loser Yellow Team***Closed Group***

Hi Team Yellow! I figured the other teams had the right idea and making a forum for us to discuss our team stuff would be easier than the messaging back and forth. Plus, this way we'll all get to know each other better, right? :)

For this week's challenge, I've heard back from almost all of you so far so I'm going to go ahead and submit us to the BL powers-that-be. One of our fellow yellows (scapez) is still out of town chasing (or being chased by) cowboys, so she has volunteered to sit out the challenge this week. That leaves atticus, ArmyWife, IvyMarie and timgordon to be our athletes for the week in the competition. Hope you are all up for it and hopefully it's something that will work to our strengths!

Stacey (ArmyWife) had a great idea to perhaps communicate through a Facebook group. I'm not too familiar with how those work, so I'll let her have the floor on that one. Let us know what you guys think about that.

If you'd like to introduce yourselves or if you have any opinions/suggestions/whatevers on any of the above or anything else, feel free to start us off. Everybody have a great week, and I'm happy to meet you all and be on our great Team Yellow!!



  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    Hey guys! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    I thought maybe we could create a private group on Facebook. I don't think we have to be "friends" on Facebook to be in a group together. That way if anyone is uncomfortable sharing your profile on FB with someone, it wouldn't be an issue. I can create the group. All I'd need to add you to it is your email or FB link. Just let me know if we're interested in that. Or we can just use this forum here. Doesn't matter either way.
  • Ivymarie75
    Ivymarie75 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks to both of you for putting these "groups" together. I don't mind one way or the other which site you guys choose, but I would prefer to use this one only because I am on MFP way more than on FB.

    Either way, I appreciate the work you guys are putting into this & I will follow the group to either site. :)
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Hi everybody, I just wanted to remind you all - everyone's weights will be counted this week whether or not you are one of the team members in the challenge. So do your best and keep up the great work!!! They'll let us know what the challenge is tomorrow, so hopefully it's something we can rock and win immunity for the team. :)
  • timgordon24
    Heya everyone!! Hope everyone is having an AMAZING WEEK! @atticus674 I'll be the 4th man this week. no prob. :) Go TEAM YELLOW!
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Ok Team Yellow. Everybody ready to pull out those running shoes yet again?? Some of those other teams have some super fast runners. I'll be sure to push myself even harder, even if I die trying. Do they have MFP in heaven?? :)

    I know we'll all do our best and try to be one of the top four teams this week for immunity. Best of luck to everyone!!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    We CAN do this!! I'm going to push myself, too! I bought new shoes, which I desperately needed. So hopefully that will help with the foot pain. My goal is to get my time down to at least 15.
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    It's too bad we can't use a mile time on an elliptical machine...I can do a mile on that in 6 minutes.
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    It's too bad we can't use a mile time on an elliptical machine...I can do a mile on that in 6 minutes.

    No kidding. Or on a bike - I'd really love that the most!!! :) We can totally do this. I wish we had a little more time to train since the last one a few days ago....but I'm ready to push myself and I know you guys will too. Keep up the good work!!
  • Ivymarie75
    Ivymarie75 Posts: 80 Member
    Well, I'm excited to try & beat my time from last week, but i'm worried about my weigh in since i had a great weigh in. Either way, I know we'll all do our best. Good luck team!
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Well, guys - I just ran all the numbers and hopefully we can kick some butt this week on our walks/runs. I added all the numbers from the 4 members from each team, and if they stay true to last week (even if everyone improves a little) it would still be the same four teams that win immunity. That means we need to try to improve a lot so we can shake things up in the top four!! We don't want to lose another one, right? I'll do my best to shave as much time off my run as I can, so hopefully I'll be able to help out a little bit. Like Ivymarie, I'm a little worried about my weigh-in since I pulled a great number last week.

    No matter what happens, I know we will all do our best and keep up the great work!!! GO YELLOW!!! :)
  • Ivymarie75
    Ivymarie75 Posts: 80 Member
    Well, guys - I just ran all the numbers and hopefully we can kick some butt this week on our walks/runs. I added all the numbers from the 4 members from each team, and if they stay true to last week (even if everyone improves a little) it would still be the same four teams that win immunity. That means we need to try to improve a lot so we can shake things up in the top four!! We don't want to lose another one, right? I'll do my best to shave as much time off my run as I can, so hopefully I'll be able to help out a little bit. Like Ivymarie, I'm a little worried about my weigh-in since I pulled a great number last week.

    No matter what happens, I know we will all do our best and keep up the great work!!! GO YELLOW!!! :)

    Do you know how much off we are from the teams with immunity?
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Do you know how much off we are from the teams with immunity?

    Well, running the times of the 4 participating players on each team, here are the totals based on last week:

    Green: 46:59
    Blue: 48:01
    Pink: 50:41
    Purple: 51:24
    Black: 55:10
    Yellow: 58:45
    Orange: 59:38
    Red: unknown (one of their 4 this week didn't run last week - but the 3 that did run all had great numbers last week)

    I was kind of hoping that enough teams left off their best runners that we would move up a bit, but even with the 4 that everybody has, we are a few minutes back of most of the teams. Based on these numbers (assuming everyone either stays the same or improves) we will have to improve by more than 7 minutes as a team in order to catch up to the top four teams. It's a pretty big challenge, but we'll just have to do what we can. :)

    Try not to get discourgaged, you guys - we will all just have to do our best and have a great week, right?? :)
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    Just more motivation for us to get out there and kick this challenge in the tush! I'm going to try to cut at least 2 minutes off my time. The rain messed up my plans for today's walk/run. I need a treadmill or a gym membership....
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    How about a quick intro for each of us so we can get to know each other a little better?

    I'm Stacey, mom to 3 kids--a 5 yr old son, a 3 yr old daugther, and a 1 yr old daughter. I just turned 30 this month. As a few of you know, my husband deployed last week. He's supposed to be gone for 13 months, and the last two times he deployed, I gained quite a bit of weight. I can't do that this time. I'm a stay at home mom, so I really have no excuse not to eat healthy and workout since I'm home so much. Yes, my kids keep me busy, but I need to be active for them.

    I'm really looking forward to the next few months and pushing myself to do the best I can for myself and for our team. Go Yellow!
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    How about a quick intro for each of us so we can get to know each other a little better?

    Ok, my intro...

    I'm Chris, 37, from Arizona. I have no human children, but I've got three little furry monsters that drive me crazy even though I love them to death. I'm pretty outdoorsy and active normally, but kind of let it slip a bit over the past few years so I'm trying to get back to where I need to be. I've got several goals I want to achieve over the next year or so, so I've got to get in working shape to be able to hit them. I want to climb a fourteener in Colorado next summer (a mountain that is over 14,000 feet); I want to take a backpacking trip through Yosemite next summer as well; and I'd like to eventually run a marathon, though I don't have a specific date in mind for that.

    Other than that, nothing too interesting going on here. I'm super excited to be part of our team and hopefully we can make it through to the end. Good luck to you all, and I hope we're all working hard this week. Go Team Yellow!!!
  • Ivymarie75
    Ivymarie75 Posts: 80 Member
    How about a quick intro for each of us so we can get to know each other a little better?

    I'm Ivy, 36, from cali. I have 3 kids...17, 16 & 3. I love taking care of my family & other people. With that said, I always put myself on the back burner! :( I've watched my self get heavier & heavier, starting a diet or exercise plan & than stopping because someone else needed that time.

    With MFP, i love it. It's fast & simple & I can still lose weight if I can't squeeze time in to exercise. What I love the most, is that I am a super competitive person & I swear it was the greatest thing on earth was when I found the challenges that people post. For whatever reason, I do great when I am challenged & HELD ACCOUNTABLE! :)

    So, since I am part responsible for us winning or losing TBL, I promise to do whatever I can to help get our team along. :)
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    It's very nice to meet you, Stacey and Ivy. How is everyone doing with your running and weight loss goals this week?

    I have some good news on my run - I was able to knock 1:07 off my time from last week. YAY!!!!! I went from 13:04 to 11:57. I can't believe I made it under 12. I did a full on sprint the last 1/10 of a mile and was able to pull it off. I don't know if it will be enough to help us out too much, but believe me when I say I pushed myself as far as I could for our team! :) I'm really not sure I can beat that time , but I'll give it another go tomorrow just because I never like to give up and I'm super competitive!!!

    Hope you are all doing great. Keep up the good work!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    Hey Team Yellow! I hope everyone turned in their mile time and weigh in.

    I managed to knock 1.5 minutes off my mile. My foot is feeling better thanks to new shoes, so I could add more jogging in with the walking. Still not as good of a time as I wanted, but I'm getting here. Hopefully we'll be safe this week. I can hardly wait to read the episode from today.

    I was really disheartened to read that people aren't being honest. I'll be so upset if one of us goes home b/c of someone else's lie. I lost 1.6 for the week. Not as much as the last few weeks, but I was honest about it.
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Hi guys, I hope everyone turned in their times as well! I don't want to lose another one (or more!) of us this week.

    Great job, Stacey - that's a big improvement in your mile time!! I ended up knocking a total of 1:13 off of mine to bring it down to 11:51 overall. (Oh my gosh, I hope nobody thinks I am lying about my time since I improved so much!!! I hope not because it still doesn't even come close to all those people with 8 and 9 minute times.) I'm very, very proud of that time, and spent the next day in an asthmatic stupor after pushing so hard. :) My weight loss this week, however, was not very good at all. :( I had a great number last week and expected this week to not be so wonderful and it wasn't. Only 1.2 pounds. That might send me home, but at least I can say that I know I did my best. And if I DO end up getting eliminated - I want you all to know that I will still be cheering you all on and working alongside you even if I'm out of the competition.

    I hope you are all working hard and doing your very best. Good luck to us all this afternoon!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    I hope no one thinks I lied either, since I dropped so much time off. Well, a lot for me anyways. All I needed was new, more supportive shoes to help with my foot. It's tender after the walk/runs this week, but it is so much better than it was before. I don't feel like I'm going to pass out when I stand up first thing in the morning. LOL! I'm so anxious waiting for the blog to post...