How to Lose inches from thighs?



  • Hey, I have the same probel and so have researched it in depth.
    Cut out white carbohydrate foods, like white bread, pasta and potatoes, only eat wholemeal/brown bread, pasta and sweet potatoes. These, apparently, go straight to the thighs.
    Also do hindu squats, search on youtube. they work the entire leg and work the quads a little extra.
    Cardio fitness, on a treadmill at a 15-20% gradient, incline training, will also tone the inner thighs and bum. Do this in different bursts. Work at high intensity for 1-3 minutes, then low intensity for 2-5 minutes, this helps you increase your heart rate faster and burn of that fat and tone up.
    To get a gap, do single leg lifts and double leg lifts, this work the whole thigh and bum area.
  • ah I have the SAME EXACT problem! :(

  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    I have always gained most of my weight in my lower body - had a big butt and huge thighs. When I began my weight loss program, ALL I did was cardio. Then once I lost most of what I wanted to lose, I incorporated weight training in with my workouts. I now do weight training at high reps, basically circuit training, keeping my heart rate high, every other day in between my cardio days. I only have one hour a day to work out due to my schedule so I have to really give it my best effort. I don't know if you can tell from my picture or not, but I have gone down from a size 8/10 in jeans to a 2/4. So, I may not know all the technical words like some of these people are posting, but I can speak from experience. Feel free to add me as a friend and I will help you as much as I can based on my own experience. Best wishes.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I agree with the concept that you can't spot reduce, but there are things you can do that will help you burn fat more than others....

    if you want to burn fat...instead of simply burning calories...and if you want to tighten up your legs and your buttocks, then start doing sprint intervals 3x per week (if you love the elliptical, you can do that in between your sprint days 2x per week...but it isn't necessary).

    here are some different sprint intervals that I do:

    1. all out sprint 10-20 seconds, walk back, rest until your HR drops below 130. repeat for 6-12 intervals. the key is going all out during the sprint, so you need enough rest in between to be able to go max effort each sprint.

    2. all out sprint 10-20 seconds, immediately do a bodyweight exercise, rest until your HR drops below 130, repeat for 6-12 intervals with different bodyweight exercises. again, max effort on each sprint.

    3. jog for a minutes, sprint for 10-15 seconds, repeat for 8-20 intervals.

    4. (something I tried for the first time this past Saturday) a shuttle sprint (a/k/a suicide drill) followed by 4 bodyweight exercises. rest. repeat and do 3-4 more intervals with different bodyweight exercises.

    if you go all out on the sprints, you will burn visceral fat (the fat you want to burn) and because of something called EPOC, you will continue burning for 24-48 hours after the exercise period.
  • I also have the same struggle. However, the only way to lose fat deposits in your thighs, stomach, etc. is overall weight loss. intense, high energy and shorter cardio workouts 20-30 minutes with your heart rate at 145-150 (depending upon your age) and strength training to tone will help you lose inches, but the truth is there is no way to spot reduce.

    Before I had my son, I was finding great results from the Tracy Anderson DVD's. Keep up with the exercise and try workouts like Tracy Anderson, Pilates and yoga, to help tone and strengthen while elongating your muscles. Also make sure you are drinking enough water and avoid sodium rich foods.

    The only way to take fat just off your thighs is lipo.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Sorry, folks, but there isn't any way to spot-reduce fat. The first place you put on fat is going to be the last place it comes off. All you can do is keep concentrating on fat loss (not just weight loss) and your thighs will get smaller. Combine strength-training exercises with your cardio to help shape your muscles so that when the fat comes off, your legs will look lean and fantastic.

    Good luck!

    Pretty much this. Unfortunately I am really close to my goal weight, am pretty lean in my upper body and still have fat thighs.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Sorry, folks, but there isn't any way to spot-reduce fat. The first place you put on fat is going to be the last place it comes off. All you can do is keep concentrating on fat loss (not just weight loss) and your thighs will get smaller. Combine strength-training exercises with your cardio to help shape your muscles so that when the fat comes off, your legs will look lean and fantastic.

    Good luck!

    Pretty much this. Unfortunately I am really close to my goal weight, am pretty lean in my upper body and still have fat thighs.

    try doing sprint intervals (see my post a few above this one for more specifics).
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    I agree with the concept that you can't spot reduce, but there are things you can do that will help you burn fat more than others....

    if you want to burn fat...instead of simply burning calories...and if you want to tighten up your legs and your buttocks, then start doing sprint intervals 3x per week (if you love the elliptical, you can do that in between your sprint days 2x per week...but it isn't necessary).

    here are some different sprint intervals that I do:

    1. all out sprint 10-20 seconds, walk back, rest until your HR drops below 130. repeat for 6-12 intervals. the key is going all out during the sprint, so you need enough rest in between to be able to go max effort each sprint.

    2. all out sprint 10-20 seconds, immediately do a bodyweight exercise, rest until your HR drops below 130, repeat for 6-12 intervals with different bodyweight exercises. again, max effort on each sprint.

    3. jog for a minutes, sprint for 10-15 seconds, repeat for 8-20 intervals.

    4. (something I tried for the first time this past Saturday) a shuttle sprint (a/k/a suicide drill) followed by 4 bodyweight exercises. rest. repeat and do 3-4 more intervals with different bodyweight exercises.

    if you go all out on the sprints, you will burn visceral fat (the fat you want to burn) and because of something called EPOC, you will continue burning for 24-48 hours after the exercise period.

    I whole-heartedly agree with this! Number 4 is exactly what I do and is my holy grail. I have always carried the majority of my body fat in my hips and thighs. I used to lift weights a lot and could get pretty ripped and solid up top but nothing in the lower half. I started doing a sort of HIIT/Circuit routine 3 days a week and did the C25K program 3 days a week. I started seeing changes pretty quickly. As soon as I added the suicides plus 4 body weight exercises as one of my weekly circuits (I usually do 4-5 intervals), I saw very dramatic results in just a couple of weeks. It also helped tremendously with my C25K.

    I will admit they are still rough. The first time I wanted to throw up while doing them but I stuck it out, as slow as I was. Improvements in my stamina happened pretty quickly. Don't do the more than once a week though.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    If you end up with thunder He-man thighs from too much exercising, then exercise less. I'm sure that won't develop over night (if at all) so you'll have plenty of time to correct your routine.

    I agree! It's like so many women are afraid they're going to do one set of heavy squats and immediately 'bulk up' like a balloon. If you do it and get to a point where you feel you look 'bulky' (unlikely, but it could happen) then just cut back.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Sorry, folks, but there isn't any way to spot-reduce fat. The first place you put on fat is going to be the last place it comes off. All you can do is keep concentrating on fat loss (not just weight loss) and your thighs will get smaller.


    I am 2 pounds from goal and my thighs were the last place I lost inches.
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