Weight loss metrics

kajaet Posts: 12 Member
Do you think it is a bad idea to embark on a plan of loss without stepping on scales or using tape measures at any point? I’ve more recently morphed into eating healthier and probably have lost some weight. But I have no reference point and don’t really want to step on a scale now for fear of discouragement. It’s fine for short term but longer term, do you think you need metrics to keep a goal in front of you? I mean I don’t have a weight goal I’m trying to hit so I wonder if I will eventually lose focus.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,663 Member
    I think usefulness of particular metrics is individual.

    For example, I'm pretty unemotional about any single data point, care about trends, understand statistics. I've weighed myself daily for years and noted the result, even when not trying to manage my weight. It's just data, NBD. It has no effect on my sense of self worth.

    People who are stressed by weight fluctuations, can be motivated/demotivated by them, probably shouldn't do likewise.

    In your case, I wonder whether in the long run, after some meaningful loss (size change), you might wish to know something close to your starting weight, i.e. now. If you don't want to know now, is there a trusted person you could ask to look at the scale and note your current weight, only tell you at some future time?

    Even that seems optional. It's all about what helps you reach your personal goals, IMO.

    Things like scale weight, tape measurements, photos, or clothes fit are just options.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,232 Member
    My reason for having measurements was (is) to make sure I'm on track.

    Eating healthier is great for... health, but you can still gain or maintain your weight while eating healthy. Especially if you're not tracking your food intake, but even if you are tracking your intake, you may or may not be statistically average (so your body may need less calories or more calories than average.

    Also, aside from the risk of not preaching, there could also be the risk of losing too fast, which could pose health risks.

    I wouldn't say you have to weigh or measure yourself, but I personally can't imagine NOT measuring. I don't want to fly blind, I want to check periodically whether or not I'm actually still heading in the right direction.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Yes, I absolutely need metrics to help me focus on my goal. I can brainwash myself that I'm doing well when I am actually completely off course. I don't really care what the scale says, I'm going for a certain look. Progress photos are best for this (even though I do weigh daily and log it).
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,645 Member
    Do you need to? Well no because clothing and pictures can tell you alot. Obviously if your clothes get looser, then you're likely losing. But IMO metrics are good so that you have an idea of where you currently stand. But it's not entirely necessary.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • kajaet
    kajaet Posts: 12 Member
    My worry is that I'll step on the scale and see that I have such a long road in front of me that it will seem a lost cause. I will eventually grow a pair and check but I'm just using fit and feel right now. I do log my food and know that my intake will result in weight loss for now.