Prenatal Vitamins

I was wondering if it was ok to take prenatal vitamins when your not pregnant. I hear it's really good for your hair and nails, and it has to have really good vitamins if it is supposed to help you and a baby. Does anyone know?


  • rrrbecca11
    I used to take them all the time. Not sure why I stopped, actually...
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I was wondering if it was ok to take prenatal vitamins when your not pregnant. I hear it's really good for your hair and nails, and it has to have really good vitamins if it is supposed to help you and a baby. Does anyone know?
    Yes it's fine. Yes it makes them grow (not boobies, hair/nails)
  • trixylewis
    trixylewis Posts: 197 Member
    yes, its fine, i take them and my sisters an ob
  • gash200
    Yes it is ok to take them when you are not pregnant. My friend had a doctor tell her that any woman in their child bearring years should be taking them.
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    You're encouraged to talk prenatal vitamins if you're trying to have a baby . . . don't see what it could hurt.
  • craftydeb
    craftydeb Posts: 77 Member
    If you look at the bottle and the actually ingredients in PreNatals, you can get the very same things in regular vitamins without the extra cost of the name "prenatal" and it works the same.....
    They actually have vitamins specifically for hair, skin & nails for non-pregnant people. Prenatal vitamins are like a double dose for you & the baby :)
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I was wondering if it was ok to take prenatal vitamins when your not pregnant. I hear it's really good for your hair and nails, and it has to have really good vitamins if it is supposed to help you and a baby. Does anyone know?

    I take Concept B prenatals. I took them when I was trying to conceive, during my pregnancy and now it's 16 months after delivery I'm still taking them. Granted I am still breastfeeding. They are pretty spendy, but I don't have any complaints besides that. My family physician said that a prenatal is a prenatal and buying the wal-mart brand is a better bang for your buck. They have more iron and folic acid among other vitamins targeted at a woman's needs. I'm sure after I'm done nursing I'll still stick to prenatals since my body handles them well.
  • alapoint89
    i do that all the time well when i can remember lol
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I take them and I'm not now nor have I ever been pregnant.
  • JJeMitchell
    JJeMitchell Posts: 160 Member
    You could take an omega-3 supplement for stronger nails/hair...

    but yes, as others have said, any woman can take prenatal vitamins...there is a higher does of folic acid and usually more iron...however: Women's One-A-Day is a great complete vitamin.

    You could take a Women's Multi-Vitamin with an Omega-3 (DHA) supplement

    Target has a lot of great options with prenatal vitamins that aren't too expensive!

    I still take my prenatal...I've been on them for almost 3 years now: 6 months before pregnancy, 9 months while pregnant, 15 months after while breastfeeding, and now I'm still taking them and TTC #2!