Hi, im new!

mandi_2007_b Posts: 30
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, im Mandi. Im 29 from Ohio- 5'8, a wife of 11yrs and a mom ro a 10 1/2yr old boy. I struggled wirh my weight since 8th grade, when I was about to turn 16 (like 2 weeks) I wentbon my first date and was raped. I wanted to chage!! I went on Aktins and in one month I lost 40lbs and weighed 122lbs. I dated again and had a bad relationship for a year, but then I met my now hub. Hes 5'8 amn 140lbs and looks same as in high school! Well I got preg my senior yr and we married, I gained alot and after havin our son I kept gettin big, I at one point weighed, 308lbs! I now weigh 273. My dad has heart issues, bone issues and is diabetic, I dont wanna be like him! Hes an awsome dad btw . Im jist so tired of being bigger then my hub, he doesnt deserve it and neither do I. So I hope and pray to get friends on here to help support me, cuz here at home im alone, my sons in school and my hub sleeps all day n works all night. So pls help support me and Ill do the same, we all need it!


  • good luck, wish u the best. loosing weight is the hardest
  • Hi, you have been through so much and are still trying. Don't give up. One step at a time. Please friend me if you would like to and we can drop together. :)
  • Hi Mandi, Yopu can add me as a friend!! You can do this once and for all!!!! It's all the power of your mind over matter!!! lol but u can do it!!! ttys Geri
  • i totally understand how a traumatic experience can affect your weight...for me it was opposite, but in an anorexic in a bad way....counseling does help and it is never to late to start, also a strong support group of either friends, family, or strangers, it is imperative to have to overcome such turmoil these events cause...good luck with your goals!
  • Hi, my name is Keshay from Alabama. I wish you the best. I just started exercising 2 weeks ago, and I have already lost 8 pounds. I am excited to see what I will look like in about 5 months. Be encouraged.
  • AlynLeigh
    AlynLeigh Posts: 39 Member
    I am right there with ya girl. I'm new here too. I don’t have as much background (no kids yet) but I went from being a star athlete in High School to the college scene and then a desk job. I am 28, 5'8" and at my highest was 380lbs.... 2 weeks ago. I am at 269.6 right now. I have a super healthy dad and step mom and a carb conscious mom (but still slightly heavy) as a genetic blue print to work from. I have never really dieted though. I have always just done whatever I wanted to do and what I wanted to do most was eat good food. My husband likes bigger women so it has always worked out for me in that aspect. Well, now we have started talked about having kids but I know I cant do that weighing as much as I do, too many risks for both me and the baby. So now (Finally!!) my priorities have switched.

    So all of that to say, I have your back if you’ve got mine. ^_^
    I am not on a "Diet" plan but I have been eating better foods and less of it (portion control) and making smart choices if we eat out (most menus have a healthier section I can choose from). AND I am starting to "workout" again. I use the quotes because right now I am physically only able to walk and only for about 30 min right now, but hey, gotta start somewhere right?

    Wish you the best of luck and success!!
    Keep your fingers crossed for me.
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