WLS Patients

How wls patients are out there on this site? I'm almost 9 years post op from a rny. I have had nothing but complications the entire time. I am currently trying to lose the rest of the weight that I regained due to steroids. I have about 30 more pounds to lose to get to my goal weight.

So where is everyone else in their journey and how is it going so far?

Stephanie E


  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    What's WLS? RNY? Sorry to ask, I just don't know.
  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi! I had my surgery 3/24/09 - my husband and i had lapband surgeries. well i lost about 55 lbs over a year's time then i got pregnant! i had my babygirl 12/13/10, i gained about 15 to 20 lbs over the pregnancy. i lost it all plus 5 lbs while nursing--- BEST DIET I'VE EVER BEEN ON!! haha. i would have bags of powdered donuts in a week and still lose weight!

    well now that i'm not nursing - i gained 14 lbs - i was up to 195 - then i started to get re-dedicated. i'm now 185 over about 5=6 weeks. i haven't gotten a fill in my lapband since 9/09 - and i still feel some restriction. i want to lose about 30 more lbs.
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    Never mind. I googled it. RNY is the most common type of gastric bypass surgery and WLS is weight-loss surgery, right?
  • I believe it is the most common.
  • GoyaChula congrats on your success and your new baby! What have you been doing lately to help you get the weight off?
  • ansley1
    ansley1 Posts: 23
    i had my lapband surgery 3 years ago. i lost 70 but gained 10 (so down only 60). i have 70 more to go. i stalled for about a year b/c i stopped exercising and stopped weighing my food.

    add me if you want to :)
  • Hi Ansley! So what are you doing to help you get the rest of the weight off?
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  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    RNY in 94. Went from 213 to maintaining 130-140 for 10 years. After I got pregnant and gained weight (ok, my son is 7 so it took awhile! :blushing:), I ended up going to www.livingafterwls.com to find out what the "rules" are in regards to how we should eat. Came here to track what I was eating. Fell in love with MFP and stayed. I'm now back down 20 lbs and think I can get back to where I was with a little work and dedication.

    It's only a tool (just like MFP). You have to use the tool properly for it to work (I had forgotten that part!)
  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    July 10, 2003 RNY, lost sixty pounds, not the 100 I was hoping for, over the past 8 years I have gained 40 lbs back, maybe 5 a year...it adds up, so here I am menopause did not help things.....
  • Congrats on all your hard work and success!
  • AZDee,
    You've done it once and you can do it again! Just start logging your food and exercise and you'd be surprised at how it will come off again. Your tool will still work. Let's do it together.

    Stephanie E
  • ansley1
    ansley1 Posts: 23
    i started reweighing my foods again (i should only eat 4 oz). and im exercising 2 hrs a day six days a wk now
  • I knew I had a stressful week, but was heart broken when I weighed in this morning! It read 201.2. I haven't been back over 200 for over a year. I'm so depressed! I guess I will just have to really watch things this week. It's funny how when I start logging in food I actually gain more.

    Stephanie E
  • bump for later