Something is wrong, I need to know if this happens to other

I started my weight loss a couple weeks ago and all of a sudden I'm sweating profusely while simply sitting down. After an hour of sitting in an air conditioned class I had sweat through 2 layers of clothing in my armpits, to past my bra and I'm thoroughly embarassed. I sweat like I'm at the gym but I'm just sitting down! All this sweat makes me want more and more water or my head hurts very bad so I drink more and I sweat more. In a meeting with my group I was sitting and I soaked through my skirt onto a cushioned seat and when I shook everyone's hands, my hands were practically dripping.

Something is wrong. Please help! Has anyone experienced anything of the like during their weight loss experience?

Ps Im 18, 5'8", and 210 pounds.


  • agwilker
    agwilker Posts: 104 Member
    Not heard of anything like this nor has it happened to me. You should probably go to the doctor anyways to get checked out.
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    Go to the doctor! That doesn't sound good!
  • Have you had your thyroid hormone levels checked?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    go get it checked by the doctor
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    This is definitely not normal - go to your doctor!
  • Excessive thirst and sweating can be signs of diabetes. Regardless I would recommend seeing a doctor.
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    I'd go to the doctor. Could be a lot of things, edocrine problem, etc.
  • I was going to suggest getting your thyroid checked as well. My girlfriend is like that was just found out to have a thyroid problem. Good luck!!!
  • Sounds like hyperthyroidism. Would definitely get that checked asap.
  • mashamoshpit
    mashamoshpit Posts: 11 Member
    My cousin has raised that question as well. I did bloodwork in May or so and I think the results came back normal, but seeing as though this is a recent change, things could be different now. I find myself drinking water all the time and it just all seems wrong. I think I also have a metabolism problem and have had carpal tunnel (listed as some of the symptoms for thyroid problems)... You guys are right, I do need to see a doctor. :(
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    I agree. See a doctor. The fact that it came on suddenly makes my think you have some kind of bug starting up.
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Ok try not to panic yourself, just make an appointment as soon as you can and the rest will follow. Dont worry the doc will help you, stay strong and dont beat yourself up or be embarrassed its not your fault xx
  • I get that everytime I start a new diet cycle. I have been told that it is my body using my extra fat as fuel because I cut back on calories and work out. Apparently that is just what happens when I burn fat. I usually starts to go away after a couple weeks and my body becomes more effective at using it's new fuel source. Hope that helps you :)
  • tbudge
    tbudge Posts: 114
    Excessive thirst and sweating can be signs of diabetes. Regardless I would recommend seeing a doctor.

    I agree, this sounds like diabetes...go to your Doctor asap!!!
  • You need to go to the doctor sweetie. That sounds odd. I sweat all the time, which doesn't take much for me to do. Your craving water is worrisome. If you can you need to see a doctor asap. Have you had any caffeine lately? Or has it been a while since you had some?
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    It sounds seriously impacting your life, so I 100% agree, go to the doctor.

    However, when I first started working out (and still now if I worked out really hard) I tend to sweat for quite a lot of time following the workout, well after my heart rate goes back to normal. I wouldnt worry too much before hearing what a doctor has to say, no point in worrying, especially if sweat is the only change in your body.
  • Nixon would certainly sympathize.

    On a serious note I agree with the masses and recommend a doctors appointment.
  • mashamoshpit
    mashamoshpit Posts: 11 Member
    I've been avoiding caffeine like the plague. I never respond well to caffeine (the smallest amount makes me shaky and uncomfortable.) I don't drink alcohol and do sweat significantly for hours after a workout, but it seems almost worse when I'm just sitting there. I've always been the rather sweaty girl, since puberty, but recently it just seems to have doubled.
  • mashamoshpit
    mashamoshpit Posts: 11 Member
    I'm sweating just as I'm writing this. It's 90 degrees outside but I'm in my house where it's cool and I'm not moving.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I didn't read through all the responses, so I'm not sure if this was previously mentioned. My ex husband had over active sweat glands and was able to take a pill prescribed by the dermatologist to help dry him up. He had to be very aware of his water intake though to make sure he wouldn't dehydrate and it was also dried up his eyes (so he couldn't wear contacts).