Flat Tummy after C-Section?



  • Trishintraining
    I hate that pouch!!! I do crunches until I'm blue in the face... it's slowly going away. I have this little... drop off? Right above my c-section scar, but it's way less noticeable now than it was 20 pounds ago, so keep at it!!
  • ehensarling17
    ehensarling17 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm sure for most here, it wasn't a choice.

    This!! It wasn't a choice for me. It's not like those of us who had C-sections didn't try either...
  • amberleemoore
    amberleemoore Posts: 123 Member
    I have had two c-sections and hope I can loose that little pouch!! Good to know I can at least shrink it!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Wow!!! Doesn't anyone believe in giving birth naturally anymore?? Seems to be a whole lot of C Sections up in here!!

    Are you serious? Women don't get to opt for a c-section unless they have already had an emergency c-section. We are not all Victoria Beckham. Believe me when I say that natural childbirth is much cheaper and better cosmetically so most women do not opt for this.

    Just to tell my story, I had two c-sections. My oldest was breach and the second time I opted for it because the risks were less than a VBAC. Never really tried to get thin after the first one because the doc had me on psycho drugs that caused me to gain. But now, I live prescription-free and I'm hoping that one day I'll be able to see how ugly that scar really is.
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    I Am a 5 time c-section mommy! That's right I had all 5 of my children C-Section! My first was only 21 weeks when I went sever Pre-E and Had to have a Section Unfortunately They did a Transverse on me which means my Uterus was cut up and down making it where I could never ever have a V-Back doctors wouldn't let me and believe me I went to like 100 trying to find one that would let me! As for the pooch Dr's dont give much hope on it but my step sister had 1 section and 3 other after that and lost all of hers for the most part she has just the tiniest pooch and its not really noticeable unless you are right there at it looking at it lol
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I Am a 5 time c-section mommy! That's right I had all 5 of my children C-Section! My first was only 21 weeks when I went sever Pre-E and Had to have a Section Unfortunately They did a Transverse on me which means my Uterus was cut up and down making it where I could never ever have a V-Back doctors wouldn't let me and believe me I went to like 100 trying to find one that would let me! As for the pooch Dr's dont give much hope on it but my step sister had 1 section and 3 other after that and lost all of hers for the most part she has just the tiniest pooch and its not really noticeable unless you are right there at it looking at it lol

    HOLY COW!!! I didn't think they still did that kind of C-section. And you did it 5 times!!! You must have a uterus like steel. My grandmother had two transverse and the last one she had split open and all her guts fell out!! Or at least that is how she tells the story. Anyway, what on earth would have led to them giving you a transverse C??
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Wow!!! Doesn't anyone believe in giving birth naturally anymore?? Seems to be a whole lot of C Sections up in here!!

    Are you serious? Women don't get to opt for a c-section unless they have already had an emergency c-section. We are not all Victoria Beckham. Believe me when I say that natural childbirth is much cheaper and better cosmetically so most women do not opt for this.

    Just to tell my story, I had two c-sections. My oldest was breach and the second time I opted for it because the risks were less than a VBAC. Never really tried to get thin after the first one because the doc had me on psycho drugs that caused me to gain. But now, I live prescription-free and I'm hoping that one day I'll be able to see how ugly that scar really is.
    It's definitely not a choice. 14+ hours into labor, water already broken, only 5 cm dilated and the baby's heart rate is showing distress. Into the operating room you go!

    Who would choose major surgery with 6 weeks of recovery, the need for pain meds and a lovely scar to go with it? Not I, that's for sure!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    As one of my t-shirts says "Scars are like tattoos, only with better stories".

    LOVE IT! :laugh:
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Didn't choose to have c-sections... in fact, I refused to read up on them because I thought I wouldn't have to worry about it. Had my twins at 25 weeks, 9 CM dialated after they tried everything to stop the labor and they said, "We have to go NOW!" Epidural went in and I went into surgery.

    Second delivery 16 months later at 37 weeks was also c-section because of the way my 1st was done... if I would have gone into labor at all, they told me my uterus could rupture and kill the baby and I both. With that knowledge, I'd never try for a VBAC.

    Hate the pouch. Always had it, now it's MUCH worse. However it's getting smaller little by little. Started doing the 30 DS and that really seems to be helping!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Didn't choose to have c-sections... in fact, I refused to read up on them because I thought I wouldn't have to worry about it. Had my twins at 25 weeks, 9 CM dialated after they tried everything to stop the labor and they said, "We have to go NOW!" Epidural went in and I went into surgery.

    Second delivery 16 months later at 37 weeks was also c-section because of the way my 1st was done... if I would have gone into labor at all, they told me my uterus could rupture and kill the baby and I both. With that knowledge, I'd never try for a VBAC.

    Hate the pouch. Always had it, now it's MUCH worse. However it's getting smaller little by little. Started doing the 30 DS and that really seems to be helping!
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    Wow!!! Doesn't anyone believe in giving birth naturally anymore?? Seems to be a whole lot of C Sections up in here!!

    Are you serious? Women don't get to opt for a c-section unless they have already had an emergency c-section. We are not all Victoria Beckham. Believe me when I say that natural childbirth is much cheaper and better cosmetically so most women do not opt for this.

    Just to tell my story, I had two c-sections. My oldest was breach and the second time I opted for it because the risks were less than a VBAC. Never really tried to get thin after the first one because the doc had me on psycho drugs that caused me to gain. But now, I live prescription-free and I'm hoping that one day I'll be able to see how ugly that scar really is.
    It's definitely not a choice. 14+ hours into labor, water already broken, only 5 cm dilated and the baby's heart rate is showing distress. Into the operating room you go!

    Who would choose major surgery with 6 weeks of recovery, the need for pain meds and a lovely scar to go with it? Not I, that's for sure!

    LOL RIGHT! my first labor was 2 weeks overdue and I was in active labor for 72 hours that ended in an emergency c-sec!
  • nadiaez
    nadiaez Posts: 132 Member
    Wow!!! Doesn't anyone believe in giving birth naturally anymore?? Seems to be a whole lot of C Sections up in here!!

    Well when you push and your son loses his heartbeat they call for an emergency c-section...and when your child is big they have to extend the incision making it impossible to give birth naturally with out having internal bleeding... Hence the 3 c-secs...I'm sure MOST of us tried but not everything can go as planned...

    I completely agree, I was in labour for 40 hours and was devastated when I was finally fully dilated and told I would need an emergency c-section as my daughter was distressed.....but at the end of the day her being ok was the only thing I was concerned about...
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    No C-sections here, but 2 surgeries. Most recently a hysterectomy (July 14th this year). So I totally understand the pouch. I've lost 14.5 lbs since my surgery and it seems to be going down but from what the doctor tells me, it will never go away fully. I have read other posts that say if you lose gradually, it will go down. Just not keen on the overhang. As far as numbness, I do have areas that are still numb from my first surgery which was 19 years ago. I call my scars my "war wounds". Lol.
  • jenb100
    jenb100 Posts: 1 Member
    Choose to have a c-section, really??? After 35 hours of active labor with my water being broken and then pushing for 3 hours and still being unable to get my son out I HAD to have the c-section. I did everything I could to avoid the c-section but ended up needing to have it. With my second child my I had a repeat c-section for the safety of myself and my child.

    I too have the "hangover" and would love to get rid of it!!
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Does anyone else have complete numbness all around? After 3 c-sections (and 4 other abdominal surgeries) I have about a 4x4 section of numbness...

    Not sure it's a numbness.... But I have periods of horrible itchyness and its a deep, internal itch that I can't satisfy. I was talking to a coworker one day and not sure how this came up, but it did (!!!!) and she said her daughter has that too and thought it was nerve damage and it just flares up here and there and it's so strange b/c you can't satisy that "itchyness" feeling you have along that scar. Maybe it is a type of numbness, definately some nerve damage??
  • ryanfeltz
    just to add, even if it never completely goes away, when you are thin and in a bikini, it still won't show. It will just be you who knows about it. You can hide it.

    Does anyone else have complete numbness all around? After 3 c-sections (and 4 other abdominal surgeries) I have about a 4x4 section of numbness...

    1 c-section, and yes, the area around the scar is numb (about 1/2 inch around it). But still itches. If that makes sense.

    I had 2 csections after 2 9+ lb babies ( i am 5' 3 BTW) so huge for a lady of my size...... the youngest is 3 and the area is still numb but sensitive if like the undies sit right on it... doesnt make a lot of sense... but still itches.

    l am planning to get a tuck done because my muscles were destroyed and ripped up by both of them.... my OB advised it if i wanted the pooch to go away ( I love her so dont hate) and because I want it.... that will be my reward for GW
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Wow!!! Doesn't anyone believe in giving birth naturally anymore?? Seems to be a whole lot of C Sections up in here!!

    Are you serious? Women don't get to opt for a c-section unless they have already had an emergency c-section. We are not all Victoria Beckham. Believe me when I say that natural childbirth is much cheaper and better cosmetically so most women do not opt for this.

    Just to tell my story, I had two c-sections. My oldest was breach and the second time I opted for it because the risks were less than a VBAC. Never really tried to get thin after the first one because the doc had me on psycho drugs that caused me to gain. But now, I live prescription-free and I'm hoping that one day I'll be able to see how ugly that scar really is.
    It's definitely not a choice. 14+ hours into labor, water already broken, only 5 cm dilated and the baby's heart rate is showing distress. Into the operating room you go!

    Who would choose major surgery with 6 weeks of recovery, the need for pain meds and a lovely scar to go with it? Not I, that's for sure!

    LOL RIGHT! my first labor was 2 weeks overdue and I was in active labor for 72 hours that ended in an emergency c-sec!

    With my last child (#3) five years ago, and a 16-year gap inbetween the child before, I had a sono done one week and he was breach. The next week, he was in place for a vaginal delivery. The next week, I got sent to the hospital due to high blood pressure and the dr. wanted to induce. They did a last minute sono just to double check baby's position and he was breach again so I had a c-sec. Then I was on 24-hr bed rest immediately following. I thought I'd never be able to stand up or walk again. It was horrible. I can't imagine many women choosing to have a c-seciton, although I do believe some women and doctors "plan" it for scheduling, or some women just fear the whole vaginal delivery process. If I had a c-section with my first child, I probably would have never of had kids again. I thought it was the most painful recovery experience I ever went through and I think it's because I had to remain in bed for a full 24 hours following.
  • SnarkyMam0610
    SnarkyMam0610 Posts: 39 Member
    Does anyone else have complete numbness all around? After 3 c-sections (and 4 other abdominal surgeries) I have about a 4x4 section of numbness...

    I had numbness that was really bad after my first c-section. I didn't regain feeling until I was almost ready to deliver my second child 3 yrs later. Now I don't have nearly the amount of numbness that I had the first time. It comes and goes.