Half Marathon training support group?



  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Gals and guys, sorry I haven't been participating much.

    I have to confess the 10k really took it out of me and I'm convinced I'm not ready for the half marathon yet. I've been in similar situations before and forcing myself through a race has made me hate running, hurt myself or make myself ill, and give it up for months. I don't want that to happen.

    I'm also still too slow to be in the main pack and being right at the back for long races time and time again is a very lonely, miserable experience.

    I think I'm going to pull out of the race and go back to running being a fun part of my favoured training routine. I plan to keep up a respectable distance over winter and work on my speed when the weather drives me indoor.

    Good luck with all your race plans!
  • Katapple...Nice pics!
    I couldn't find a running buddy to train with so I've been running alone from the beginning. I guess I'm used to it now because I kind of like it. It's the one time during the day that I have to myself. I don't listen to music either so it's just me and my thoughts :smile:

    Ip0007 and rcvinluan...welcome! I've enjoyed using Hal Higdon's program.

    Kimert...I'm also trying to decide what next week (week before my race) looks like. I think my schedule has shorter runs on Tuesday and Thursday, strength on Monday and Wednesday, and then rest on Friday and Saturday. I'm nervous about not doing anything for the two days before my race. Not sure if I should do a short run on Friday.

    Summertime_girl...I have to double up today too! Missed my run yesterday.

    BerryH...I'm sorry that your 10k didn't go well. I would say do whatever you need to to keep yourself healthy and running fun! Good luck!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    Berry - hang in there. I totally understand! Don't give up and just keep on doing what you're doing. When the time comes and you do run that distance you will be so glad you stepped up. It's always good to go based on how you "feel."

    Slb- You may have said, but which race are you doing? I think I have short runs next week too. I like taking a couple of days off before a half marathon. I *may* do some cross training early morning on the Friday before but won't do much more than walking the day before my race.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Gals and guys, sorry I haven't been participating much.

    I have to confess the 10k really took it out of me and I'm convinced I'm not ready for the half marathon yet. I've been in similar situations before and forcing myself through a race has made me hate running, hurt myself or make myself ill, and give it up for months. I don't want that to happen.

    I'm also still too slow to be in the main pack and being right at the back for long races time and time again is a very lonely, miserable experience.

    I think I'm going to pull out of the race and go back to running being a fun part of my favoured training routine. I plan to keep up a respectable distance over winter and work on my speed when the weather drives me indoor.

    Good luck with all your race plans!

    You gotta do what is best for you. Sounds like you have weighed the options and are making the smartest decision for yourself both physically and mentally. There are 1/2's to run all the time, maybe next spring or summer you will be there. Running should be fun be for all else!

    I, too, am struggling this week with training. I have bum knees and the 15k I did Sunday really took its toll this week, don't know why, because I have run 15k distances the last couple of weekends no problem. I really want to work up to and complete the 1/2 in November, but I hate that after long runs I need 3 days to recover. I'd almost rather run 3 miles 7 days a week than just get to run 3 days a week with one run being long...I dunno. I talked to my old PT from my last knee injury and am following his recommendation of doing cross training this week, taking a break from running for a few extra days.
  • Kimert, I'm doing the Run for Shelter in Annapolis, MD. Which one are you doing? It makes me feel better to know that you take the two days off before the race. That's what my training schedule says to do, but I guess it made me kind of nervous.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Katie - great photos, it's awesome to see someone smiling while running.

    27 - I struggled with knee pain for years, and finished my first marathon in a mess. I then switched up training, I only run 1 day per week now, I do Insanity and P90X, which has really really helped knee pain. They say the majority of knee pain is actually hip strength.

    I'm doing my long run Friday 12 miles, I'm still 5 weeks away from my half marathon, but will be traveling 2 of those weeks and will do shorter runs. I'm hoping for 12, 6, 13, 6, then race weekend.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Gals and guys, sorry I haven't been participating much.

    I have to confess the 10k really took it out of me and I'm convinced I'm not ready for the half marathon yet. I've been in similar situations before and forcing myself through a race has made me hate running, hurt myself or make myself ill, and give it up for months. I don't want that to happen.

    I'm also still too slow to be in the main pack and being right at the back for long races time and time again is a very lonely, miserable experience.

    I think I'm going to pull out of the race and go back to running being a fun part of my favoured training routine. I plan to keep up a respectable distance over winter and work on my speed when the weather drives me indoor.

    Good luck with all your race plans!

    Sorry your 10 K was a rough run. No need to apologize - we all have runs that don't go well from time to time. If you don't think you can run the 1/2 for fun, drop out! We are here for fun and fitness, and if pushing yourself to do the half is not fun and risks injury, forget about it., with no regrets. There will be other races, when you are better prepared to tackle them.
  • paladeac
    paladeac Posts: 81 Member
    8 miles in a steady rain.

    Not my greatest time, but at least I was out there.
  • peachyolives
    peachyolives Posts: 46 Member
    This is probably a little late (as I see this group started in the beginning of September!), but I'm running a half marathon as well and would love to get in on this. I'm running the Rock 'n Roll Savannah one on November 5th. Super excited! I just started running this year and have since run four 5K's...I'm sort of doing my own thing with training (my longest run so far has been 8 miles), but a support group is always good. :)

    Is anybody else running theirs in November?
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    This is probably a little late (as I see this group started in the beginning of September!), but I'm running a half marathon as well and would love to get in on this. I'm running the Rock 'n Roll Savannah one on November 5th. Super excited! I just started running this year and have since run four 5K's...I'm sort of doing my own thing with training (my longest run so far has been 8 miles), but a support group is always good. :)

    Is anybody else running theirs in November?

    I'm running my second half on October 22, but it's a hard hard route. I'd like to one in November and in December if I can find a closer to local one. I'll be doing one in March for sure, which I'm hoping to PR at, it's super flat and should be easy.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    Kimert, I'm doing the Run for Shelter in Annapolis, MD. Which one are you doing? It makes me feel better to know that you take the two days off before the race. That's what my training schedule says to do, but I guess it made me kind of nervous.
    I am doing the 13.1 Marathon series in Atlanta, GA.
    I always take Fridays as a rest day because of our schedule and I really have never ran anything the day just before a race. I think taking 2 days will leave my legs fresh...or at least that is what I am hoping for! Good luck to you. I can't wait to hear about your race!

    I had a tempo run last night 5 miles with 2 being at tempo pace. I set myself at 10:30 pace and ran there for 2 solid miles before setting my pace at 10:20. I ran the 3rd mile there and then bumped mile 4 to 10:10 and mile 5 at 10. I felt so so so good on last night's run. Like i could have just kept going and probably ran 7 miles but I ended up stopping at 5.5 miles. I used the last .50 mile as my cool down back at 10:30 pace. I LOVE runs that are this good. When I ran Monday it was tough mentally and physically but last night just felt so good. I wish all runs could be that way.

    Today is not a run day so I plan to go to a BodyPump class and cross train on the ARC.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Oh, I'm having pangs. Maybe, just maybe, I'll try two hours at the weekend and see how my bits and bobs hold out on a flatter course. It's the weekend of the last long training run.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    This week has been so off for me with exercise. I'm totally disappointed in myself. Monday I didn't feel well, though I did a riding lesson with my daughter. Tuesday I did an hour on the elliptical, since it was pouring. Yesterday I walked an hour and then went to the barn. Last night I had a gallbladder attack, and it's pouring again, so I doubt I'll run. I haven't run since Sunday. I have two races this weekend. I'm gonna be a mess.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I ran 10k distance today. My foot feels great. It didn't bother me at all. I think I will probably do an easy 2-3 miles before 10k race on Sunday!
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    Haven't run since Monday...my allergies are horrible right now but trying to follow Hal higdon's novice 2 plan so I need to run 3 miles today. I did sign up for a 4 mile turkey trot on thanksgiving in my hometown. Its supposed to be a killer, really hilly...YIKES!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Running 12 miles in the AM, taking is somewhat easy today, will only do an upperbody strength workout to give the legs a rest. I only run 1 day per week and try to keep it on Friday. Saturday, I will stick to Yoga and Ab Work. I have a wine and dine event Friday night so will be out late. It's my second time running 12 miles. I was hoping the heat broke like last week but it appears to be back up again for the weekend.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Haven't run since Monday...my allergies are horrible right now but trying to follow Hal higdon's novice 2 plan so I need to run 3 miles today. I did sign up for a 4 mile turkey trot on thanksgiving in my hometown. Its supposed to be a killer, really hilly...YIKES!

    My half I'm running on the 22nd has horrible hills - a bid one at mile 3 that lasts 2 miles and another one from mile 7 to 11 that gains 600 ft in 4 miles. I've been tempted to train on them, but haven't decided if the fear factor will keep me going or if practice makes perfect :) It's a local race, so I could train if I wanted to, but it's not a route that I would usually run and not sure it's one I feel safe on since it's close to a prison.
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    Well I did better than expected for not being able to breathe great with my allergies. I decided to run inside on the treadmill and finished 4 miles in 40:40. A new 4 mile PR! I guess I am slowly getting faster. :tongue:
  • So today was a shorter 3 mile run. I'm ramping down the training as my half is in less than 2 weeks. I had cross train Monday, and rest Tuesday. Tomorrow is more cross training and then a shorter 5 mile run on Saturday. My half marathon plans changed because the Savannah Rock 'n' Roll sold out so I got moved up from November 5th to October 1st. I didn't get all the training in that I wanted, but I know the Hal Higdon training plans only get you up to 10 miles. My long run last weekend was 11. I am still feeling a little nervous though. I'm having some toenail trouble. My second toe turned a bruised color several weeks ago. It is now in the process of falling off. Has this happened to anyone else? Do I need to see a doctor to have it removed or will it just come off on it's own? I don't think it's infected, it's a little red but nothing major. Had plans to see the doctor, but work ran late so I had to reschedule. I don't know if I can get in before the half.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    So today was a shorter 3 mile run. I'm ramping down the training as my half is in less than 2 weeks. I had cross train Monday, and rest Tuesday. Tomorrow is more cross training and then a shorter 5 mile run on Saturday. My half marathon plans changed because the Savannah Rock 'n' Roll sold out so I got moved up from November 5th to October 1st. I didn't get all the training in that I wanted, but I know the Hal Higdon training plans only get you up to 10 miles. My long run last weekend was 11. I am still feeling a little nervous though. I'm having some toenail trouble. My second toe turned a bruised color several weeks ago. It is now in the process of falling off. Has this happened to anyone else? Do I need to see a doctor to have it removed or will it just come off on it's own? I don't think it's infected, it's a little red but nothing major. Had plans to see the doctor, but work ran late so I had to reschedule. I don't know if I can get in before the half.

    Bruised toe nails are common in distance runners. It may be a sign of your shoes not having enough toe room, or even just tight socks pinching your toes. It will usually drop off on its own, although it may take weeks.