Macro calculations

If there is a - in front of anyone of your macro in your dairy, does that mean I am under (missing) that much to complete my daily intake? For example: my dairy says -13 on carbs -10 on fats and 1 protein “am I over or missing my daily count on my carb and my fat?
Please help thank you in advance


  • delillolauren
    delillolauren Posts: 35 Member
    I think that means you’ve gone over.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member
    if you're referring to the screen I think you are, the minus sign indicates you've gone over your allotment for the day, as those numbers show how many of each macronutrient you have remaining for the day. So if you're supposed to have:


    and you've consumed:


    it would display:


    If you're referring to a totally different screen....disregard my silly ramblings ;)