3 week post-op hysterectomy and having issues

I had a total hysterectomy 3 weeks ago and have started having complications. First, I got a UTI on my second week and then I started having severe abdominal pains which the gynecologist did tests and said I had an ulcer from taking the naproxen I was prescribed for my pain.

He put me on prilosec and I’m taking antibiotics for the UTI but my fevers have been relatively high (from 100.7-101.7.. 101.5 is the normal usually) and my white blood cell count has been high.. 17.7 when the normal max high is 11. Which is from the healing/infection. Along with gas pain down towards my fupa that hurts so bad.

The thing is that I have very little appetite while feeling so bad. I’m following a lower acidic/brat diet right now; eat oatmeal, some crackers, some toast, a peach and maybe more crackers or 1/4 cup of rice.

I’ve lost about 10 pounds in the past 5 days and I’m wondering should I be force feeding myself more food even if I don’t want to eat more? I see the doctor on Monday to do more blood and urine tests to see how I’m progressing.

Im normally an eat until I hate myself type of person so this reduced appetite is weird for me.

Also, might be a stupid post to make. Im going through medical menopause and definitely having mood swings and crying over everything. I probably just wanted to talk to somebody even if it’s online.


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much at this point. Ask your doctor, who has more experience with your case. Do as recommended. Sooner or later you'll be back to normal and things will settle down. Hang in and try to keep your spirits up.
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    I had a total hysterectomy a few years ago (massive fibroids) and your story sounds like a nightmare compared to mine. So sorry you’re suffering so badly.

    I had no issues (other than my Mum dying a week later and having to travel 300 miles to sort all that and the funeral etc…). What you’re going through is worse I suspect.

    You do need to eat to fuel healing, and I understand the lack of appetite but do try to eat protein if nothing else, little and often may be the way to go, right now.

    As for your surgical menopause - I was prescribed a form of HRT which did surprise me at the time since I was 52 and, although still menstruating as normal, I didn’t think they’d do that. Might be worth asking for HRT help.

    It takes a while, but you will feel better. Eat good food, get plenty of rest and sleep. I wish you well.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    I had a hysterectomy in May. No other problems. I’m still using diaper cream on my bottom. I’m taking B12 and cymbalta for nerve pain, melatonin to sleep, and being careful of acidic food because my stomach was so torn up from about a week of strong pain pills. I quit taking them because of my stomach.
    The doctors told me to eat high protein, low carb for my own comfort to help with gas pains. I wondered about bean-o.
  • delillolauren
    delillolauren Posts: 35 Member
    I’m so sorry! I’m 10 years post hysterectomy and that sounds like a nightmare. I was given norco for pain, but I suppose they don’t do that anymore?
    Except for some bleeding my recovery was a breeze.

    Don’t force yourself to eat, but do aim for nutrients for healing.
    And the only thing that helped the gas for me was walking.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    edited October 2022
    Ask your doctor for HRT, patches are easier to control. But no one should try to fight post hysterectomy blues alone.

    I was offered anti depressants, and HRT. One day on hrt, I felt normal. Never did anti depressants.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    edited October 2022
    If you’re having fevers a few weeks out from surgery and antibiotics are not helping for this UTI, then you need a CT scan to rule out a post-operative abscess. This is a rare complication after surgery. Please go get checked again.