
Hi, I am here in desperation and not convinced I can make this work! I need to make it work because I am very obese and have numerous health conditions which will improve if I lose weight. I am afraid because I am struggling to breathe and do daily activities, and yet I turn to food to find solace and comfort. I need all the help I can find!! I am 62, live alone, have mental health problems too. This all feels too big because I really need to lose at least 8 stone and that feels like a big mountain to climb!


  • jconiglio27
    jconiglio27 Posts: 1 Member
    Take it one meal at a time. One day at a time. Don’t think about the end goal weight, just set a doable weight goal or 5-10 pounds. You can do this!! You are worth the effort!!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited November 2022
    It's fine to have a big goal, but it can also be overwhelming like any big project. As with any big project I've ever done, I keep the end goal in mind, but I also "chunk" it into smaller goals and milestones and focus more on those smaller goals and milestones which ultimately are cumulative to the bigger goal. When I did this, I also didn't just make it about weight and some number on the scale. I looked at my nutrition and I made nutritional goals like getting the RDA of fruits and vegetables or cutting back and ultimately cutting out full sugar sodas...going for a walk every other day and then everyday and then going a little further, etc. I really put a lot of focus on better living and the weight loss part just kind of came with it as a "side effect" of good livin'.

    Also, as "goal weight" goes I would suggest keeping that number flexible. The bottom line is that you aren't going to know how you're going to look or feel at a much lower weight. I thought I was going to have to lose down to around 165 to be a "healthy weight" but as it turns out, I also put on a lot of muscle being fat and lugging that fat around everywhere. I landed at 180 Lbs and a very healthy 15% BF when I stopped. 165 would likely put me near or below essential bodyfat levels.

    Keep in mind also that you're going to feel better along the way. It's not like you don't feel better and improve your health until you get to some end'll feel better and improve your health all along the way.