Getting Back in Shape After 80 Pound Pandemic Weight Gain - Please Help!



  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,723 Member
    CurvyEmmy wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I read this thread right before coming to yours and think a lot of the advice there might help you as well.

    While I am a huge proponent of exercise and agree with the "minute here, minute there" advice above I think far more important for you is to get the food part under control. I earned almost 1,000 exercise calories yesterday and STILL went over my calorie budget by eating too much.

    Prelogging would be a great aid to both of us :smile:

    Also - are you in therapy? I lost my therapist in July and this was a huge setback :disappointed:

    I’m scared to do therapy tbh.

    It’s pretty obvious that I overeat for emotional reasons. I don’t know if it can be solved without therapy I just feel scared to face my feelings so food is my distraction and comfort place and coping mechanism, it’s really really hard to let go of that :(

    I think I may have read this like 25 times trying to formulate some advice....

    When I was on Jenny Craig years and years and years and yeeeeeears ago, I remember my counselor type person telling me she had clients who lost the weight but couldn't lose their mindset. Losing weight didn't make them suddenly happy.

    I REALLY think you should talk to someone or maybe someone has a suggestion for a good book for you to read because how are you going to lose the weight you want to lose if you can't lose what's going on in your mind that's making you use food as a crutch?
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 701 Member
    I'm going to run through a few things that have helped me over the years. I have been losing extremely slowly for a long time, which is fine by me. This is just life.

    I don't log things very consistently but have done so enough to know what are better choices.
    I measure out my oats for porridge in the morning, and I have a sweet tooth so often put cocoa in it and top it with fruit. An apple cooked with a bit of cinnamon is a joy on a damp winter morning.

    Lunch is veg soup plus bread, or a robust salad with grains/roast veg.

    I drink tea all the time, some of the fruity ones help with the sweet tooth. Fruit does as well, a bowl full of grapes keeps me out of the biscuit tin.

    I cannot buy some food because I will eat all of it immediately. So have to just not get them.
    I have to have a plan for what I am eating and not get to hungry, or will scoff everything.
    I've stopped eating after dinner, there's no magic but it cuts out all the extra I was eating for no reason.

    I am lazy and not disciplined. I do things because they are habit and easy, so I just need to make the easy choice the better one.

    When I gained a lot of weight in the first place it was part of a response to stress and depression. Finding ways to manage that helped me.

    Exercise was part of it. I would encourage you to find some yoga classes on YouTube to try at home. It really helped body and mind.
    I've always been a swimmer and never quit that, love being in the water and no-one can see you anyway. But I know many people are far to self conscious, which is sad.
    Walking and eventually running, being outside is great for mood. If there's a friend you can convince to go to a park at the weekend that's great. Just short to start with, no special kit required.

    Having something else to think about. At one point I decided to try to learn to knit. I'm still awful at it but it worked a treat, I was so focused on trying to do it that everything else just melted away. It doesn't matter what really, something new to learn that interests you, that you are in charge of.

    Lastly, and for me most important. I stopped beating myself up. I wasn't on a diet because the size of my backside made me bad. I was eating better because I want to live better for longer, and do more things. I don't care what size trousers I wear, I do care if I can hike up the hill.
    It isn't punishment because I'm bad, it's love because I'm brilliant and worth it, and so are you.

  • CurvyEmmy
    CurvyEmmy Posts: 225 Member
    @littlegreenparrot1 Thank you!! I am trying some gentle yoga I found on YouTube although I can’t do most of the poses and I can’t usually keep up with it, which feels really discouraging. I haven’t tried to swim in years. I don’t currently have a swimsuit that I could fit into and even if I did, I don’t think I’d be able to swim anymore. I’m severely out of shape at this point so I really need to start small/gentle with any new activity or it’s just way too much for me. My body is very much used to a totally sedentary lifestyle and I don’t want to create too big a shock. If anyone can recommend any videos for gentle exercises suitable for a plus size female body please post them!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hi there. Read through your posts and I definitely feel your pain. I was a healthy 165lbs for my height at 5'8. I gained over 100lbs. I didn't realise I had got so big until I stepped on the scales. Its very scary. I weighed in around 250lbs last December, but somehow in the last year I've gained another 25lbs. I've been off and on and off this weight loss journey. Ive started again from logging all my food and water intake. I'm down about 8lbs so far. Also got a new fitbit. I am walking mostly 5,000 steps a day. That's a lot for me because I don't work (sick) and when I don't do walking as my exercise I don't get many steps in. But I'm moving house early December and will have a garden to walk around in and a new area to find new routes 🙂 I will add you if that's ok. Keep positive ♥️
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited November 2022
    CurvyEmmy wrote: »
    @littlegreenparrot1 Thank you!! I am trying some gentle yoga I found on YouTube although I can’t do most of the poses and I can’t usually keep up with it, which feels really discouraging. I haven’t tried to swim in years. I don’t currently have a swimsuit that I could fit into and even if I did, I don’t think I’d be able to swim anymore. I’m severely out of shape at this point so I really need to start small/gentle with any new activity or it’s just way too much for me. My body is very much used to a totally sedentary lifestyle and I don’t want to create too big a shock. If anyone can recommend any videos for gentle exercises suitable for a plus size female body please post them!

    I've had 200 hours of yoga teacher training and there are plenty of classes that I can't do 100%. Heck, I'm dealing with injuries and likely don't do 100% of gentle/beginner classes. It's a "practice," not an "already perfect" :smiley:

    That said, post the link of the video and I will take a look. I've found plenty of non-yoga things labeled as beginner which shouldn't be.

    I'm a veteran and getting most of my yoga/tai chi free from Om Practice. Employees at certain vet centers can access this for free as well.

    I can't say enough nice things about this teacher and this class:

    Oh, they just changed their pricing - it's $25/month for unlimited classes, which I think is a great deal!

    I am not recommending the following for you - just sharing my experience - I was laughably PATHETIC when I first started doing it. My chaturanga had devolved into a belly flop. I had to modify tons of the poses. But, I kept at it, and improved considerably. I pulled out the individual exercises and did them in between strength training. Then I hurt my wrist and had to switch gears :disappointed:

    ^^^"true beginner" LMAO!
  • CurvyEmmy
    CurvyEmmy Posts: 225 Member
    roz0810 wrote: »
    Hi there. Read through your posts and I definitely feel your pain. I was a healthy 165lbs for my height at 5'8. I gained over 100lbs. I didn't realise I had got so big until I stepped on the scales. Its very scary. I weighed in around 250lbs last December, but somehow in the last year I've gained another 25lbs. I've been off and on and off this weight loss journey. Ive started again from logging all my food and water intake. I'm down about 8lbs so far. Also got a new fitbit. I am walking mostly 5,000 steps a day. That's a lot for me because I don't work (sick) and when I don't do walking as my exercise I don't get many steps in. But I'm moving house early December and will have a garden to walk around in and a new area to find new routes 🙂 I will add you if that's ok. Keep positive ♥️

    Wow that’s a lot of steps!! I’m not in shape enough for that. I average about 1,000 right now.

  • CurvyEmmy
    CurvyEmmy Posts: 225 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    That said, post the link of the video and I will take a look. I've found plenty of non-yoga things labeled as beginner which shouldn't be.

    Is this good for me?
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    CurvyEmmy wrote: »
    roz0810 wrote: »
    Hi there. Read through your posts and I definitely feel your pain. I was a healthy 165lbs for my height at 5'8. I gained over 100lbs. I didn't realise I had got so big until I stepped on the scales. Its very scary. I weighed in around 250lbs last December, but somehow in the last year I've gained another 25lbs. I've been off and on and off this weight loss journey. Ive started again from logging all my food and water intake. I'm down about 8lbs so far. Also got a new fitbit. I am walking mostly 5,000 steps a day. That's a lot for me because I don't work (sick) and when I don't do walking as my exercise I don't get many steps in. But I'm moving house early December and will have a garden to walk around in and a new area to find new routes 🙂 I will add you if that's ok. Keep positive ♥️

    Wow that’s a lot of steps!! I’m not in shape enough for that. I average about 1,000 right now.

    We all start somewhere 😊 I started around 1,00 steps and slowly over time did more!
  • CurvyEmmy
    CurvyEmmy Posts: 225 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Ok, time for some straight talk: on Saturday, two days after major open abdominal surgery where I got a 13" incision and had my huge fibroid uterus removed, I did 500 steps while carrying around a catheter bag. Later that day, the catheter was removed and I got an additional 2,800 steps over several more walk periods.

    Okay, well how much do you weigh? I have to carry 280 pounds so it’s a lot harder for me than it is for you. I don’t appreciate a comparison that makes me feel lazy.
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I think that you avoiding therapy is like slapping a Band-Aid over an arterial wound and hoping the bleeding will stop on its own.

    I’ll consider it but I need to feel completely comfortable first and I’m not there yet, okay? I feel a bit judged by your comment. You don’t know everything I’m feeling and I want just encouragement and good vibes only from people on here not judgement please.

  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,723 Member

  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    CurvyEmmy wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Ok, time for some straight talk: on Saturday, two days after major open abdominal surgery where I got a 13" incision and had my huge fibroid uterus removed, I did 500 steps while carrying around a catheter bag. Later that day, the catheter was removed and I got an additional 2,800 steps over several more walk periods.

    Okay, well how much do you weigh? I have to carry 280 pounds so it’s a lot harder for me than it is for you. I don’t appreciate a comparison that makes me feel lazy.
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I think that you avoiding therapy is like slapping a Band-Aid over an arterial wound and hoping the bleeding will stop on its own.

    I’ll consider it but I need to feel completely comfortable first and I’m not there yet, okay? I feel a bit judged by your comment. You don’t know everything I’m feeling and I want just encouragement and good vibes only from people on here not judgement please.

    My question to you would be this: "It's been a few weeks now. Have you taken any of the advice given? Have you made any progress so far?" If you say you need help, but swimming--no, walking--no, the gym--no, therapy--no...... What advice would YOU give a person like yourself? You have to make changes to make progress. It doesn't have to be a lot and slow is fine. Is there progress?

    If not--it's reflection time. Otherwise you'll be here next year with the same problems.
  • CurvyEmmy
    CurvyEmmy Posts: 225 Member
    My question to you would be this: "It's been a few weeks now. Have you taken any of the advice given? Have you made any progress so far?" If you say you need help, but swimming--no, walking--no, the gym--no, therapy--no...... What advice would YOU give a person like yourself? You have to make changes to make progress. It doesn't have to be a lot and slow is fine. Is there progress?

    If not--it's reflection time. Otherwise you'll be here next year with the same problems.

    Wow. I am trying, okay? I am trying exercising despite feeling out of breath, sweaty, dizzy after just a few minutes. I have done yoga, I have walked a few times, I have even gotten in my peloton even though it’s uncomfortable.

    I am also reducing my calories by reducing my coffee and soda. I used to have two Starbucks lattes to get me through the day - the first in the morning and another after lunch to get me through the afternoon without falling asleep at my desk. I also drank soda as a pick-me-up. Now that I’m not working, I have reduced down to only one coffee and 1 bottle of soda per day (trying to have a lot of Diet or seltzer but I still crave the regular really hard so I gotta indulge my self a little bit!) and I do get sleepy after lunch but rather than a sugary pick-me-up drink I just let my self nap now and I read that sleep is actually good for weight loss.

    I can’t go to the gym because I have gotten big for my workout clothes. I mean, I wear them at home because they are very stretchy leggings so I can still stretch them to fit into them, but they definitely look small small and tight on my body and I feel too exposed to wear them out. I am trying to find a bigger size but it’s hard because a LOT of brands discriminate against plus size bodies and don’t offer clothes for us or if they do they are not as comfy or good. It is so wrong and unfair because every body deserves to be included but we’re not.

    But, I am still trying to do some physical activity not just once but twice every day!!

    Usually in the morning I will try some gentle yoga after coffee and breakfast when I have the most energy. I relax after and then after lunch take a nap. I usually watch some movies in the afternoon and evening. I can’t do anything too soon after dinner because I’m too stuffed and just need to lie down. But, I am really pushing myself to walk a bit even just around the house, or get on my bike a bit, in the evening. I feel worn out pretty quick but that helps me sleep. I am sleeping a lot now but I’m also more active than I used to be so my body needs it. I don’t appreciate people implying that I’m lazy because I feel like I’m pushing myself very, very hard.

    I am trying as hard as I possibly can and nothing seems to be working. So how about a little help and encouragement?
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    CurvyEmmy wrote: »
    My question to you would be this: "It's been a few weeks now. Have you taken any of the advice given? Have you made any progress so far?" If you say you need help, but swimming--no, walking--no, the gym--no, therapy--no...... What advice would YOU give a person like yourself? You have to make changes to make progress. It doesn't have to be a lot and slow is fine. Is there progress?

    If not--it's reflection time. Otherwise you'll be here next year with the same problems.

    Wow. I am trying, okay? I am trying exercising despite feeling out of breath, sweaty, dizzy after just a few minutes. I have done yoga, I have walked a few times, I have even gotten in my peloton even though it’s uncomfortable.

    I am also reducing my calories by reducing my coffee and soda. I used to have two Starbucks lattes to get me through the day - the first in the morning and another after lunch to get me through the afternoon without falling asleep at my desk. I also drank soda as a pick-me-up. Now that I’m not working, I have reduced down to only one coffee and 1 bottle of soda per day (trying to have a lot of Diet or seltzer but I still crave the regular really hard so I gotta indulge my self a little bit!) and I do get sleepy after lunch but rather than a sugary pick-me-up drink I just let my self nap now and I read that sleep is actually good for weight loss.

    I can’t go to the gym because I have gotten big for my workout clothes. I mean, I wear them at home because they are very stretchy leggings so I can still stretch them to fit into them, but they definitely look small small and tight on my body and I feel too exposed to wear them out. I am trying to find a bigger size but it’s hard because a LOT of brands discriminate against plus size bodies and don’t offer clothes for us or if they do they are not as comfy or good. It is so wrong and unfair because every body deserves to be included but we’re not.

    But, I am still trying to do some physical activity not just once but twice every day!!

    Usually in the morning I will try some gentle yoga after coffee and breakfast when I have the most energy. I relax after and then after lunch take a nap. I usually watch some movies in the afternoon and evening. I can’t do anything too soon after dinner because I’m too stuffed and just need to lie down. But, I am really pushing myself to walk a bit even just around the house, or get on my bike a bit, in the evening. I feel worn out pretty quick but that helps me sleep. I am sleeping a lot now but I’m also more active than I used to be so my body needs it. I don’t appreciate people implying that I’m lazy because I feel like I’m pushing myself very, very hard.

    I am trying as hard as I possibly can and nothing seems to be working. So how about a little help and encouragement?

    Good. Everyone starts where they're at and improves gradually. We are never updated on what you've chosen to do and I was curious. I've been here for 10 years and have seen people go from obese to a normal weight by just starting walking. Sometimes, at first, it's just around their living room. From there, they slowly increase distance every week. You would not know it, but some of the people giving you advice and pushing you, started with over 100 lbs to lose and managed to do it. So don't judge them either. It works both ways--only fair.

    As for encouragement, I am delighted when anyone works to better themselves. I've grown up with men (5 brothers) and I have 3 sons. I push them too when I need to. I'm not an enabler or coddler by nature. I hope you're seeing progress and reach your goals.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Yesterday, I'd been home from the hospital for two weeks. We walked the cat. He was going faster than usual, so we did a mile in 40 minutes. I stopped to rest once, and probably just because my Whole Health Coach mentioned resting. She said if I'm walking for 10 minutes and need to rest 5 times, work on cutting it down to resting 4 times, 3 times, etc. I told her I was already able to walk a half mile without resting. That was at almost normal human pace, too.

    My coach went on and on about how beneficial walking is, and why it is beneficial and accessible for post-surgical patients. Walking is also beneficial and accessible for people who are out of shape due to being sedentary.

    It was 40 degrees outside yesterday and I didn't feel like walking, but I bundled up and did it anyway, and was glad I did.

    My total steps yesterday were over 5,000 - for about an hour, I'd forgotten my FitBit was on the charger. I've come a long way since Nov 4, when 10 steps to the bathroom was a real struggle.
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 1,300 Member
    edited November 2022
    CurvyEmmy wrote: »
    Hi guys… it’s been 15 months since I made this post and it’s time for an update.

    I decided I just needed to prioritize my mental and emotional health and not stress about my weight.

    So I’m taking a break from work and my parents are helping me financially so I can just take care of my self and prioritize my well being first. :) I bought a Peloton but the seat feels very small for my butt lol. Has anyone else had this problem? I feel like it’s not designed for a plus size woman’s body and that makes me so angry. So I’m not riding it right now but I’m looking for something more comfortable for me to sit on!!

    When I started at SoulCycle … (which I love!) the bike seat was torture for 2 sessions… then it was fine. My boyfriend- now husband bought me a seat cushion. That’s love I guess. Lol.

    Seriously/ try a seat cushion .. it goes over the peloton hard seat. Makes a world of difference.

    Cycling became my drug of choice and helped shed Lbs, boost energy and endurance.

  • CurvyEmmy
    CurvyEmmy Posts: 225 Member
    When I started at SoulCycle … (which I love!) the bike seat was torture for 2 sessions… then it was fine. My boyfriend- now husband bought me a seat cushion. That’s love I guess. Lol.

    Seriously/ try a seat cushion .. it goes over the peloton hard seat. Makes a world of difference.

    Cycling became my drug of choice and helped shed Lbs, boost energy and endurance.


    I got a cushion and it definitely helps! I have tried cycling a couple times now. I am still really struggling with it. I feel totally out of breath after just a few seconds. I sweat a lot which feels disgusting. I definitely don’t feel any energy boost. I feel totally drained after only a couple minutes and I need to just lay down. I’m not built for cycling and I don’t have the muscle strength for it. :(
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,723 Member
    I don't know if anyone's brought this up but you don't need to exercise to lose weight. You just need to eat less than you burn. Calories for weight goal, exercise for health (and more food :))

    Maybe work on getting your calories under control and then, once you've figured out what you can eat and still be somewhat satiated, start walking or something? That's always been my exercise of choice. It's cheap, I can go at your own pace, I can listen to music I like, I can swear loudly at all the inconsiderate drivers... Actually, that last one not so much a perk as me thinking I need good drugs to deal with those people better. :)

    But, yeah, exercise isn't a requirement for the weight loss portion.
  • CurvyEmmy
    CurvyEmmy Posts: 225 Member
    edited November 2022
    glassyo wrote: »
    I don't know if anyone's brought this up but you don't need to exercise to lose weight. You just need to eat less than you burn. Calories for weight goal, exercise for health (and more food :))

    That’s a relief!!! But the “eat less than you burn” thing is really hard. My baby step goal is to try to eat 3,000 calories per day. It’s still more than I burn because I’m completely sedentary. But I’m finding it really hard to get under 3,000 right now :(

    Someone said start with liquids so I’m replacing soda with diet soda and I’m having fewer Starbucks drinks. And that’s actually brought my calories down a lot! Because I used to have so many cans of soda every day and the calories really added up.

    So that helped but for my actual food I’m having trouble eating “low calorie” stuff and still feeling satisfied. I have a big craving for meat and fried foods! I really crave calorie dense stuff so I just don’t get completely satiated from anything else. I am trying “healthier” stuff that has more vegetables and if I eat enough I can get physically full but I still crave more meat, so I really don’t feel completely satiated!! So I always end up eating what I’m used to after to satisfy my cravings.

    I think I need to focus more on snacks instead of meals. I eat pretty large portions but I think a lot of my calories just come from mindless snacking throughout the day. I watch a lot of TV, like 6 hours a day at least. I always snack on something when I watch even if I’m full. I really need the stimulation. Like, if I don’t snack on something I feel bored!! I end up eating a lot more than I expected/planned because I lose track of the food and time. Like “a few” Oreos turns into the whole container. I need healthier snacks so I can still keeping eating something while I watch but not add SO many calories. I have tried vegetables like celery with dip but they really don’t feel satisfying at all because I have a big sweet tooth and I need something sweet. Fruits like strawberries are better but I get a chocolate craving. Maybe some low-sugar dark chocolate with the fruit could be okay?

    It’s like a puzzle to figure out how to completely satiate myself with less calories but it’s hard because I’m really used to eating a certain way so anything different feels very very… off.