What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Good workout this morning, upper body day today.


    28 minutes on the spin bike
    21 minutes walking on the treadmill

    46 minutes weightlifting:

    Superset: Incline Dumbbell Press, Seated Cable Rows, Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press
    * Chest: 12 @ 30 lbs, 10 @ 40 lbs, 8 @ 50 lbs, 6 @ 60 lbs. Drop set: 5 @ 60 lbs, 6 @ 45 lbs, 6 @ 35lbs.
    * Back 12 @ 100 lbs, 12 @ 120 lbs, 10 @ 140 lbs, 8 @ 160lbs, Drop set 6 @ 180lbs, 6 @ 150lbs, 6 @ 120 lbs.
    * Shoulders: 10 @ 25 lbs., 10 @ 30lbs, 8 @ 35 lbs, 5 @ 40 lbs, Drop set 6 @ 35 lbs, 6 @25 lbs, 6 @ 20 lbs.

    Superset: Rope Triceps Press Downs, Crunches, Cable Biceps Curls, Landmine Twists
    * Triceps: 12 @ 30 lbs, 10 @ 40 lbs, Drop Set 8 @ 50lbs, 8 @ 30 lbs
    * Crunches 20, 20, 20, 20
    * Biceps: 12 @ 30lbs, 10 @ 40 lbs, Drop Set 8 @ 50 lbs, 8 @ 30 lbs
    * Twists: 10, 10, 10, 10

    10 minutes on the elliptical machine

  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,403 Member
    At the aquarium on Monday, one of my teammates told me I looked SO MUCH BETTER than last month. That was just before I got sick, so I probably was already sick. Nobody on my team got it from me. I definitely am feeling better.

    I have been an inactive member of my gym since they closed in 2020. I never go in the summer anyway, but I planned to return for November. My illness put the kibosh on that plan. I am going to go out there today to restart my full membership for December; maybe they'll even let me in a day early and I can get a swim or something. I'll go back inactive in April because of some travel, and then may join again for May and maybe June and then go back inactive until September. That's my plan anyway

    I had developed a good routine before everything changed. It will be tough to rebuild that habit, but not as hard as if I still had to go to my office. I am looking forward to it being a regular part of my routine again. I might even hire a trainer for a refresh and maybe reboot to a new program.

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,464 Member
    Chest/shoulders/triceps day in the weight room:

    Cable twist in/out 3x15
    Bench press 5x5
    Incline DB press 3x10
    Decline cable fly 3x10
    Standing BB OHP 4x12,10,8,6
    Cable pushdown 3x10,12,15
    Cable woodchoppers 3x10
    Perloff press 3x15sec
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited November 2022
    Just did an hour of cardio today. 30 on the treadmill (walking at 15% incline, pretty slow pace) and then 30 on the Assault Bike. Skipped yesterday because the US Men's soccer game came on at lunch and I watched that instead.

    Two weeks ago, when I was still recovering from being sick, we joined LA Fitness. Now we belong to two gyms. Have to get back to going this week. At the most I'll go to LA Fitness only like once a week or two times a week. Planet Fitness is the other. It's closer, so if I don't feel like driving far, I'll go there to lift. Still lifting one day a week at home, but I didn't like PF for lifting (at all) and my wife was looking to get back to Zumba classes.
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    After my "mostly normal" elliptical and strength training on Saturday, my old shoulder injury reared it's ugly head again. I think I need to realize that taking several weeks off due to illness has put me almost back to square one. :( Oh well. Such is life, eh?

    My shoulder felt better today, so I'm back on the elliptical (~40 minutes, slow-to-medium pace). I followed that with my typical supersets, but I did less sets than normal. I also did less reps on a couple of the upper body exercises. Hopefully this will aid in recovery. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

    One. Day. At. A. Time.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    Theoretically supposed to be a rowing machine day, but stationary bike instead. Discouraged from machine rowing by some combination of busy day, pre-existing kick-up of shoulder nerve impingement (I think - feels like), sore arm from bivalent Covid vax on Monday, and poor sleep last night. This week's schedule is a little annoying, so I may do more biking vs. rowing, or shift my usual rest day . . . we'll see. Just trying to stay semi-consistent for now.

    The usual 15k+3' CD, easy/moderate pace on the 15k (about half each Z2/Z3, 90W average), 73W CD.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Leg day today. Didn't want to get up this morning, but I ended up having a good workout.

    28 minutes on the spin bike
    21 minutes walking on the treadmill

    50 minutes weightlifting:

    Front Barbell Box Squats:
    12 @ 45 lbs, 12 @ 65 lbs, 10 @ 85 lbs, 8 @ 105 lbs, 6 @ 125 lbs, Drop set: 3 @ 135 lbs, 6 @ 85 lbs, 6 @ 45 lbs.

    20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20

    Romanian Deadlifts:
    10 @ 95 lbs, 10 @ 125 lbs, 8 @ 155 lbs, 6 @ 185lbs, Drop set: 4 @ 215 lbs, 6 @ 155 lbs, 6 @ 95 lbs.

    Kettlebell Pass Arounds:
    25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    Back at rowing machine, 8177m per C2 including row in/out and CD, Garmin saw 804 strokes.

    Still going for Z3 and below, and it was mostly Z3 (65%), but 2' slipped into first couple BPM of presumed Z4 . . . between HR drift and a little irrational enthusiasm for keeping the final 2k below 2:30 pace. πŸ˜†

    Overall, 2:30.5 average over the 1k and 3x2k at 19spm.

    Working on tech stuff, mostly alternating between shoulders down, firm lat connection with a little shoulder extension but solid rhomboids and straight spine, getting heels down first on the drive.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Great workout this morning, made lots of gains!


    28 minutes on the spin bike
    21 minutes walking on the treadmill

    52 minutes weight lifting:

    Superset of Barbell Bench Press, Wide Grip Lat Pull-downs, Barbell Overhead Press
    * Chest: 12 @ 135, 10 @ 165, 8 @ 185, 5 @ 200, Dropset: 3 @ 215, 6 @ 165, 8 @ 135
    * Back: 12 @ 110, 10 @ 140, 8 @ 160, 6 @ 180, Dropset 4 @ 190, 6 @ 150, 6 @ 110
    * Shoulders: 12 @ 65, 10 @ 85, 8 @ 105, 6 @ 115, Dropset 3 @ 125, 5 @ 95, 6 @ 65

    Superset of Cable Triceps Pressdowns, Crunches, Dumbbell Concentration Curls, Landmine Twists
    * Triceps: 10 @ 50, 8 @ 60, Dropset: 6 @ 70, 8 @ 40lbs
    * Crunches: 20, 20, 20, 20
    * Biceps: 10 @ 30, 8 @ 40, Dropset 6 @ 45, 8 @ 30
    * Twists: 10, 10, 10, 10

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    Got up early to stationary bike (before visiting dog show!), usual format, 90W on the 10k, 16,048m overall, kept HR 140bpm (78% max, just under 70% reserve) and below so mostly Z2, some Z3. Slogging along.

    Forgot to turn on ceiling fan, so I'm drenched πŸ˜†
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Cardio day today


    48 minutes on the spin bike
    31 minutes walking on the treadmill

    Core Work:
    * Crunches: 30, 30, 30 30
    * Windmills: 10, 10, 10, 10
    * Toe Touches: 10, 10, 10, 10
    * Landmine Twists: 10, 10, 10, 10
    * Kettlebell Pass Arounds: 20, 20
    * Cable Crunches: 12, 12, 12

  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I've been slacking off quite a bit after the gym challenge ended in late November. I've done a few casual runs, but mostly just hiking while pheasant hunting.

    I'll leave for Nebraska on Tuesday to visit my son who is a hunting outfitter. We'll guide his clients on duck and goose hunts, so maybe a few easy afternoon runs is all the "training" I will do. The real exercise will be setting out and then picking up both hunting blinds and 200-300 decoys on the days we hunt fields, but that's part of the fun.

    I'll refocus on off season triathlon stuff in late December.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    Stationary bike again, out of sequence - feeling depleted today, and with other stuff on my schedule to husband that energy for. The usual format, intentionally keeping it very easy, 16,091m overall, 81W on the 10k, 67W on the CD, 95% Z2, remainder below.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    Leg Day Today.


    40 minutes on the spike bike, average heart rate 135
    21 minutes walking on the treadmill, average heart rate 133

    42 minutes weightlifting:

    Barbell Box Squats: 10 @ bar, 10 @ 65, 8 @ 85, 8 @ 85, Dropset: 8 @ 85, 8 @ bar, 8 @ bodyweight
    Crunches: 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25
    Romanian Deadlifts, 10 @ 95, 10 @ 95, 10 @ 95, 10 @ 95, Dropset 10 @ 95, 10 @ bar
    Leg Lifts: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
    Step-ups: 10, 10, 10, 10

  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    I just went to a parcel shop to see whether I could leave a parcel there on Sunday, found it I could not and walked back home with said parcel. That's all. Not bad, considering I somehow managed to run 11km yesterday :D
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 989 Member
    I lifted on Thursday, but failed to record the tiny weights moved.

    Scuba. I did two quick quarry dives to brush up on skills. Shutdowns are what I've struggled with the most; to my surprise I did it perfectly (and with good buoyancy.)

    Climbing, a slighty silly 3.5 hour session.

    It was good, I got 4 wasps (v3 to v5). There is a blue (v4 to v6) I got to the penultimate move on, but it was towards the end of the session and the pump won. Hopefully I can try it again soon.

    Fitbit estimated calories out are lolwhat, but the estimate for the day was 4k out. Which is evidence of having been reasonably active.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    edited December 2022
    Good workout this morning, even on short sleep

    28 minutes on the spin bike, average heart rate 130
    20 minutes walking on the treadmill, average heart rate 135
    47 minutes weightlifting:
    Superset: Dumbbell Incline Press, Seated Cable Rows, Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press
    * Chest: 12 @ 30, 12 @ 40, 10 @ 50, 8 @ 60, Drop set 7 @ 60, 8 @ 45, 8 @ 35
    * Back: 12 @ 100, 10 @ 120, 10 @ 140, 8 @ 160, Drop set, 6 @ 180, 6 @ 140, 8 @ 100
    * Shoulders: 12 @ 20, 10 @ 25, 10 @ 30, 7 @ 35, Drop set 4 @ 40, 6 @ 30, 6 @ 20
    Superset: Cable Overhead Triceps Extensions, Crunches, Dumbbell Concentration Curls, Landmine Twists
    * Triceps: 10 @ 30, 10 @ 40, 10 @ 40
    * Crunches 20, 20+15lbs, 20+15lbs
    * Biceps: 10@30, 10@35, 8@40
    * Twists: 10, 10, 10
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,464 Member
    Bit of back-logging to do today:

    Friday - cardio only - 1hr elliptical hills

    Saturday - full body - 5km elliptical hills, deadlifts, hack squat, DB press/row, standing BB OHP, DB curl/extend

    Monday - leg day - squats, BB step-ups, BB RDL, BB hip thrust, seated calves extend, cable crunch, planks
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Did lifting this AM and some harder interval work (what I could manage) on the rower this morning as well. Planned 4 X 2K. Didn't make it that far. Ended up doing 2 2Ks and around another 1K. I'll keep on plugging away until it feels doable again.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    Rowing machine, same format, ended up being a tiny bit faster, I guess because of yesterday's rest day?

    Overall, 8111m in 748 strokes. Almost close to declining split (faster) on each piece, at lower rating (spm): 1k at 2:30.6/20spm, then 3 x 2k at 2:29.3/18, 2:27.7/18, 2:27.8/17.

    HR higher than previous of course, topped out at 155bpm (2bpm > 220-age πŸ˜†, but really more like 80% reserve, 86% max). 13' Z4, 20' Z3, remainder below.