Are you for or against plastic surgery? :)



  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    But, I've seen several plastic surgeons at support group meeting discuss what is usually needed after losing 60 plus pounds. Most people cannot simply "work hard" to tone muscles if they've lost over 60 pounds, no matter what they do.
    I might be misinterpreting what you're trying to say, but I've lost over 60 and I'm toning muscles.
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    I say follow your own heart and BUMP what anyone else thinks. Your body...your life do what makes YOU happy. Doesn't matter what the surgery is for, "losing weight" or "changing your body shape". All surgeries have possible seems hypocritical to be "for one" because of cosmetic reasons and still "against one" because of possible complications. huh?!?! And as far as "surgery being the lazy way" wow really? most of the people I know who hadany of the weightloss surgery work their BUTTS OFF!!!
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I say follow your own heart and BUMP what anyone else thinks. Your body...your life do what makes YOU happy. Doesn't matter what the surgery is for, "losing weight" or "changing your body shape". All surgeries have possible seems hypocritical to be "for one" because of cosmetic reasons and still "against one" because of possible complications. huh?!?! And as far as "surgery being the lazy way" wow really? most of the people I know who hadany of the weightloss surgery work their BUTTS OFF!!!

    I was referring not to bariatric surgery (lapband) but rather to using lipsuction as a means to lose weight. Thinking "I'm fat, so I'm gonna get lipo so I can be skinny" is lazy. Pure and total laziness. Getting bariatric (lapband) surgery requires work and dedication. There is a significant difference.

    There is a difference between cosmetic surgery post-loss and using the cosmetic surgery to lose weight. If someone has been working out and has lost almost all of their weight through hard work and were to get lipo to remind the last bit of lower tummy jiggle that they can't seem to lose, that's one thing. But to use cosmetic surgery as the primary means of losing weight is a completely different story.

    After you're at your goal weight, then there isn't a problem with someone getting cosmetic surgery to fix/finish things, whether that be excess skin removal or lifting boobs back into place. They have worked hard to get their body and should be able to feel proud and show off their accomplishment.
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    I LOVE my boobs, so does my hubby and if they disappear to little deflated balloons when I lose my weight, I am so getting a boob job! Don't care what anyone else thinks.(unless I chicken out!)

    Got to be each person's decision to do whatever they want. If I could afford it now and I wasn't such a scaredy cat I would prob get lypo on my tummy!!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    I say follow your own heart and BUMP what anyone else thinks. Your body...your life do what makes YOU happy. Doesn't matter what the surgery is for, "losing weight" or "changing your body shape". All surgeries have possible seems hypocritical to be "for one" because of cosmetic reasons and still "against one" because of possible complications. huh?!?! And as far as "surgery being the lazy way" wow really? most of the people I know who hadany of the weightloss surgery work their BUTTS OFF!!!

    I was referring not to bariatric surgery (lapband) but rather to using lipsuction as a means to lose weight. Thinking "I'm fat, so I'm gonna get lipo so I can be skinny" is lazy. Pure and total laziness. Getting bariatric (lapband) surgery requires work and dedication. There is a significant difference.

    There is a difference between cosmetic surgery post-loss and using the cosmetic surgery to lose weight. If someone has been working out and has lost almost all of their weight through hard work and were to get lipo to remind the last bit of lower tummy jiggle that they can't seem to lose, that's one thing. But to use cosmetic surgery as the primary means of losing weight is a completely different story.

    After you're at your goal weight, then there isn't a problem with someone getting cosmetic surgery to fix/finish things, whether that be excess skin removal or lifting boobs back into place. They have worked hard to get their body and should be able to feel proud and show off their accomplishment.

    I stand by what I body, my business. no matter what kind of surgery you have the decision is seldom easy.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Hm... definitely for, if it would make them happy and improve their quality of life! I think that people using it for weight loss should try the normal way first, but I have to assume they have their reasons and try not to judge. My mother got a gastric bypass and it was definitely the right choice for her - she was obese, and it gave her the tools to change her life. I went on a run with her this morning!

    Personally I am getting a breast augmentation in a few months, as I have a congenital breast deformity that's very unattractive, as well as awkward - I cannot hold up strapless clothing or wear clothes I like. Luckily, because it is a deformity, it was covered by insurance. I'm excited. :-)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Plastic or reconstructive surgery definitely has very real benefits for those who are injured or mamed or have a very real medical need (either physiological or psychological).

    But elective boob-jobs, tummy tucks, liposuction... that's something I may once have advocated, but not now. It's only my opinon and I'm not saying it's right or a universal truth, but it does seem to be brushing the real issue under the carpet and is quite self-indulgent.

    I know there are folks who have lost a shed load of weight - like half their previous body weight - and this has left them with folds of skin. Now in some cases even after years of exercise and continued dieting this doesn't always all go away and there you have a dilemma: do you go under the knife?

    In some cases, it's actually a medical necessity because the folds of excess skin are causing other issues which are detrimental to that person's well-being. On the other-hand it might just be slightly unsightly flab and possibly could disappear with more time/exercise/calorie reduction.

    So you could say I'm for... and against plastic surgery :ohwell:
  • jooles0
    I have lost 216lbs! The skin I am left with is HORRIFIC, there is no other word for it.
    I always thought when I had lost the weight I would be happy and could live with whatever I was left with WRONG!!!!
    I "strap down" my skin to exercise and do heavy strength training and although I am building muscle it can't be seen due to the skin. I look bigger than I really am.
    I have seen a plastic surgeon and am saving for surgery.
    It's all about individual choice. If something improves your quality of life and you can do it then why not?
    My skin is a constant reminder of who I once was; someone out of control and on their way to a very early grave. I am now in control of my life and would like to put the final piece of the jigsaw in place :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am very against. I don't care what other people do to themselves, but I would never have non-essential surgery requiring a general anaesthetic.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    In the case of liposuction, it may remove the fat cells in one area, but all that means is the fat you eat has to be stored elsewhere, so you can end up with random pockets of fat in odd places where you do still have fat cells.
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    GO FOR IT! If I could I would I have lost over 120 lbs and I have problem areas that the fat is just not coming off so yep, I'd lipo the thighs in a second, I've already had a tummy tuck to get rid of all the excessive skin there, I need my arms done as well I feel like I have wings there. The girls need excess skin removed as well and brought back up ere they belong LOL! I could also use a face lift now which I never before thought about but with all the weight loss I have excess skin there as well. I keep exercising to tone but not much you can do with excess skin.
  • anonoymous1
    anonoymous1 Posts: 24 Member
    I don't think weight loss surgery is considered plastic surgery.

    I personally wouldn't do it (Weight lost surgery). I'm not totally against plastic surgery, just unnecessary cosmetic surgery.
  • cownancy
    But, I've seen several plastic surgeons at support group meeting discuss what is usually needed after losing 60 plus pounds. Most people cannot simply "work hard" to tone muscles if they've lost over 60 pounds, no matter what they do.
    I might be misinterpreting what you're trying to say, but I've lost over 60 and I'm toning muscles.
    I wasn't clear enough....yes, you can tone muscles, but the majority of people who lose over 60 pounds will have some degree of sagging skin, bat wings, etc. THAT is what I mean. Thanks for pointing out my lack of clarity. As the weight loss number goes up, the more likely you will not be able to do it with exercise.
  • gloria581
    gloria581 Posts: 50 Member
    I have lost 216lbs! The skin I am left with is HORRIFIC, there is no other word for it.
    I always thought when I had lost the weight I would be happy and could live with whatever I was left with WRONG!!!!
    I "strap down" my skin to exercise and do heavy strength training and although I am building muscle it can't be seen due to the skin. I look bigger than I really am.
    I have seen a plastic surgeon and am saving for surgery.
    It's all about individual choice. If something improves your quality of life and you can do it then why not?
    My skin is a constant reminder of who I once was; someone out of control and on their way to a very early grave. I am now in control of my life and would like to put the final piece of the jigsaw in place :)

    Very well put. You are my hero. I was obese for over 20 years and now that I have lost 72 lbs, I can tell that I will need to have plastic surgery. I lost weight by eating healthier and exercizing almost daily. I incorporated cardio and strength training into every workout, but I have not been able to have my excess skin shrink back. My goal is to lose another 20 pounds, then I am definitely sheduling a consultation with a surgeon.
  • JT1090
    JT1090 Posts: 79 Member
    I would love to get my boobs done! A little reduction and lift would be great! As for weight loss plastic surgery, I'm not so sure. If someone can hardly walk or get out of bed then yes I think plastic surgery is appropriate. If they are able to eat healthy and work out then that's what they should do.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm all for it, after I lose the weight I'll still have the same loose skin I had on my belly the first time I lost weight after my son was born and I want it gone! I'll never be able to afford it, of course.
  • zendarah
    zendarah Posts: 91 Member
    Against it for weightloss. But after I have my second baby, I am SOOOOO going to have a breast reduction and lift. :)
  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    I think weightloss through dieting, exercising and good habits would help to deal with the issues/habits that got a person overweight in the first place. I don't see a problem with getting rid of loose skin via surgery after a lot of weightloss.

    ^^^I agree^^^, that having been said, I have had roux-en-y gastric bypass...not nearly as easy as so many think, and i have worked hard to be where i am at and where i am going. i went through 6 months of diet and excercise classes and changes alot of habits and the way i think about food. i lost nearly 90 pounds before i even had my surgery. i hope to be able to have reconstructive surgery in a couple of years to put things back in the order God had them
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    for myself i would only consider surgery after weight loss (natural weightloss) - tummy tuck, breast lift. nips and tucks to take care of the skin. but thats just for me. i don't think its anyone decision to make but the person whos body will or will not be going through the surgery. :)
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    i'm at the point where i feel that the only thing standing between me and the body i want -- and have worked hard for years to acheive naturally -- is the saggy skin with huge stretchmarks all across it, that is never going to to away no matter how many exercises i do. i do hope to get this removed sometime in the not-too-distant future.