Turbo Jammers 3/9-3/15



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hello Turbo Jammers,
    I am considering purchasing turbo jam but I am not sure what package to get. There are "turbo jam maximum results" and "turbo jam fat burning elite". I am 39 and already fairly fit. My first goal is to loose fat. I already have a good muscle base under all this padding :) I have conquered Gunnar Petersons Core secrets and am looking to get past this plateau that I have hit. For someone who has not done turbo jam before, which one of the above turbo jams would you ladies recommend to someone like me?

    Since you are looking to burn fat you may want to get the Fat Burning Elite... but I think you would get results from either. Please feel free to discuss this with 3Babybeans. She is currently our resident Beachbody know it all (:heart: u Sara). I hope that whatever you purchase you will stick with us and let us know what you think of it. Welcome to the group!

    Aww, thanks, Lyn! I think. :huh: :laugh: Thank you to you, too, Kelly! I only have a minute b/c I'm packing up the kids to go to the gym for my "free personal training session" *eye roll* I'm so not looking forward to it, but anyways....

    I think it would be a safe bet to go with either one. The Max. Results package comes with a 20 min. cardio routine, 40ish minute cardio routine, the Learn & Burn (which helps you master the TJ moves), the 40 min. scultping dvd (which I think is actually a lot of fun for weight training), and a 20 min. Ab routine. It is a good place to start, but if you don't want the sculpting & ab routine, then it would be a safe bet to buy the Fat Burning Elite. You just don't get the "learning" 'dvd with that so you'd be on your own with learning how to "properly" do the moves, kwim? Either way!

    My website is up & running except for the fact I don't have my picture up yet. I have GOT to remember to do that (I hate pics of myself so I need to get a new one :grumble:)


    I'm thinking about paying a little extra $ & giving it my own name. Any suggestions? oh! And if you read it & see anything you think I should change, let me know!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Well I got PK&J in today and then I walked to the school, played with the kids at the park and then walked home....I got lots of exercise :happy:

    Tomorrow I wont be working out. I'm getting my hair colored and cut and then we are having company over for dinner and games. I'm hoping to still get my walk in but probably not, it'll all depend on how long I'm at the salon. I will have 2 additional children tomorrow, Payton AND my hubby :noway: So I will be running around all morning and then I get the afternoon away...I guess it's a fair trade :wink:

    Okay :explode: :mad: :explode: Hubby just walked in to tell me that he spent 200 bucks today on motobike gear to go with his new dirt bike....the dirt bike he bought with the money he got from selling his street bike. The same street bike that he bought last year to save money on gas (oh and left me alone in the hospital on day 3 after the baby was born, my mega emotional day, so that he could go register it!) So he says he wants to buy a house but he's not saving any money to do so. I bought ALL of Christmas!!! I will be the one to fund a vacation if we take one (thinking about not since he doesn't have any money to contribute) and he goes out and spends money like it doesn't matter. F@&%!!!!! It's taking everything I have to sit here at the computer and not scream at him. Granted it's his money....but Christmas was my money and he agreed to pay me back and now he runs out and imo WASTES 2000 bucks UGH!!!!!!!

    I think I need to go for another walk!

    Sweet goodness, Lyn. *hugs* I'm sorry your hubby is being such a pita about this. It is especially hard when you aren't on the same page about money. I hope he sees how upset you were about it so it doesn't happen again!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    So Sara, does this mean we can order stuff now? This is so cool...I'll be checking out the site shortly :smile:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    So Sara, does this mean we can order stuff now? This is so cool...I'll be checking out the site shortly :smile:

    I'm nearly positive that you can start ordering stuff from me now. Naptime today will be devoted to that. I've been "training" all week with their videos & stuff, but there's no "Now you're ready!" type message that I've got. :laugh: Ack!

    I meant to say that the thing you posted about men was hilarious! :laugh: I especially liked the group session for peeing in the toilet. HA! Luckily, I don't have this problem with my hubby or my oldest son (yet), but I'm sure my boys will test me at some point.
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Lyn...OMGoodness your DH is a dirt bike freak as well?! My husband races (used to work at a Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda dealership selling "toys" as well). I'm sure Sara would attest to how much I complain about Eric buying/selling/trading. It's crazy! My husband is 30 and since he has been 16 has owned over 200 dirt bikes/snowmobiles/4 wheelers/etc. Yes, we know how many as he keeps a spreadsheet of what he has bought, what he put into it, what he sold it for/bought for, etc etc (can you tell he was a business major w/ a minor in Account.) "We" have pictures of all said toys as well. He does this w/ vehicles too. I joke that I'm glad the kiddos and I don't come w/ titles or we would be sold for the right price lol.

    You crack me up about buying something when your baby was a few days old. During my c-section w/ Garrett (our 2nd) DH asked right then if we could get Parker (our first) a dirt bike for his upcoming 2nd b-day. Honestly, it was a great time to ask...I would have said yes to anything. Our 2 year old was pretty happy come his b-day and he has been riding for about 2 years now. Ok, I'm done:tongue:

    Sara...off to check out the website!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Sara, just checked out the site! it's so...OFFICIAL!!! :laugh: :laugh: You must be so proud! I'm so excited for you. Love your bio too. I'm really thinking of getting the Chalean Extreme...what do you think of the regular vs. the deluxe version...the deluxe is so much more expensive (and the regular's not cheap to begin with). But I know how I am, and I'll want every single Chalene product available...:grumble: Plus I'll have to go buy weights to start it....i just don't know what to do :tongue:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    OK Ladies...I've just wasted the entire morning talking and reading about TJ...now I have to get my butt moving and do some. :laugh: I'm feeling PK&J today :drinker:

    have a great day everyone!
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Megan ~ You are too sweet! And I LOVE the men classes!!!

    Janet ~ I would LOVE the meal ideas. Just whenever you get the chance

    Michelle~ Where are you located? You mentioned Eagle Mountain. I think we have an eagle mtn in east tn.

    To the rest of you ;) Thanks for the welcome! I haven't had a chance to watch the videos but hopefully today...actually hope to work out. Wanna do something!!!
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Oh this may be a silly question....but they are telling me to eat 1200 calories a day. Now if I exercise and burn say 300...do I eat an additional 300? I'm confused??? 1200 calories doesn't seem like a whole lot, but of course I've quit eating what i want when I want. :)
  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    Megan the classes for men was the funniest thing ever. Thanks for the crack up this morning!

    Amanda WELCOME! I'm in Eagle Mtn. Utah. And I think the theory is that you eat your 1200 calories but can eat the extra calories you earn if you're hungry and need them. I usually dip into mine somewhat cause 1200 calories is not alot, but there are some days when the 1200 is enough. I say, listen to your body, if you're hungry eat them!

    Lyn sorry about the DH drama again today. Men are an interesting species, that's for sure. Glad you're enjoying Boise. My DH's parents lived there for years, they've since moved on and I miss being able to go to Boise to visit. Especially love the Mall and the Edwards Movie theaters. Fun!! And of course I have very fond memories of the Zoo and feeding the ducks at Ann Morrison Park. Enjoy all the fun parks!!

    My DH is coming home this morning so I'm not getting a workout in but I'll count it as my rest day. Maybe once he's napped I can talk him into taking a walk with me. It's chilly out but the sun is shining and it's a gorgeous day.

    Hugs to all this morning
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Oh this may be a silly question....but they are telling me to eat 1200 calories a day. Now if I exercise and burn say 300...do I eat an additional 300? I'm confused??? 1200 calories doesn't seem like a whole lot, but of course I've quit eating what i want when I want. :)

    Eat your exercise calories. All of them! Some people only eat half of them and some don't eat them at all but if you are hungry know that you CAN and SHOULD eat them all. Listen to your body and do what works for you!

    There are lots of threads on here about eating your exercise cals, when you get a moment it would be to your benefit to read them. I know they help me understand how the body works and how to get to most from "the plan."
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Lyn...OMGoodness your DH is a dirt bike freak as well?! My husband races (used to work at a Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda dealership selling "toys" as well). I'm sure Sara would attest to how much I complain about Eric buying/selling/trading. It's crazy! My husband is 30 and since he has been 16 has owned over 200 dirt bikes/snowmobiles/4 wheelers/etc. Yes, we know how many as he keeps a spreadsheet of what he has bought, what he put into it, what he sold it for/bought for, etc etc (can you tell he was a business major w/ a minor in Account.) "We" have pictures of all said toys as well. He does this w/ vehicles too. I joke that I'm glad the kiddos and I don't come w/ titles or we would be sold for the right price lol.

    You crack me up about buying something when your baby was a few days old. During my c-section w/ Garrett (our 2nd) DH asked right then if we could get Parker (our first) a dirt bike for his upcoming 2nd b-day. Honestly, it was a great time to ask...I would have said yes to anything. Our 2 year old was pretty happy come his b-day and he has been riding for about 2 years now. Ok, I'm done:tongue:

    Men and their toys...I don't think we will ever understand them. Your hubby seems to be very ummmm organized about his toys :laugh: I like how you said "we" HAHAHAHA. I don't have anything against the toys themselves, it's just the logic behind it. He wants to buy a house but we need to save money in order to do it, but instead of saving his money he buys a new toy. I'm half tempted to run out and buy something absolutely useless just so he sees things from my side :wink:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Megan thank you for the humor this morning!

    I need to share something rather funny (and then hopefully this will be the end of my "hubby hater" posts). In my Parenting magazine there was an article about "Mad at Dad." It talked about all the typical things men do that upset us mommies ie NOT being able to multi task, not helping with chores, not taking responsiblity for the family, and that men seems to get more "me" time then mommies. I had hubby read the article because it hit so close to home. Apparently he didn't understand it cuz it made no impact at all :mad:

    On my way to the grocery store to pick up stuff for dinner and dessert.
    Those of you that are running away for the weekend I hope you have a great time. I found out last night hubby made reservations at the new restaurant in town for Saturday. Hopefully we can discuss things over good food.

    I don't know if I will get a chance to check back in so have a great day....hubby is yelling at the baby to go to sleep (yeah like that will work) gotta go!!
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Lyn ~ I so sympathize with you on the hubby. Just want to say, give him a ittle credit...he did make reservations for you :)

    Ok, off to do a little more work. I got to eat lunch with my son at school. So much fun! But he cried when I left :( He is having such a hard time with the divorce and it was 2 years ago. Sigh!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lyn...OMGoodness your DH is a dirt bike freak as well?! My husband races (used to work at a Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda dealership selling "toys" as well). I'm sure Sara would attest to how much I complain about Eric buying/selling/trading. It's crazy! My husband is 30 and since he has been 16 has owned over 200 dirt bikes/snowmobiles/4 wheelers/etc. Yes, we know how many as he keeps a spreadsheet of what he has bought, what he put into it, what he sold it for/bought for, etc etc (can you tell he was a business major w/ a minor in Account.) "We" have pictures of all said toys as well. He does this w/ vehicles too. I joke that I'm glad the kiddos and I don't come w/ titles or we would be sold for the right price lol.

    You crack me up about buying something when your baby was a few days old. During my c-section w/ Garrett (our 2nd) DH asked right then if we could get Parker (our first) a dirt bike for his upcoming 2nd b-day. Honestly, it was a great time to ask...I would have said yes to anything. Our 2 year old was pretty happy come his b-day and he has been riding for about 2 years now. Ok, I'm done:tongue:

    Men and their toys...I don't think we will ever understand them. Your hubby seems to be very ummmm organized about his toys :laugh: I like how you said "we" HAHAHAHA. I don't have anything against the toys themselves, it's just the logic behind it. He wants to buy a house but we need to save money in order to do it, but instead of saving his money he buys a new toy. I'm half tempted to run out and buy something absolutely useless just so he sees things from my side :wink:

    May I suggest a pull up bar from my beachbody store? :laugh: Well, it would be completely useless at MY house at least. LOL

    I'll BBL. I just read this & had to comment. hehehe Off to get the monsters down for a nap!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Love the Man Class!
    As for useless items how about ye old "Ab Lounger" - it did double duty as a clothes rack all in our home!!!! Men certainly are um,different. My DH is a toy freak too - guess that's something else we all have in common. An ad came in the mail from AT &T about a new "pre-approved" cell phone offer and I think DH actually :tongue: salivated, lol. I promptly threw it in the trash can - another cell is the last thing we need. He will buy a used car at the drop of a hat ~ it's just totally nuts to me!! We're supposed to be saving money and cutting down on expenses..... At least I've been able to get him to call me and discuss it before he buys (not that it really has any impact on the final decision ~ i'm not completely dillusional :laugh: )
    Checking in today with Fat Blaster! I hopefully will get in CP3 when I get home.

    Drevansmom ~ hope your anniversary dinner in wonderful and you all get to have good food and good conversation! Hey, aren't you going to the salon today??? Good for you ~ treat yourself to something special:heart:
    Megan ~ Thanks for the laugh this morning!!! Hope your PB & J :wink: goes as planned
    Babybeans - can's wait to check out the site I was thinking about extreme and yoga booty ballet too!

    Big ((((HUGS))) to all I missed and have a great day

  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    Lyn LOL at the hubby yelling at the baby to go to sleep. Did it work?

    Just got back from a walk around the neighborhood with DH. Good talk, fresh air, blue sky, it was a good thing.

  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    :smile: Well, I just did it!!! I just did my first learn & burn and it was fabulous! So much fun!!! I hope to do it tomorrow too! Woohoo! Off to get a shower! All the kids are going to their other parents and my boyfriend and I are car searching for me and date night!!! Woohoo!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    WTG Amanda! It's a blast isn't it! Car shopping...how fun! Enjoy your date night!!!:flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hi everyone! Just have a quick minute to check in w/ TS and 20 min:smile: I need to finish cleaning the house prior to my mom watching the kiddos for us this weekend. Hoping to get up early tomorrow to get in P,K,&J before we begin celebrating!