


  • kamakeakua
    kamakeakua Posts: 2 Member
    Any diet that puts you in a calorie deficit will work. But a well rounded diet ensures you get most/all of your nutrients and is easier to stick to especially long term.
    Any diet that puts you in a calorie deficit will work. But a well rounded diet ensures you get most/all of your nutrients and is easier to stick to especially long term.

    The issue is eliminating most foods, after 30 days adding them back individually to ensure body tolerance. After doing Whole 30, I found my body reacted badly to peanut oil, bananas, and other foods I never knew.
    I just started the carnivore diet to eliminate more foods to determine body tolerance levels and other ailments.
  • carldavies55
    carldavies55 Posts: 5 Member
    I just started the carnivore diet and today had liver , it’s given my the vitamins I need and I feel good. I’m enjoying my journey
  • cathyL11
    cathyL11 Posts: 46 Member
    I’ve been mostly carnivore for 3 years now. I do labs every 6 months or so just to keep track of my health. No sign of deficiencies. It’s a great way to eat. Very simple to track and very health promoting.
  • wae2go
    wae2go Posts: 13 Member
    I have done carnivore several times for months at a time. It completely eliminates all inflammation in my joints. My joints feel all loose and grind a little bit but I feel much better with no inflammation. BUT I have no energy on carnivore. Can’t function like that. I have to have some carbs for energy, I guess. So I’m on AIP/Paleo and have more energy and a little more inflammation.

    The most amazing thing about carnivore is I could not sunburn. I’ve always been pale and a little freckled but when I was on paleo I just dark tanned with no burn. Weirdest thing ever. They say the salicylates in plants make us burn. I have no clue…