Another newbie =)

Hey all. My name is Lauren and I'm from Melbourne, Australia. I was married in September of last year, and this year in July we welcomed our little girl into the world. So now I get the fun of shedding the baby weight, as well as some extra I had before being pregnant.
I really want to be a good, healthy role model for my child. I have a husband who tells me every day that I'm beautiful, and I want to make him proud. Hell, I even want to make me proud and happy with what I see in the mirror.
So yeah, that's me I guess =)


  • Qewtypants
    Qewtypants Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome Lauren, what a beautiful photo :)
  • dmoshette
    dmoshette Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome! I'm a newbie too!
  • Hi guys, I'm a newbie too, Lets help each other shed these off!
  • angw7
    angw7 Posts: 69
    Welcome Lauren and good luck with your weight loss :-) What a beautiful profile picture & congratulations. Children are the best gift in the world. I am also a Mum and trying to lose weight and together, we can do it...
  • welcome to'l b addicted by next week!! i spend my life on here haha! i found this site was the only thing that helped me shed my baby weight so youve come 2 the right place..feel free 2 add me if u would like :) xxx
  • Thanks for the replies and the lovely comments about my profile pic. She's grown so much since then!
    You're right, Angw7, children are an amazing gift. I'm still astounded that hubby and I made such an amazing little being.
    I'm already addicted, Lucylou! It's a little scary, haha.
  • Welcome!!!

    Seems like there are a lot of newbies here!!! Feel free to add me as a friend, if you need the support!!!