Still Trying to lose 20lbs :( Who's with me?



  • reese1206
    I think it was the calorie goal post
    :laugh: Hmmm... that's pretty vague:tongue:

    So did you figure anything out regarding groups? We can just set goals here and check in regularly.
  • fairygirl716
    I've not seen those bikinis since high school...and even then didn't feel right about wearing them.
  • Eveline_ph
    Hello, I gained a lot of weight when i started uni, but decided I'll lose it all and be more fit than ever! StilI aiming to lose about 20 lbs aswell so would be happy to join your group! :)
  • partonsara
    partonsara Posts: 79 Member
    I am in too! I am 5'6" and have been around 155 for the past few months. I would love to push and lose another 15-20 and hit goal. :)

    I have done the 30 DS in the past and loved it! Combining that with running and spin class has definitely been a key in this lifestyle change. I need to move on to that next level of motivation in my workouts. Here is hoping you ladies can help! :)
  • fairygirl716
    do we have a group to follow?
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Can I join you girls?
  • reese1206
    Please do :) Click on the link above and let us know your doing it so I can add you to the group!
    Can I join you girls?