JUST FOR TODAY--One Day at a Time--Daily Commitment Thread for 2022



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,594 Member
    edited December 2022
    @mytime6630 Thanks for the pattern name. I even love the name. I did an online search of the pattern and saw so many beautiful quilts.

    @PackerFanInGB @mytime6630 Funny at our house, I put up two Christmas trees... one fake to be seen from the street, one real in family room for me to enjoy. Hubby and I no longer have gifts to put under LOL. We tend to be frugal, and decided about two years ago to no longer exchange gifts, since if either of us wants/needs something we buy it ourselves. We are the same for birthdays and our anniversary. We celebrate those by going out to dinner. On my side of the family, we quit exchanging names for Christmas gift giving a few years ago. I resisted at first, but b/c we don't all live near each other, gift giving became a "shopping list gift" or gift card. On hubby's side, we gave up gift exchanges years ago. None of my nieces or nephews got Christmas gifts from me, ever; they got plenty of stuff from their immediate family and grandparents. Same on hubby's side. I still give gifts to local service providers (hair, mail, etc.). Even my closest friends, save one, and I have given up gift giving. I don't think there's a single one of us that minds; besides the cost, shopping, wrapping, shipping stress was no longer fun.

    For years, I have made a stocking stuffer bag for each of my family members, filled with nuts, candy, fun-type trinkets, and the obligatory orange. That tradition started when I crocheted Christmas stockings for each of my four siblings when I was in high school, and later my sib-in-laws and nieces. The bags are a fun thing for me to do, and the reactions are always fun, too.

    Recap 12/4 Sun.
    1) Choir sang 7:45 & 9:00 services (be there 7:20) :smiley:
    2) Walked dog 4.5 mi, sunny but cold, breezy day & wore winter layers plus wind pants, saw 4 turkeys :sunglasses: happy dog & happy me
    3) Move hourly :mrgreen: 18.6K 37 floors 14/14 boom! Don't see the boom as often, now that I don't have to get up before sunrise to walk dog before work... hahaha loving retirement!
    4) Whitefish, veg for supper / net calories zero / >64 oz. water :smiley: net cals green 97, sodium not so bad, fiber excellent, protein low-ish, carbs ok, calcium low, 88 oz water
    5) Prep for funeral luncheon 2:00 / activate new healthcare card / understand new flex card ~ yay new benefit for dental & eye health / prep international Christmas card / wrap gifts to ship / wash dishes ~ dishwasher loaded & run / another ta-da ~ sorted all Christmas card stock, including loads of freebies, organized card list & updated for address changes, digital decluttering... TA-DA! :smiley:
    6) Floss / retainers too busy/lazy / pray

    JFT 12/5 M
    1) Walked dog 3.67 mi, had to copy route since nothing logged in app, then reset MapMyWalk password ugh :smiley: still, happy dog & happy me
    2) Move hourly
    3) Not sure of supper / net calories zero / >64 oz. water
    4) Mail package to ex-roomie & international card ~ done / pick up new battery for SUV w/ hubby ~ done / unload 5 bags birdseed (140#) from trunk of car & put in bins ~ done / top off bird feeders & heated birdbath ~ done / laundry (3 loads) ~ in progress / unload dishwasher & put away ~ done / organize family room furniture for tree (tomorrow) / snowman decorations / write 10 Christmas cards / digital declutter / anything else?
    5) Floss / retainers / pray

    5# Challenge ~ using my Sat. w-i
    Nov. 12 = 175.5
    Nov. 19 = 175
    Nov. 26 = 176 Thanksgiving foods
    Dec. 3 = 175.5

    About me:
    I'm Carmela
    Height 5'4"
    65 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2022 Goals: mainly updates from the last two years
    1) Weight 150#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~
    • 1.31.22 forgot to measure & log (DDS 8:20, quick stops at bread store & grocery essentials, then to mom & dad's for her bday)
    • 3.1.22 (still recovering from flu 2.23-2.25)
    • 3.31.22 maintaining not gaining
    • 4.30.22 barely maintaining
    • 5.31.22 ack
    • 6.30.22 ups & downs in June, but no worse at end of month
    • 8.2.22 up again ~ gah! (lazy in July & ate whatever I wanted)
    • 9.1.22 not doing so great eating-wise
    • 9.30.22 leveling off, starting downwards again :)
    • 10.31.22 not pretty... I can't stand being this heavy again!
    • 11.30.22 Thanksgiving foods put me up
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking dog, treadmill in winter, but include weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    • Started PT (physical therapy) exercises 1.28.22 due to overuse of arthritic knees
    6) Participate in race or challenge events hopefully fewer virtual this year ~
    • started MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,022km challenge on Jan. 1
    • Frenzy on the Fox (River Trail) 5K on 1.21.22 ~ untimed event, per MapMyWalk 53.47 & ave. pace 16:30, frigid this year with wind chill at zero
    • registered for Seroogy's Valentine 5K on 2.5.22 ~ medico nixed race b/c inflammation in knee due to overuse & my arthritis = sad me but good for my knee
    • Bellin 10K on 6.11.22 (first time in person since 2019) ~ 1:41:02 ave. pace 16:27 first half 51:35 second half 50:26 & knees were fine :star: happy me
    • Packers 5K on 7.16.22 ~ 48:48 average pace 15:43 finished 37/81 in my age group (I'm oldest year in range haha)
    • Bellin Women's 5K on 10/1/22 (Packers 5K discount yay) ~ 48:56 ave. pace 15:45 overall 202 of 296 :star: not too shabby 9 days before I turned 65yo
    • register for Run for the Hill of It (trail) 5K on 10/8/22 (price goes up in Sept) ~ reconsidered due to knees on nature trails with rocks, tree roots & finishing up a very steep sledding hill... have decided not doing this year (maybe ever again = sad me b/c I love trail events)
    • watch for other events to add ~ None. Sad that City Stadium Run for Veterans no longer.
    • maybe Jingle Bell 5K in person this year? need to watch for
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together ~ excellent goal last two years to be continued
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states) ~ keeping this goal as well
    9) Continue to declutter bedroom, home office, former work from home space (a/k/a dining room) and basement ~ not much progress lately, at least dining room done
    Word for 2022: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,008 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hour commitment - no more of my restaurant meal. Taking 1/2 home. Can still eat some brownie and my dose of metamusal.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,008 Member
    Hour commitment - had my brownie! As soon as I finish my metamusal, I won't eat again until after 5 pm. No more brownie today.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    🐳🐬DECEMBER 2022🐬🐳
    It’s inspiring to see
    the effort been made
    to combat the temptations
    of the festive season.
    I am fortunate that UK
    don’t have the double whammy
    of 2 celebrations at
    the end of each year.

    • November was a good month for me, and I achieved my goal of dropping a couple of lbs in anticipation of moderate indulgences over the festive season.
    • I am continuing with my present routine in December.
    Focus for December:
    • Enjoy moderate treats, while staying under calorie goal
    • Exercise to augment calories available
    • Adhere to Daily Solid Habits

    Eat under goal!

    Visited DED yesterday. She had made wholewheat apple and cinnamon pancakes. I had reduced the carbs in my breakfast and lunch in anticipation of the visit as she enjoys baking for us.
    Active hours > 6 [/color]
    Current Solid Habits

    The festive season was always a minefield for me. It’s taken 7 difficult years and much soul-searching to change my previous habits to ones which are more advantageous to health and fitness.

    I am worth the effort. And the payoffs are significant.

    You are worth the effort!!!

    🦄 Terri

  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,008 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.
  • emgracewrites
    emgracewrites Posts: 478 Member
    - 40 oz of water ❌
    - Log all food ✅
    - Errands (recycling, bank, office max) ✅
    - laundry (so much laundry…how can one human being produce this much laundry?) ✅

    Had a pretty good day today. Drank a decent amount of water (32 oz) and ate a good amount of food, even if some of it wasn’t exactly healthy. I saw someone else post on here about moving tempting treats to a higher shelf on the pantry. I’ll try that for tomorrow.

    Took care of all my errands except the recycling, because apparently recycling is no longer a thing in my city. I’ll just save it for the next time I go and visit my parents, who live in a different city that still recycles.

    All my laundry is clean. It’s not folded, but I’ll tackle that tomorrow. Hoping for a good night’s sleep tonight.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    JFT - Dec 5
    Log onto JFT

    I’ll have to catch up tomorrow night. I’m tired tonight
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member
    JFT Monday
    - Up at 5:00am :smiley:
    - Weigh :smiley:
    - Work by 5:45 :smiley:
    - Catch night shift :smiley:
    - Check in with MFP :smiley:
    - Mini meals :smiley:
    - Water :smiley:
    - Stay green :smiley:
    - bake cookie (not any cookies, dough or Hershey's kisses) :(
    - Dinner at home :smiley:
    - No alcohol :smiley:
    - Bed by 10:30 :smiley:

    Yesterday was a good day except for baking, but hubby was replacing a light in the kitchen when I got home so there wasn't really a clean environment for cooking. Other than that a pretty low key evening, I addressed Christmas cards and listened to a poorly played football game.

    Today is work stuff until I decide to go home. I've got a rocking headache, but there are a few meetings I just can't miss. Also gotta sort mom's bills from last week as I haven't gotten to them yet. After work, I am teaching a spin class then baking cookies.

    On the 5lb December challenge: Start weight: 153.2, Current weight: 152.0

    JFT Tuesday
    - Up by 7:00 - yes but not out of bed so not really :(
    - Weigh :smiley:
    - Work by 8:00 - 8:10 :(
    - Work with complaints - send out notifications :smiley:
    - Audit report prep
    - LPA meeting
    - Mini meals
    - Log food
    - Stay green
    - Nap?
    - Teach spin
    - Lean and green dinner (Meat & veggies - low carb)
    - Bake cookies - do NOT eat cookies or dough
    - Shower
    - No alcohol
    - Bed by 11:00

    Have a great day y'all!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,594 Member
    edited December 2022
    @emgracewrites Sad that your community no longer recycles. I live in a city where each house has a recycling bin that is placed curbside every other week for collection by the city. We recycle paper, (select) plastic, glass bottles & aluminum. Whatever I can keep out of the landfills, I do, have for decades. Certain other recyclables that are not allowed in the bins (ex: fluorescent light bulbs, batteries) we take to our local Hazardous Waste Facility (have to live in the county).

    Recap 12/5 M
    1) Walked dog 3.67 mi, had to copy route since nothing logged in app, then reset MapMyWalk password ugh :smiley: still, happy dog & happy me
    2) Move hourly :smiley: 16.8K 25 floors 12/14
    3) Not sure of supper / net calories zero / >64 oz. water :s Not the healthiest supper but quick & easy, I overate & then evening snack of peanut M&Ms. Ack! Net cals -545, sodium horrible, fiber protein carbs excellent, calcium ok, 88 oz water
    4) Mail package to ex-roomie & international card / pick up new battery for SUV w/ hubby / unload 5 bags birdseed (140#) from trunk of car & put in bins / top off bird feeders & heated birdbath / laundry ~ planned 3 loads did 4 / unload dishwasher & put away / organize family room furniture for tree (tomorrow) / snowman decorations / write 10 Christmas cards no energy left / digital declutter / anything else? got fake tree out of storage in basement (hubby carried upstairs), cleaned Kitty's hallway TA-DA!
    5) Floss / retainers / pray :) 3x

    JFT 12/6 T
    1) Walked dog 4.03 mi, MapMyWalk app worked today, picked up 17 aluminum cans for recycling along route (probably underage drinkers *sigh*) :smiley: happy dog & happy me
    2) Move hourly
    3) Leftovers for supper / net calories zero / >64 oz. water
    4) Webinar 3-4 / Schwan's order delivery 3-6 / choir rehearsal 7:30 / bring Christmas upstairs / snowman decorations / digital decluttering / wash dishes / set up fake tree in living room / another ta-da?
    5) Floss / retainers / pray

    5# Challenge ~ using my Sat. w-i
    Nov. 12 = 175.5
    Nov. 19 = 175
    Nov. 26 = 176 Thanksgiving foods
    Dec. 3 = 175.5

    About me:
    I'm Carmela
    Height 5'4"
    65 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2022 Goals: mainly updates from the last two years
    1) Weight 150#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~
    • 1.31.22 forgot to measure & log (DDS 8:20, quick stops at bread store & grocery essentials, then to mom & dad's for her bday)
    • 3.1.22 (still recovering from flu 2.23-2.25)
    • 3.31.22 maintaining not gaining
    • 4.30.22 barely maintaining
    • 5.31.22 ack
    • 6.30.22 ups & downs in June, but no worse at end of month
    • 8.2.22 up again ~ gah! (lazy in July & ate whatever I wanted)
    • 9.1.22 not doing so great eating-wise
    • 9.30.22 leveling off, starting downwards again :)
    • 10.31.22 not pretty... I can't stand being this heavy again!
    • 11.30.22 Thanksgiving foods put me up
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking dog, treadmill in winter, but include weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    • Started PT (physical therapy) exercises 1.28.22 due to overuse of arthritic knees
    6) Participate in race or challenge events hopefully fewer virtual this year ~
    • started MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,022km challenge on Jan. 1
    • Frenzy on the Fox (River Trail) 5K on 1.21.22 ~ untimed event, per MapMyWalk 53.47 & ave. pace 16:30, frigid this year with wind chill at zero
    • registered for Seroogy's Valentine 5K on 2.5.22 ~ medico nixed race b/c inflammation in knee due to overuse & my arthritis = sad me but good for my knee
    • Bellin 10K on 6.11.22 (first time in person since 2019) ~ 1:41:02 ave. pace 16:27 first half 51:35 second half 50:26 & knees were fine :star: happy me
    • Packers 5K on 7.16.22 ~ 48:48 average pace 15:43 finished 37/81 in my age group (I'm oldest year in range haha)
    • Bellin Women's 5K on 10/1/22 (Packers 5K discount yay) ~ 48:56 ave. pace 15:45 overall 202 of 296 :star: not too shabby 9 days before I turned 65yo
    • register for Run for the Hill of It (trail) 5K on 10/8/22 (price goes up in Sept) ~ reconsidered due to knees on nature trails with rocks, tree roots & finishing up a very steep sledding hill... have decided not doing this year (maybe ever again = sad me b/c I love trail events)
    • watch for other events to add ~ None. Sad that City Stadium Run for Veterans no longer.
    • maybe Jingle Bell 5K in person this year? need to watch for
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together ~ excellent goal last two years to be continued
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states) ~ keeping this goal as well
    9) Continue to declutter bedroom, home office, former work from home space (a/k/a dining room) and basement ~ not much progress lately, at least dining room done
    Word for 2022: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,008 Member
    edited December 2022
    JFT for 12/5/2022 (yesterday)✔️
    1) No dessert today. (last 11/30) Can have sugarfree or no sugar added. Can have some brownies I made.✔️
    2) None of DH's stash today & none ice cream that my friend brought.✔️
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 12/2)✔️
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday. (last 12/8)✔️
    5) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 11/30). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.✔️
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (a little in honey mustard ok)✔️
    7) Nuts ok (22-26 g), but none of Gary's nuts.✔️
    8) No beef jerky today.✔️
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage ok today (last 10/19) (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)✔️
    10) Sweet potato or pumpkin ok today. (last 12/1)✔️Didn't eat today.

    JFT for 12/6/2022 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today. (last 11/30) Can have sugarfree or no sugar added. Can have some brownies I made.
    2) None of DH's stash today & none ice cream that my friend brought.
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 12/2)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday. (last 12/8)
    5) Up to 1.5 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 11/30). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (a little in honey mustard ok)
    7) Nuts ok (22-26 g), but none of Gary's nuts.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage ok today (last 10/19) (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)
    10) Sweet potato or pumpkin ok today. (last 12/1)

    ================== 4DW started =============
    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:


  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope you're all well!
    I've just not been doing my goals again. I don't know what's wrong with me. I look in the mirror and think "right I need to sort this out" then do NOTHING to actually sort it out?!?

    Don't know how to get out this funk and I'm nearly at my highest weight again and we've not even hit christmas yet.
    Summer I did okay, salads and vegetables and just general healthy foods. But now it's winter I've noticed a complete appetite shift. Dunno whether it's the colder whether making me want more warmer foods. But salads just seem so unappealing at lunch time and im going more for jacket potatoes and nice warm stews for dinner.
    But that means more potatoes and I've noticed I'm very much back on the carbs because Greek yogurt doesn't seem appealing for breakfast because it's cold. I'd rather have toast or a nice toasted fruit teacake or a bacon barm.

    Any ideas guys? I feel like I just don't WANT it enough or I've just gave up. Not really got anyone to push me and exercise seems like a distant memory.

    It's annoying because I know what I need to do, I know HOW to do it but I can't seem to be able to do the things I need to do.. 🤔
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,008 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5 pm. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Also I know I said I dont have people to push me... I know I have you guys and you're all so supportive and spur me on when I'm doing good but I also need someone who's like "cut the ©®ap and stop moaning and just get on with it"

    I don't have that determination I need! And I don't know how to get it back! X
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    A VERY long day yesterday. I did OK all day food wise.Was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, and our daughter calls. She likes to run at a beautiful state park .. but its mostly woods, with rocks, tree stumps, etc all over the place on the ground.Very hilly, very scenic and yes, its beautiful. We tell her this place is more of a place to "hike", not run, but she goes anyhow. 3 years ago she fell and hit a rock.. slit her knee all the way to the bone. When that happened, she said she would not go there again. Well.. she goes anyhow all the time, even though its about a 45 min drive each way (something to fill her day), because running is the one thing that helps with her anxiety and depression.
    The doctor has been changing her meds, so our daughter said she has not slept in a week. We tell her when your not sleeping, don't go driving.
    Well .. yesterday she drove to this beautiful park, but she got there at 3 pm. .. not even thinking because it was a cloudy day,and shes in the woods, that in a hour it would be getting dark. Well.. it got dark.. and she;s in the woods alone. She used her phone as a flashlte, but she fell, hit her other knee on a rock.. lost her glasses. Luckly she was able to find her glasses, somehow made it out of the woods and back to her car. The park gates were down.. no one was there, but she could at least get out. Thats when she called me.. telling me what happened, saying she didn't have her insurance card.
    So she stopped here.. I took her to the ER. We got to the ER at 6:30 pm... and did not get home until 4:00 am this morning. They took several xrays and a ct scan because they thought tendons were cut, but luckly not. So 3 layers of stitches.. and we were finally home. When you go to the ER with a cut.. you are put behind everyone else that is coming in with covid, flu, more serious things, but this does not seem right, but thats the way it is.
    Then today hubby had more skin cancer removed... so its been a long day. Daughter is staying with us.. hoping to keep her here at least 2 days so I can be sure she takes antibiotics and wears her boot so she can't bend her knee. What a nite .. but hey.. I did not snack at the hospital!
    So today I had no goals.. other than tonite ... don't snack! I'll have to run out to pick up her pain pills yet, and will stop by the grocery store. Only goal .. don't throw anything in the cart unhealthy to eat tonite for stress eating!

    JF tomorrow, wed, 12/7
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. mindful eating
    4. no snacking.. goal this week... 4 evenings of no snacking.
    5 pound challenge .. lost 5# by end of year! Weigh-ins
    Trying to weigh every saturday
    November 12: 205.0 ! Yikes. I knew I was up, because my jeans are once again tight. So my goal is to be back in onderland by January 1st!
    Nov 18: 207.2 --- the scale is going the wrong direction.. and when I look back, I know why.Its mindless eating of even "healthy" foods like raisins, banannas, nuts, etc. So, that must stop
    Nov 26:
    211. going in the wrong direction... back to starting weight ... but tomorrow is a new day. too much overeating for thanksgiving, so hoping for a loss next week.
    Dec 3: 205.0... back where I started almost 3 weeks ago... not being too successful so far. But my downfall is still evening snacking, and not enough water. Goals for next week: 4 out of 5 nites no snacks, aim for 6+ water each day.


  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Also I know I said I dont have people to push me... I know I have you guys and you're all so supportive and spur me on when I'm doing good but I also need someone who's like "cut the ©®ap and stop moaning and just get on with it"

    I don't have that determination I need! And I don't know how to get it back! X

    You can do it Bex!! Its just one day at a time!! Join our challenge .. maybe that will help?
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Also I know I said I dont have people to push me... I know I have you guys and you're all so supportive and spur me on when I'm doing good but I also need someone who's like "cut the ©®ap and stop moaning and just get on with it"

    I don't have that determination I need! And I don't know how to get it back! X

    You can do it Bex!! Its just one day at a time!! Join our challenge .. maybe that will help?

    I did 😂😂 but it's just the commitment. It's like I force my brain to go "yes let's do this" but in reality my brain is going "nahh" in the background. I just don't have that oomph!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    @mytime6630 Christ that sounds like one hell of a night! I hope you, your daughter and husband are okay!

    Funny how you said she had to wait before others, because when Ash broke his hand and I took him to A and E, he had to wait behind kids who just seemed to have coughs or minor things (it was weekend so GP surgeries not open and the out of hours GP is at the hospital) and other adults who had also minor things but needed to be seen.
    Whereas he was sat there with a completely mangled hand and in intense pain, he was sat there for nearly 2 hours until a nurse walking past actually saw his hand and got him in quicker. He ended up having surgery to pin his hand back together 🙄
    It's a very weird system indeed. Although I am thankful for our NHS. X
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @mytime6630 Christ that sounds like one hell of a night! I hope you, your daughter and husband are okay!

    Funny how you said she had to wait before others, because when Ash broke his hand and I took him to A and E, he had to wait behind kids who just seemed to have coughs or minor things (it was weekend so GP surgeries not open and the out of hours GP is at the hospital) and other adults who had also minor things but needed to be seen.
    Whereas he was sat there with a completely mangled hand and in intense pain, he was sat there for nearly 2 hours until a nurse walking past actually saw his hand and got him in quicker. He ended up having surgery to pin his hand back together 🙄
    It's a very weird system indeed. Although I am thankful for our NHS. X

    We sat for 7 hours before they even cleaned her knee!! she had dried blood that had run down her leg. I was concerned letting it sit that long before they even attempted to clean it. Yet, like you said... so many were coming in with coughs and they went ahead of her. By the time we left, the place had almost emptied out except for maybe 4 in the waiting room. But 9+ hours waiting I just do not understand. There were people coming in that seemed OK except for a cough .. and they were leaving while we were there sitting with blood all over her. They did wrap it and put a tight ace bandage to stop the bleeding .. but still!
    She's in a lot of pain tonite, so hoping she will stay at least a few days with us so I can be sure she gets her antiobiotics in!
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,008 Member

    JFT for 12/6/2022 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today. (last 11/30) Can have sugarfree or no sugar added. Can have some brownies I made.✔️
    2) None of DH's stash today & none of the ice cream that my friend brought.✔️
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 12/2)✔️
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday. (last 12/8)✔️
    5) Up to 1.5 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 11/30). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.✔️
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (a little in honey mustard ok)✔️
    7) Nuts ok (22-26 g), but none of Gary's nuts.✔️
    8) No beef jerky today.✔️
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage ok today (last 10/19) (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)✔️
    10) Sweet potato or pumpkin ok today. (last 12/1)✔️
    JFT for 12/7/2022 (tomorrow)✔️
    1) No dessert today. (last 11/30) Can have sugarfree or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash today, none of the brownies & none of the ice cream that my friend brought.
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 12/2)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday. (last 12/8)
    5) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 11/30). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (a little in honey mustard ok)
    7) Nuts ok (22-26 g), but none of Gary's nuts.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage ok today (last 10/19) (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)
    10) No sweet potato or pumpkin ok today. (last 12/6)
    11) If I start some of the cooking for our dinner this Saturday, I can taste.

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.
    ================== 4DW started =============
    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:


  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT Wednesday
    1. THINK PINK. Duolingo.
    2. Write "How Do Taxes Work?" script. Finish/shoot edutraining script.
    3. Pick thumbnail for Name Tents video. Filk "Oklahoma."
    4. Reading - Libby. Update Goodreads!
    5. Write S&F and Clois.
    6. Department meeting after school.
    7. Continue drafting unit plans.
    8. Evening: Livestream. Dinner: Salad. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water! Update JFT.
    9. Bedtime: Gratitude journal. Update IG. Therapy exercises: crunches, push-ups, squats, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth.
    10. Upcoming: Set up digital portfolio. Create online signups for trunk or treat and farmer's market and backpack blessings. Sat take Starbucks card on walk! Get elastic for shoes & take to shoe repair. Sun EGL 4-close. Can work NYE/Day.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    End of 2018: 189.2
    End of 2019: 196.4
    End of 2020: 187.4
    End of 2021: 194.4
    Today: 201.0

    Long-term goals/progress

    1. Professional / read current research. 2. Professional / present at conferences. 3. Professional / publish scholarly articles. 4. Professional / observe student needs and develop supports. 5. Professional / complete a doctorate. 6. Personal / retire comfortably. 7. Personal / renovate house. 8. Community / local progress. 9. Community / time with friends & family. 10. Medical/fitness.

    1. Research: Five paragraph essay. How student attitudes affect standardized test results; student surveys.

    2. Presenting: Promote YT channel. Invite guests.

    3. Publishing: Read one journal article weekly; respond in a blog post. Clois for CWG. S&F for YT channel. Goodreads purchase list for McKay’s.

    4. Observed student needs: Changing words between parts of speech (vocabulary/grammar). Synthesizing info from multiple sources, drawing conclusions (RI/W). EFFECTIVE transitions (W). Every day v everyday; any one v anyone (grammar). Sub/obj pronouns & structure (grammar). Poss v pl nouns (grammar). Short nonfic from Lat Amer/Africa/Asia (World Lit). ALA conference registration by March.

    5. Doctorate: Research programs, requirements, resources, cost, timeline.

    6. Retirement: Update name on JSSB acct. Check investments. Do years of service transfer? Theater CV. Entertainment experience. Duolingo/Lang8.

    7. House: Floor joists. Siding. Gutters. Floors.

    8. Local progress: Library. Theater. PC2V. City/county govt. Community kitchen. She Should Run vision statement. Ugly Christmas sweater / Hawaiian shirt. Push for diversity. Turn left!

    9. Friends & extended family: Organize photos. Write postcards. Call weekly! Look for activities to do with friends. Purchase doll with long hair; practice French braid. Dance: tap, salsa, samba.

    10. Immediate family: 20m room cleaning daily. When room is clean, nap together. Zoo? Drive white car together; practice solo driving. Load books in crate for McKay's. Work on staying home solo when dark. When is annual checkup? When is next therapy appt? Discuss regressive behaviors & becoming nonverbal when upset.

    11. Medical: YMCA classes. Lift @ lunch. Maintain @ 155 w defined muscle tone. At 189, 1pr black 1pr white leggings; Hawaiian shirt. 179, 2 Svaha Rachel dresses. 169 suit - Indochino? 159 swing dance lessons. Talk to PCP about feet (cannot do calf raises, pushups, planks, mountain climbers, etc.) Also back and shoulder pain. Why can’t I sleep better? Is ADHD a possible factor? Dentist April 19 11a. Therapy Nov 21 11A. How to respond to regressive behavior? Obgyn Mar 15 11a.

    WFTY: Focus. I feel like I'm forgetting things...
    2020 WFTY: Progress. 2021 WFTY: Persistence.