New Me 2023

Hello everyone. I am here to change my life. My girlfriend broke up with me a week before xmas and I've been depressed. I don't want to sit home all day thinking about what went wrong. So, here I am. I am currently 211. I want to cut down to 149.


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Wow. How tall are you? 149 is a low weight for a male.

    As for being hurt and depressed over the breakup, that's a natural thing. It takes awhile to get your confidence back. Someone new and wonderful is just around the corner. You'll see.
  • CurvyEmmy
    CurvyEmmy Posts: 225 Member
    Hi! So sorry about your breakup!! :( I

    I agree with the other poster - 149 is really skinny, and 211 isn’t too heavy for a guy!!

    I also wanna lose ~60 pounds but my goal is to get down to 200!

    I’ve always been plus size, like I’m just naturally a pretty big girl, but I used to be like 190 which I felt much more comfortable with (I’m 5’5”). However the pandemic really screwed up my weight, I was scared sh*tless by it and stress ate constantly, plus zero exercise because I stayed at home all the time.

    I’m trying to set realistic goals and I feel like getting back down to 200 is going to be really difficult but I hope I can achieve it if I stay focused. My problem is, I’m naturally pretty lazy and lose motivation super easily. Maybe we can keep in touch and help each other lose our weight together? :)
  • peckabuns
    peckabuns Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. Breaking up is hard to do. However, when o e door closes it really does open new doors and opportunities ! Good for you for looking forward and taking this time to focus on yourself. You can do this! Be patient with yourself. Set daily, short term and long term goals. It’s usually more motivating to have goals that you can achieve each day, week ,month etc…do what you enjoy in the gym. Change on small dietary thing at a time. For example stop drinking soda, even diet soda, reduce red meat consumption or start measuring food portions. These small changes really add up over time. I like the interval fasting method myself. Finally, use your friend and family network for social and emotional support. These people love you and want to help you. Ask for what you need and want from them. It helps them to know how to help you. Focus on yourself for awhile, get comfortable with who you are, then get out there and meet new people who are focused on their health and the things you enjoy. Be patient, love and happiness will find you, don’t settle for less. You got this!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,996 Member
    Apparently some people are assuming that someone who had a girlfriend is male. If that's not the case, and if those assumptions are why you've gone silent, OP, please don't be deterred. An assumption doesn't mean folks will be hostile if it turns out they were wrong.

    And if you're male but short enough that 149 is a reasonable goal, please don't let the reactions to that goal for a male make you feel unwelcome. It's always helpful to give more demographic information if you're looking for help, and it's natural for people to try to fill in blanks with averages or their personal experience.
  • 5rypffbqzp
    5rypffbqzp Posts: 10 Member
    Good luck with everything.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Apparently some people are assuming that someone who had a girlfriend is male. If that's not the case, and if those assumptions are why you've gone silent, OP, please don't be deterred. An assumption doesn't mean folks will be hostile if it turns out they were wrong.

    And if you're male but short enough that 149 is a reasonable goal, please don't let the reactions to that goal for a male make you feel unwelcome. It's always helpful to give more demographic information if you're looking for help, and it's natural for people to try to fill in blanks with averages or their personal experience.

    Well lynn, the profile says "male" so I just assumed, but today you never know unless the OP is forthcoming. If the OP disappears for that reason, well, it takes determination to lose. Also, I was concerned that the OP might be trying to go too low. We need a bit more information.

    I guess I still don't read my post in a negative light, but to each his own.