
I feel myself falling off of my life change!!! I want to continue this journey but I dont know what is stopping me from continuing this journey.

Any words of wisdom are greatly appricated and any suggestions on how I can get over this hump would be great also!!

I see all my friends on here doing great and I am just like "yay! for them but blah for me!! :(



  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    You've lost 21 pounds so far! Do you *really* want to have to lose it again by not continuing all the hard work you're doing??

    Not to mention - You've lost 21 pounds so far!! Imagine what you can do if you stick to this!
  • kducky22
    kducky22 Posts: 276 Member
    When your brain is trying desperately to talk you out of exercising here are some things I think of to motivate me.

    I'll get to eat a little more tonight.
    I'll lose weight faster.
    I'll look more toned, nobody wants to lose all that weight and be skinny flabby.
    I'll feel so good when I am done.
    I'm in the zone and I want to stay there.
    Just get dressed and take a step out the door.....hardest part right there.
    It's only 20 minutes to an 1hr out of my day, I'll just be watching tv anyway.
  • treed4
    I'm been fighting with that as well. Just don't know what it is. If you want to be friends and stick on this journey together, let me know!
  • bugsygal89
    bugsygal89 Posts: 48 Member
    You have already done so much good!!! Imagine how much more you can do if you stick with it ;-)

    What seems to be standing in your way? And just imagine how good it will feel if you just barrel on through it and achieve your goal? I would say that is worth more than anything in the world :-)
  • kit_kat122000
    kit_kat122000 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't know if this will help but I focus on my accomplishments and not on how far I have left to go. I don't ever allow myself to think that other people are doing better than I am. I have a wonderful friend on here that is a local friend as well, she is training for a marathon which would kill me. Rather than comparing myself to that I congratulate her but focus only on my own little successes. I count everything that goes well, from the smallest turning down a jolly rancher to the big I haven't cheated on my diet in 3 weeks. You make life changes for yourself, so allow yourself to be proud! Happiness is a choice and not an unconcious response, we have to allow ourselves to feel it :)
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    "I want to get in shape so I can enjoy my life to the fulliest! I want to be able to get on rollercoasters with my niece and nephew, I want to be able to fit into cute clothes and not worry if my back fat is hanging out, I want to not feel like the biggest girl in the room. I just over all want to be HEALTHY"

    If these statements are no longer true - update your profile. If they remain true - read them - then read them some more.

    You are doing so well! Don't give up!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    first, you have to diagnose the problem. is it more mental or physical?

    if there's a mental breakdown, assess some tough questions....

    why do you want to get off the track? what is it that you liked so much about being overweight that you want to return? what is it that you hate/hated about being overweight...write it down...are these things compelling enough to stay on track?
  • jocewar
    jocewar Posts: 27 Member
    I know how you feel! And a lot of my friends on here quit too, so it sucks. Good luck!
  • tresmom08
    I feel the same way...but I have only lost 1 pound. I was excerising and eating right.. No fried foods, just water and crystal light to drink..No red meat....salad and fresh veggies, fruit and yogurt ......and all for 1 pound....So I said forget it if I'm not going to lose I might as well go back to eating and doing what I was doing perviosly...maybe I'm meant to be a "big girl"...

  • megamoo04
    thank you all for the kind words!!!

    I think what is stopping me that I have no "home" support. I am trying to do my best but then either a family memeber or my boyfriend steers me in the wrong direction. I mean they all support me but I feel like I am doing it a lone. I am just blah now a days :(
  • megamoo04
    "I want to get in shape so I can enjoy my life to the fulliest! I want to be able to get on rollercoasters with my niece and nephew, I want to be able to fit into cute clothes and not worry if my back fat is hanging out, I want to not feel like the biggest girl in the room. I just over all want to be HEALTHY"

    If these statements are no longer true - update your profile. If they remain true - read them - then read them some more.

    You are doing so well! Don't give up!!

    thank Jules that gave me chills! i would have never thought about reading that over and over again! I can do this!! thanks again!
  • bugsygal89
    bugsygal89 Posts: 48 Member
    I think what is stopping me that I have no "home" support. I am trying to do my best but then either a family memeber or my boyfriend steers me in the wrong direction. I mean they all support me but I feel like I am doing it a lone. I am just blah now a days :(

    I know exactly what you mean!! Would it be out of the question to have your family join you? Not in every way but see if they want to join you exercising or eat more whole veggies with you? A healthy lifestyle change can only benefit them, even if they aren't trying to lose weight :-)
  • megamoo04
    I think what is stopping me that I have no "home" support. I am trying to do my best but then either a family memeber or my boyfriend steers me in the wrong direction. I mean they all support me but I feel like I am doing it a lone. I am just blah now a days :(

    I know exactly what you mean!! Would it be out of the question to have your family join you? Not in every way but see if they want to join you exercising or eat more whole veggies with you? A healthy lifestyle change can only benefit them, even if they aren't trying to lose weight :-)

    I have tried and it hasnt worked out very much! :(
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Every now and then I feel like giving up too. Then I say, "That's a terrible idea", figure out what's making me want to quit (which is usually just that I want to be lazy that day), and remind myself I'm a lot stronger than that. And, sometimes, you just gotta take a day or two off, really.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    I know how you feel... For me its a very tough mental game and sometimes its just really hard to get back into it. You have to wake up each day and give it your best. Even if you only make it till breakfast, then tomorrow you can make it till lunch and then before you notice, youre a skinny *****!

    Feel free to add me!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    thank you all for the kind words!!!

    I think what is stopping me that I have no "home" support. I am trying to do my best but then either a family memeber or my boyfriend steers me in the wrong direction. I mean they all support me but I feel like I am doing it a lone. I am just blah now a days :(

    You know, this is a journey we can really only take on our own. Having people get in the way, or not be supportive can make it a lot more difficult, but in the end, you're the only person in control of your destiny.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    Megan, I have no home support either. That is why I do mfp. If it were up to my family, we'd eat crap every day, all day long and I'd never go to the gym I'd do stuff for them. But guess what? It's important to me to be healthy (read your goals again -that was a brilliant answer by the way!). It's important to me to be at a weight where I feel good about myself and how my clothes fit. So I eat healthy and make healthy food for my family. If they want junk, they are free to jump in the car and go buy it. We do have some less healthy food in the house but I either don't eat it or just eat it in moderation. I don't give myself excuses about going to the gym. I do IMMEDIATELY after taking kids to school. I'm in the car-I just go.

    I love the advice you've been given so far, it's all good! You have to put yourself first sometimes and if your family can't support you, come on here and we will. Go read the success stories for motivation. Truly, if we can do it, YOU CAN TOO! Congratulations on 21 lbs!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    You just have to really want it. Want it more than the fast food, more than the easy way etc. Just stop and think when you know your about to cave into something you shouldn't "What is more important to me?". (and don't feel bad, or beat yourself up if your answer isn't always what you think it should be....I'm sure there is a good handful of us that at one point have decided the drive through or the ice cream was more important at the time because we were stressed, upset etc...the point is...forgive yourself, and move on, and try again the next day. You will get there!)

    I'm a visual person...and its kind of dorky, but reading motivational snippits helps me. Even if its just a temporary boost to get out the door, or to put down the cookie. etc.

    These are some of my favorites





  • jennarandhayes
    jennarandhayes Posts: 456 Member
    I've totally been there! In fact, I'm not in the best frame of mind now, but when I am totally ready to give up I pull out all of my old pics and that usually does the trick! Something that has motivated me in the past is to give myself either a really small give myself the goal of staying under my calories for the day or for exercising for 30 minutes and then do it again the next day until I feel totally back in sync. Take baby steps so that the task doesn't seem huge. My husband and daughter aren't following my plan exactly but since I do all of the cooking they essentially eat what I eat. Yes, I have to watch them eat cookies, ice cream, and chips, but if I really wanted one of those items I would have one and I do on occasion! Something else that motivates me is that I reward myself for big goals. Usually I go shopping for something that I really want, but my desire to shop usually outweighs (pun intended) my desire to eat unhealthy food. You have to find something that motivates you and remind yourself of that thing every day. These tests of strength make us human. We aren't perfect! We are designed to be perfect. We do the best we can and make choices that are best for us in the moment, and we remember that we can make positive choices most of the time and when we don't we don't beat ourselves up for it. (hug)
  • hether22
    thank you all for the kind words!!!

    I think what is stopping me that I have no "home" support. I am trying to do my best but then either a family memeber or my boyfriend steers me in the wrong direction. I mean they all support me but I feel like I am doing it a lone. I am just blah now a days :(

    I know what you mean about no "home" support. My husband thinks he is being supportive, he tells me that I am looking great and that he is proud.... but then he'll want to go eat out at places that I shouldn't be eating, or bring me a piece of cake, candy bar, etc.... He thinks that he is being sweet and helpful, but it is the exact opposite of what I need!

    That is why I LOVE MFP! Also, I remember that I am doing this for ME! This is my "me" time. I get on the ellipytical or take a Zumba class and it is all for me. It is the time that I have come to love and appreciate, because so much of my time is spent taking care of others. You have to remember that you have to take care of yourself, to be able to be around to take care of anyone else.