Just 2 more pounds to go!

I am quite pleased with the results I have had using myfitnesspal! Just 93 days, and 42 pounds, ago I had set a goal of weighing less than 300 pounds by the new year. I am currently at 301 pounds, and I am certain I will reach my goal with time to spare!

Tracking my food intake has given me the edge I was missing. I also stay off the scale until another week has gone by. I only step on the scale once per week to measure my progress.

To be honest, I have been a bit on the extreme side when it comes to calories. I have kept my daily intake between 1,200 and 1,400 calories a day because I am quite sedentary, but it has yielded favorable results. The funny thing is, I don't miss the food since I am substituting crap with healthy foods. I also set time for two snacks a day to stave off any hunger, and of course plenty of water.

My eventual goal is to drop below 200 pounds, but I am going to do it in increments of 90-day goals.

Best of all, is when people notice the weight loss - it is gratifying to know that my progress is showing, and not just numbers on a scale.

I am so glad that I finally made the decision to get serious and stare down my baseless excuses and commit myself to getting healthier.

I hope that sharing my story will help to keep you motivated. Thanks for letting me share.


  • drhazelme
    drhazelme Posts: 2 Member
    Great work both of you! The key is to make the decision and stick with it as you both illustrate. No excuses-just do it!!!
  • michaeljoleksak
    michaeljoleksak Posts: 16 Member
    Well done!! Thanks for your encouraging words and congratulations on making the decision to get started.

    I am in the same situation as you. On February 24, 2022, I was a 78-year old male and had reached 292.5 pounds. My wife asked me to visit my doctor. He told me some harsh things about what I was doing to my body and that with my pacemaker, obstructive sleep apnea and permanent A-Fib he didn't expect me to last much longer unless I made the same decision you reached.

    At the time, my legs and feet were swollen 2x or more and ached all the time. My ten-day average BP was 145/93. My AHI (C-PAP stuff) usually exceeded 15.0. Nothing fit so I wore sweatpants and T-shirts all the time. I had to stop and catch my breath if I walked a block or more. In short, I was a mess.

    That very day my wife and I threw out all the food (crap) that I was eating (snacking on), and we bought a variety of fresh vegetables (The doc said to eliminate all CANNED or BOXED foods). I found a number of recipes online that looked like they tasted good and had a lower calorie count. I started eating an egg tortilla for breakfast, cauliflower rice dishes and cabbage roll soup among other good meals. I stopped snacking unless it was a single cup of soup at 3pm. Eight cups of water at a minimum each day.

    I called a friend and asked if there were any online programs that would help me map my progress (or lack thereof). He suggested I download MyFitnessPal and start using it (which I did). I am on day 268 today and haven't missed an entry once I figured out how to use it better.

    At the doctor’s direction I started limiting my intake to 1200 calories daily and when I slowed down on the weight loss, I lowered it to 800 calories a day (by this time my stomach had shrunk so I didn't feel hungry). I bought a recumbent bicycle (3-wheels) and started riding it an hour a day, six days a week (about 600 calories for a ride of 10 miles). It took several weeks to ride the entire hour, but each day I was determined to go a little farther than the day before.

    Yesterday I reached 212.25 pounds (80.25-pound loss on day 268). My ten-day average BP is 97/63. My legs and feet are normal (no swelling at all). My AHI is almost always under 5.0 and my energy is better now than at any time in the last twenty years.

    The doctor has been very complementary and said I had made a positive choice that would affect how long I lived. I had strong doubts I could do it, but since I have watched what has been happening to my body as I shrink, I know it is worth the commitment and effort necessary to succeed.

    I am proud of you for making a goal and sticking with it to reach your target. Please update your blog as you reach your future goals, and I will watch for your entry.

    You can do it. I know you can.

    Many blessings and thanks again for the encouraging words.
    Richard in Tigard, Oregon

    Congratulations! What an impressive journey. And thank you for the kind words. Keep up the good work Richard, I am sure you will make your goal.
  • BartBVanBockstaele
    BartBVanBockstaele Posts: 623 Member
    Update... I am down to 289 as of today (1/7/23)
    Great news Michael. Congratulations. Keep going. You clearly know what works for you.
  • DoneWorking
    DoneWorking Posts: 247 Member
  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 851 Member
    Tremendous job!
  • Cazzopardi2021
    Cazzopardi2021 Posts: 1 Member
    Fantastic news. Keep going! Thanks for the inspiration.
  • sandysaia
    sandysaia Posts: 25 Member
    Hello Michael my name is Sandy fantastic progress.Could you please share a typical day of eating? Like for your breakfast lunch and dinner?thank you
  • socrates137
    socrates137 Posts: 5 Member
    Richard and Michael....great job both of you. Keep it going!
  • Peppegal
    Peppegal Posts: 19 Member
    The only success I have to report is that after a year I kept 10 lbs off without trying!
    I hardly ever get sick but I was sick three times last year and I have to be honest, it wiped me out. I'm back on track and feeling good about it. ;)
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