

  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    when u say you hit 1200 cals is that your net calories or your cals you eat not accounting for your workouts?
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    You really aren't eating enough calories. Think of it this way, can you live on 860-1200 calories a day for the rest of your life? Can you bear facing the fact that you will have to lose this weight all over again once you go off your diet? Because once you go off a diet, you will gain the weight back.

    However, if you are striving for a healthier lifestyle that you will be comfortable living for the rest of your life, you need to eat more. You are trying to keep your calories at or under 1200. Is that the calorie goal that MFP selected for you based on the amount of weight you want to lose per week?

    I started off at 196 and MFP had me at 1410 calories a day to lose a pound a week. Then, as my weight went down, it adjusted me down to 1370 a day. I am only about 20 lbs from my goal now and I have bumped my calories up to 1530 a day so when I hit my goal I don't shock my system by upping my calories all at once.

    Remember, slow and steady will win you the race!
  • naomiserna
    naomiserna Posts: 5 Member
    Hormones have a lot to do with it to and the time of month you weigh yourself. I know I gain weight during one week of the month but then it comes right off a week later. Don't stress. Keep track, if you still keep gaining definetly see the doctor for some answers. I agree with everyone else about drinking more water, changing up the exercise workout, adding strength training, and eating just a few more calories. It would also help to know how often you are eating - I tend to eat six smaller portions a day and that helps keep up my metabolism.
  • Looked at your diary and you a lot of processed foods which are heavy on the sodium. You might want to add sodium to your daily tracker in your diary. You need more veggies for starters.

    Yes, I agree I need to include more fruits and veggies. I don't know why my previous foods that I tracked are not showing up (from when I first joined) but I had a lot more homemade things. The past week I haven't had time to go to the grocery store, so I have been eating out. I will swtich that out. As far as fruits and veggies go.... I love the taste of both but NEVER get full with them. That is my biggest problem, I am hungry ALL the time. So moderation has always been hard in the past (But MFP has helped SO much with that). I will add more into my diet. Thanks.
  • summergreen487
    summergreen487 Posts: 131 Member
    From your diary it appears that the the calories that you are eating are not from nutritious foods. Try to avoid eating at McDonalds and Starbucks and instead cook at home with meals high in protein, vegetables (not canned) and whole grains. I use to eat a bagel everyday for breakfast from the bagel store. Just switching to a whole grain English muffin toasted at home made a huge difference in my weight loss.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    Looked at your diary and you a lot of processed foods which are heavy on the sodium. You might want to add sodium to your daily tracker in your diary. You need more veggies for starters.

    Yes, I agree I need to include more fruits and veggies. I don't know why my previous foods that I tracked are not showing up (from when I first joined) but I had a lot more homemade things. The past week I haven't had time to go to the grocery store, so I have been eating out. I will swtich that out. As far as fruits and veggies go.... I love the taste of both but NEVER get full with them. That is my biggest problem, I am hungry ALL the time. So moderation has always been hard in the past (But MFP has helped SO much with that). I will add more into my diet. Thanks.

    you need to snack more if your always hungry.
    For example:

    breakfast- 1 egg with 1tbsp milk scrambled with 1 cup spinach and 1 tbsp onion and sprinkle on some 2% fat cheese, a piece of whole wheat toast

    snack- 1 orange with one glass 1% milk

    lunch- Whole grain wrap with oven roasted turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, hummus spread instead of mayo and an apple

    snack- handful of almonds with 1 cup strawberries

    dinner- 6oz piece chicken breast grilled, 1 cup green beans, 1/2 cob of corn

    snack- lowfat chocolate milk 1/2 a banana

    now, calorie wise, i dont know how much that is heh but i know its not too much and its a reasonable amount of calories with good whole grain carbs and proteins. you should structure your meals into smaller more frequent, that will in a way trick your body and your mind that you are eating lots, BUT they are HEALTHIER choices. i know when i dropped lots of weight a few years ago i didnt think about calories, i just thought about eating smaller portions of healthier foods and you know what..i dropped 50 lbs in 6 months...and exercise?? i only did like 20 min of jog/walking a day. see how that works for you body. the same diet doesnt work for everyone but you CANNOT deprive yourself of nutruition. i would highly recomment reading a book or even online, look and read about your body and its needs and how it functions of fats and calories. everyone hears by word of mouth but its always best to educate yourself on how the body works.
  • Looked at your diary and you a lot of processed foods which are heavy on the sodium. You might want to add sodium to your daily tracker in your diary. You need more veggies for starters.

    Yes, I agree I need to include more fruits and veggies. I don't know why my previous foods that I tracked are not showing up (from when I first joined) but I had a lot more homemade things. The past week I haven't had time to go to the grocery store, so I have been eating out. I will swtich that out. As far as fruits and veggies go.... I love the taste of both but NEVER get full with them. That is my biggest problem, I am hungry ALL the time. So moderation has always been hard in the past (But MFP has helped SO much with that). I will add more into my diet. Thanks.

    you need to snack more if your always hungry.
    For example:

    breakfast- 1 egg with 1tbsp milk scrambled with 1 cup spinach and 1 tbsp onion and sprinkle on some 2% fat cheese, a piece of whole wheat toast

    snack- 1 orange with one glass 1% milk

    lunch- Whole grain wrap with oven roasted turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, hummus spread instead of mayo and an apple

    snack- handful of almonds with 1 cup strawberries

    dinner- 6oz piece chicken breast grilled, 1 cup green beans, 1/2 cob of corn

    snack- lowfat chocolate milk 1/2 a banana

    now, calorie wise, i dont know how much that is heh but i know its not too much and its a reasonable amount of calories with good whole grain carbs and proteins. you should structure your meals into smaller more frequent, that will in a way trick your body and your mind that you are eating lots, BUT they are HEALTHIER choices. i know when i dropped lots of weight a few years ago i didnt think about calories, i just thought about eating smaller portions of healthier foods and you know what..i dropped 50 lbs in 6 months...and exercise?? i only did like 20 min of jog/walking a day. see how that works for you body. the same diet doesnt work for everyone but you CANNOT deprive yourself of nutruition. i would highly recomment reading a book or even online, look and read about your body and its needs and how it functions of fats and calories. everyone hears by word of mouth but its always best to educate yourself on how the body works.

    This is why I really think I have a problem...... that menu the you suggested to me? I am starving just looking at it. I truely need things of substance to be satisfied and full. Maybe its a mental thing..... but that would not make me satisfied and after a couple of days, I would completely indulge because I of feeling deprived.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    that doesnt have to be everyday though. thats just an example of one day. try reading the book "the abs diet" the write of the book is a writer for mens health and htas lots of good books out there. you can check out the website on line, just google the abs diet and it explains it to you. its not even a diet per se, but its a GREAT book, makes a lots of sense and trust me, you will NOT FEEL hungry doing those meal plans or even if you make up your own. its got a lot of room to make your own adjustments, and best thing? you can eat WHATEVER you want for a meal one time a week, its a part of the program. 6 weeks up to 20 lbs and just aimed at body fat. its a good book.
  • How is your water intake?
    I drink a lot of water and that helps me with feeling hungry.
  • sneezles
    sneezles Posts: 165 Member
    My average daily intake:

    Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled
    1 tbs butter
    1Orowheat extra fiber English muffin, toasted

    Lunch: 2-3 ounces baby spinach
    1 can no-salt-added tuna
    1/2 cup rice (cooked)
    1 tbs olive oil
    All mixed together and sautéed in a skillet

    Afternoon Snack: 2 oz roasted almonds (unsalted)
    1 or 2 Mini Babybels Cheddar (depends on how hungry I am)

    Supper: 4-6 oz grilled chicken breast
    2-3 cups baby sweet greens
    Bell pepper slices
    12-15 grape tomatoes
    Sliced baby portabellos
    Sliced roasted almond 1/2 oz
    1 oz bleu cheese crumbles
    1tbs dried cherries
    1 tbs balsamic vinegar

    Evening Snack: 1 (7 oz) container Fage Greek Yoghurt 2%
    1 tbs vanilla extract
    1/8 tsp Stevia
    1 cup sliced strawberries

    Comes out to about 1400 calories, if I remember correctly. I guarantee you won't be hungry!
  • 1200 calories seems really low. I am eating 1290 to lose 1 1/2lbs a week and that is before my nursing and exercise calories. Have you used the MFP to calculate how many calories you should be eating to lose weight? If you are eating to few your body goes in to stravation mode and stores fat. Also another thing is it could be muscle you are gaining. Keep up what you are doing and if you need any encouragement let me know!
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Girl! Where are your healthy, natural foods!? It's not just about calories, it's about nutrients. Stay away from the toxic processed foods and get back to basics -- fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, raw nuts, lean proteins, etc.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    if you don't mind me asking what are your stats? I started in April at 212lbs and I've tried to stick to 1200 calories. I also drink a helluva lot of water and have cut my salt intake drastically. I find omelettes and protein make me full. It takes time to get into a pattern but keep at it. You've made the right decision doing this.
    MFP changes your life. Add me if you need support
  • nebgurl
    nebgurl Posts: 23 Member
    Interesting that you made this post. I've been on MFP for a while and started much the same way. I will tell you that I'd never heard of "clean eating" until the last 2-3 months. I have a very high stress and active lifestyle that does not permit me to cook a lot so I'd depended largely on things that were easy for me to carry. I did Jenny Craig, WW's, and any other restricted diet you could imagine. It wasn't until I really tied down and started reading to understand how my body processes food and which kinds of food made me "feel alive" that I understood the concept of clean eating. If you are seeing a doc... ask him about a nutritionist for some additional suggestions based on what your body needs. Take your food log to the doc.... MFP is NOT the "Gospel" but it does help us see what we are puting in our bodies....

    Clean eating is the reduction of processed foods in the diet. Sometimes it's unavoidable... processed foods are EVERYWHERE. Eat them at a minimum, reduce the sodium, and drink tons of water! Also, you may want to consider interval training (run-walk)... Your body adjusts over time to consistant exercise... Give it a good challenge!
  • BobinNC66
    BobinNC66 Posts: 192 Member
    I have just started but we have a trainer at work and one of the people in our meeting mentioned a situation similar to yours and his advice was that "Frequency is key, both in eating right and being active, NOT intensity"!

    Having been on several restrictive diets and gaining the weight back plus after I am happy with where I am at, I truly believe this advice is key.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. You can actually loose inches and gain weight if you are exercising a lot. Also, You can get a 4 lb. swing if you hydrate a lot before you weigh (drink a lot of water.)
  • Same thing happened to me when I first started..... i was so upset and ready to give up, but decided to push through. The first three weeks I lost one gained two. My fourth week I finally started to loose and now have lost 10 pounds in three weeks. Just keep your head up and stay strong. My biggest thing was to STOP weighing myself everyday. My weight will fluctuate pounds in a day, so stepping on the scale and seeing a gain would be hard. Now that I've stretched it out to weighing myself once a week I see the decrease and its made me feel a lot better!
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    If its a differnt scale at a later time in day than usual, then yes it will look bad. Also if you were eating healthier but then ate out for a week, its just water retention from sodium most likely. I can weigh up to 5 pounds heavier at night from a sodium filled meal and will be up a few pounds the next morning. It takes a few days for that water weight to fall off.

    Also, if you are looking at some ppls menu suggestions and thinking you wont be full enough, try anyway. Some times its not the amount of food you eat that keeps you feeling full, its the quality of the food... Things like fiber and protein that keeps you from being hungry an hour later. I eat out all the time but try to make smarter choices so just start with that. Taco bell chicken fresco tacos and pintos and cheese has protein and fiber. I skip fries and things for the most part. I buy Popchips if i need crunchy chips. Eating too much white flour and carbs in one meal without including protein can just leave me wanting more. Hang in there.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Hang in there-- I gained a couple of pounds when I first started and then it gradually started to come off. My body was in "starvation mode" and needed time for the healthy choices to start resulting in weight loss.
  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 252 Member
    Don't give up! get a tape measure, it doesn't lie and weigh yourself less often. I weighed myself too often and it was making me cookoo. keep to the plan and exercise and be patient, things will go the way you want. Feel free to friend