
CShrubb6 Posts: 6 Member
My goal for the next 2 weeks, is to get a handle on my willpower (or my lack thereof). Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!


  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 403 Member
    Hmmm, find your why, why you want it, why you do what you do why you started why to finish. motivation and willpower will ebb and flow but as long as you remember why you wanted this to begin with you can keep going..
  • refactored
    refactored Posts: 444 Member
    I think of willpower like a muscle. It gets stronger the more we use it. At first it is weak and we need to develop strategies to resist overeating or not exercising. The more we flex the muscle, the strongest it gets. Habit takes over eventually but we will need to stay vigilant so the muscle doesn't atrophy.
  • CShrubb6
    CShrubb6 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you both. I have grown so accustomed to telling myself that I have no willpower, that after 50+ years, I really believe me. I keep telling myself that one cookie, or chips, or ice cream etc, won’t hurt me as long as I’m mindful and watch my portions. Then I eat the cookie…..then the chips ….then the ice cream. All portion controlled mind you, but do I really need all 3……thus proving to myself that I have no willpower.
  • refactored
    refactored Posts: 444 Member
    You do have will power it just needs some training. Just keep trying different things until you find a strategy that works for you. For some it is better to get the temptation out of the house. For some they can try to have some but plan an activity to do immediately after. Perhaps you could try to have a cup of tea with the cookie and say you can have another after you have finished the tea.

    Don't think of it as you that is the problem. You need to put some distance between you and the behaviour. Think more clinically about the behaviour.
  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 403 Member
    I agree with refactored, try to replace some of the bad habits with healthy habits, when I’m craving “unhealthy” stuff, I first try to identify the trigger, am I bored, thirsty, tired, etc??? Do a little check in with myself, if I don’t think I really want or need to item I’m craving I’ll move on to distraction for a few minutes, if that doesn’t work I’ll drink some water or some herbal tea, if I’m still having a hankering for that “unhealthy” item, I’ll try to replace it with something I consider healthy, and if that doesn’t work, I get away from the kitchen completely, I’ll put myself to bed early, I’ll leave the house if I have to.. but my relationship with food might be different than yours, I had a history of binging with emotional eating, coupled with some health problems and food allergies, it feels so amazing to be in a better place now. I never thought I could really do it.
    But I’m still doing it!!!
    You can do it too, you just need tools and practice 👍
  • CShrubb6
    CShrubb6 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank for you input. I have always been a firm believer in “everything in moderation”. It’s ok to have the treat…..as long as it’s in moderation. So very true, until you eat the cookie and then the chips and then the ice cream (all in moderation?). I have also been able to put the craving off for a day or 2. If I’m still craving it a couple days later, I’ll give in. Sometimes I find it better to just eat the damn cookie, otherwise I eat everything else, trying to compensate, and even to much healthy snacking can’t be good. I also snack out of boredom so I walk when I’m bored. I did have a good weekend with no unnecessary snacking…..so I’m proud of myself for that!