Small gyms that have one coed changing room



  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    I'd be uncomfortable too but I'm always uncomfortable when I am getting naked!

    I would want separate showers but I absolutely hate communal showers anyway, they have the feel of a prison to me.
  • marcolbmp
    marcolbmp Posts: 92 Member
    I was in an LA Fitness here in PA and the cleaning crew didn't show up. The morning manager, who was a very attractive mid twenties girl, came in a cleaned the mens locker room and bathroom while at least 30 guys were in there, most walking around nude or nearly nude to shower and get to work. Wasn't odd until she struck up a conversation with me while I was peeing at the urinal and she was right behind me..
    I can honestly say that there was one guy offended, pretty much the rest were in heaven, flexing and walking around showing off their junk..pretty comical actually.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited February 2015
    Well one of the more interesting discussions here.
  • greenfirearm
    greenfirearm Posts: 120 Member
    I've never heard of this. Certainly it must be illegal?

    Ugh, I certainly hope not. Why on God's green Earth would it 'certianly' 'must be' illegal?

    The world would be a much better place if we didn't segregate (and discriminate) based on gender...
  • JustusScottJr
    JustusScottJr Posts: 4 Member
    I'm at a small gym that is attached to a chiropractor's practice. Same bathroom for both. We have two single use showers with curtains on the men's side and a single bench with hooks for changing. There is one urinal and one single use room with a toilet. They have signs up on the wall that says it is a "family friendly" facility and to please be dressed before coming out of the shower. Get this...they actually have a cartoon picture on the bottom of the sign with a kid covering his eyes.... I just shook my head. What harm exactly is it going to do (IN A SINGLE GENDER SITUATION EVEN) for a kid to see an adult naked? My son's and I change in front of each other all the time, and between their mother and women I have dated since, they have seen it all and they are more well adjusted when it comes to body image than most adults I know. I've never taught them anything about being embarrassed about nudity and don't see a reason to. I'm a massage therapist, and I've seen everything of every shape and size and I haven't felt uncomfortable with nudity for a long time now. The very first time I had a German woman get on the table and completely ignore the provided draping sheet, I got over it real quick. Maybe I need to move to Germany.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    This is my gym. Its really... strange for me. Maybe because I was conditioned in the US to be super offended by a naked body? I dont know.

    In any case, i change before i leave and change when i get home. I haven't the confidence to get in the nude in front of both men and women.
  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    Nice necro bump u1oczds0eoaa.gif

    But might as well have some fun with it.
    zyxst wrote: »
    I don't know why y'all are excited about a co-ed gym/changing room. It's not going to be you and your hottie of choice. It's going to be you and old men drying their junk with hand dryers. Sorry, I don't know of an old woman equivalent.

    I wouldn't be comfy in a co-ed changing room. I'd go home and clean up.


  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I've never heard of this. Certainly it must be illegal?

    Why must it be illegal?

    It's illegal for men and women to use the same restroom (if is only one stall that's different)so using the same changing room with several people seems like it would be illegal

    Really? Because when the line to the ladies room is too long I've used the mens room -- and I'm not talking about a single-stall room either.

    I can't even tell you how many times I've seen a woman walk into the men's restroom, walk past the urinals, use the restroom, and then wash her hands with the guys. Most guys don't even care. I never heard a soul complain other than other women in line for the women's restroom gasping when she left.

  • ohmyllama
    ohmyllama Posts: 161 Member
    EW. I would never get naked in front of guys. The shared locker room at college was bad enough with other women. I'll stick to my current gym membership with private rooms. Thank god I don't live in any other country.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    edited October 2015
    :D I work out at home and my husband asked for the policy of co-ed changing rooms/showers. I was happy to comply.
  • The_Weaze
    The_Weaze Posts: 511 Member
    In Ontario, Canada the building code stipulates the amount of washrooms there must be for both men and women. I would imagine the states would have something similar.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,151 Member
    Old threat folks. The OP is long gone.
  • granturismo
    granturismo Posts: 232 Member
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    Old threat folks. The OP is long gone.

    The thread is still open.

  • Greg05701
    Greg05701 Posts: 1 Member
    I've never heard of this. Certainly it must be illegal?
    How exactly would this be illegal?
    Not saying I'm for or against just curious as to your reasoning.

    Some people think that anything they consider immoral by their own standards or the standards of their country of residence is somehow also "illegal." They forget to consider that there are many different cultural standards, and instead think their own little circle of rules should apply to all. Unfortunately as you have pointed out, this situation is not necessarily "illegal" at all.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,570 Member
    This really IS a zombie thread. But a very interesting one nonetheless.

    Worst experience I ever had, not quite changing-room related: I was in Houston for a training course. Totally jetlagged from flight from Europe, the pool looked inviting. Got into my bikini, went to pool - and the people in there looked at me as if I was naked. Then I noticed that men were wearing nearly kneelong shorts and women bikinis, often with long shorts above as well :o No idea if I stumbled into a conference of an untra-orthodox group of people or whether that's normal in (parts of) the States. but I did feel uncomfortable. I think these people might have gotten a shock at a public pool in Iceland. Sure, men and women changing area separated, but people were just walking around naked between the lockers, to the shower, back to locker to get a towel, etc.
  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Ugh I should know better to reply to an old thread and yet - I'll just out myself as a puritanical American, then, I guess, because yes, I think this is weird and I would be incredibly uncomfortable and probably feel unsafe, too. I don't hate my body or anyone's body, but I don't particularly want to see strange men naked or partially dressed, and I don't want them to see me naked or partially dressed, either.

    If it's a room intended for one person/family to use at a time and it locks, then I have no issue.