How to get over intimidation

Hi everyone,

I joined the 24 hour gym. I love it. I've been using the ski machine things and step machines. I then ventured into the circuit but when I went to the main weight room I got scared and left.

What do people think when they are in the weight room. I know I don't really know how to use all of the weighted machines and pullys or how to properly do the dumb bells and bars but I want to try.

The people staring are they staring or just lifting? Is it really like being the new person where everyone is thinking oh look at this noob?

How do you get over it. How do you learn the machines? Is it trail and error?

Thanks for all of your help and support.



  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I mind my own business. I don't care what people think of me. I am not there to please them. I would not have gotten this far with any other thought process :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I joined the 24 hour gym. I love it. I've been using the ski machine things and step machines. I then ventured into the circuit but when I went to the main weight room I got scared and left.

    What do people think when they are in the weight room. I know I don't really know how to use all of the weighted machines and pullys or how to properly do the dumb bells and bars but I want to try.

    The people staring are they staring or just lifting? Is it really like being the new person where everyone is thinking oh look at this noob?

    How do you get over it. How do you learn the machines? Is it trail and error?

    Thanks for all of your help and support.


    You just have to do it, the more you do it the less intimidating it would be.

    As for learning the machines, don't do trial and error you can injure yourself if you don't do things correctly. See if there is a staff member that will give an introduction to strength training (both the machines and free weights) They should be willing to do this. Another option is to have few sessions with a personal trainer and learn that way.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    Get a staff member to show you how to do some exercises. You want to make sure you have the proper form. That will help, too, b/c you will have someone there showing you want to do.

    People at the gym are too focused on what they are doing to be worried about what others are doing. No one is looking or judging. If anyone IS thinking anything about you it is: "Look at her go! She is doing awesome!"
  • reese1206
    Good advice
    Hi everyone,

    I joined the 24 hour gym. I love it. I've been using the ski machine things and step machines. I then ventured into the circuit but when I went to the main weight room I got scared and left.

    What do people think when they are in the weight room. I know I don't really know how to use all of the weighted machines and pullys or how to properly do the dumb bells and bars but I want to try.

    The people staring are they staring or just lifting? Is it really like being the new person where everyone is thinking oh look at this noob?

    How do you get over it. How do you learn the machines? Is it trail and error?

    Thanks for all of your help and support.


    You just have to do it, the more you do it the less intimidating it would be.

    As for learning the machines, don't do trial and error you can injure yourself if you don't do things correctly. See if there is a staff member that will give an introduction to strength training (both the machines and free weights) They should be willing to do this. Another option is to have few sessions with a personal trainer and learn that way.
  • twerps4jesusjo
    twerps4jesusjo Posts: 34 Member
    Most gyms have someone who will show you around for free when you first join. Being a 24 hour gym, you may have to leave a message or send an email to let them know that you would like some direction. It can be dangerous to use the equipment if you don't know what you are doing, so I don't recommend trial and error.
  • SeattleLady
    You might ask the facility if they have a free one time meeting with a personal trainer. Keep in mind you will have to decline all offers of future appointments and they will be pushy, but ask the trainer how to use the equipment that meets your bodies needs. I am a Crossfitter which is AWESOME because it is like having a trainer everyday! But I love unraveling the mysteries of the "big boys room". Now I can lift with the rest of them! Don't be afraid and remember they have their insecurities too. The biggest challenge is the staring. YOu really can't help that and yes, some are thinking badly about anyone they think they might have to wait on their machines for... it's just like any other playground.. just with less clothes or manners. :) hahah. Hugs. and good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    New Rules of Lifting for Women. Shows/explains how and why. I'm starting in Nov.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    You pay for a membership just as you pay for a movie ticket. Not working out because you think someone is looking at you is the same as buying a movie ticket and not taking a seat because some one in the theater looked at you. You paid, you have as much right as an olympic athlete to be there.
  • htown1224
    Ipod!!! It works wonders in the gym. It helps to tune everyone out.
  • psychmz3
    psychmz3 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I joined the 24 hour gym. I love it. I've been using the ski machine things and step machines. I then ventured into the circuit but when I went to the main weight room I got scared and left.

    What do people think when they are in the weight room. I know I don't really know how to use all of the weighted machines and pullys or how to properly do the dumb bells and bars but I want to try.

    The people staring are they staring or just lifting? Is it really like being the new person where everyone is thinking oh look at this noob?

    How do you get over it. How do you learn the machines? Is it trail and error?

    Thanks for all of your help and support.


    You just have to do it, the more you do it the less intimidating it would be.

    As for learning the machines, don't do trial and error you can injure yourself if you don't do things correctly. See if there is a staff member that will give an introduction to strength training (both the machines and free weights) They should be willing to do this. Another option is to have few sessions with a personal trainer and learn that way.

    Everything he said. ^^

    Also, you can search for reputable sites for video instructions and demos on proper technique. (Try to stay away from searching on youtube)
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I was the same way, honsetly everyone is in their own zone doing their exercising, that they most likely aren't paying attention to you. You do ge tthe occasional guy that will come up to talk to you, but thats just because yuo are pretty
  • meganrose405
    Girl- get your booty into that weight room and try anything you want! And ask people questions! that guy or that girl over there would LOVE to show you how to use that machine. Most people enjoy spreading their knowledge. Its everybody's gym and im sure the turnover rate of members is constant...constantly new people. dont let the fear in your mind take over and get in the way of your goal. Everyone in that gym has something in common right?! make friends.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I think I'm speaking for most. We are in there to lift, I do notice who is in there and I think, good for them for working out. I would have no problem if someone asked me a question about how to use equipment as LNG as it was in between sets, not during. To learn the machines you can also ask someone who works there, they are more than happy to help, on the machines there are instructions on the side. The Internet also has some great resources for seeing how particular exercises are down. When doing a new exercise always use a lower weight to develop good form. There is no reason to be nervous, we are all there for the same goal, so get in there and have fun.
  • robinrkirkland
    robinrkirkland Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you sooooooo much everyone for your answers and support. I'll get in there and ask questions. =D I absolutely love this site and community you guys are awesome! =D
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Don't be afraid to just ask someone that is working out near you. Whenever I would come across a machine I wasn't sure about I would ask people after studying the little directions on the side of the machine forever. lol. After a while, people would come to me asking for help and I didn't mind at all. I think others would be happy to show you!
  • whacknasty
    I think most of the answers covered everything. A staff member can show you how to use any equipment or machine you're not sure on, as well as maybe show you a some easy starting points for routines and specific exercises.

    As far as the people, I usually just think no matter how big or cut they are at the present, we all started out in the same place. And as long as I'm focused, I'll catch or surpass most of them eventually... : )
  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    I agree with what everyone else is saying about not being scared! But at the same time, it's really hard to just immediately get over that fear.

    What helped me more than anything was getting a personal trainer for 4 sessions. Expensive, YES, but now I know how to use almost every single machine in the gym, and I learned a whole bunch of free weight exercises, too. I never get bored with working out now, and I've even rotated machines with other girls who might be too intimidated otherwise to ask to rotate in with the other men.
    It was the best entire paycheck I've ever spent, honestly.