Think I'm about done with Facebook



  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I may check fb once a week, the only thing I post on it is my auto posts from the fitness sites. I thought I'd connect with friends from high school, but I really haven't. They are on there, but most are out of state and have their own circle of friends. My use dropped after I quit playing games on it and I found MFP.
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    I use FB & MFP about the same, just for different reasons. I keep in touch with family & friends through FB. Also my fitness page & other groups I get information from. MFP I use for my weight loss & interacting with my peeps I have here & not on FB.
  • wiglet23
    wiglet23 Posts: 887 Member
    I view them as two completely different things. No need to quit one because you like the other.

    I get plenty of good support and exercise/fitness talk here, and it's been helping me TONS with dropping some pounds. But FB is where the people I know in real life are, and it's great for keeping up with real-life friends.

    I liked FB for keeping in touch with my friends and family. But since they keep changing privacy settings and now the newsfeed is all messed up. I'm ready to quit in protest. I especially don't like the fact that people can now subscribe to my updates without even being a friend! Not coo. I'm ready to try Google+. F*** FB.

    I really do love the positive talk here too. But do still need something separate for my friends and family.
  • LegzyK
    LegzyK Posts: 172 Member
    There have been many moments latley where i have felt closer to all you strangers and my collection of MFP friends than I do with my friends and family on facebook. I definitely am here more often.

    I so agree....check this

    WELCOME TO FACEBOOK... The place where people add you as a friend and walk past you in the street. Where relationships are perfect, affairs are started and liars believe they are telling the truth. Your enemies visit your profile the most, yet your friends and family block you, and even though you write what you are really thinking, SOMEONE ALWAYS TAKES IT THE WRONG WAY, and people think your STATUS IS ABOUT THEM.
  • I completely deleted my FB page about a month ago! Was so sick of the drama, the whining/complaining, and the kiss arsing that went on (fakeness). Haven't regretted the decision...and honestly, spend FAR less time on the computer me MORE time to workout and make healthy choices!


    same here, girl.
  • FB is terrible now, they are doing way too many changes and ruining it!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I use facebook for business purposes mostly.
  • I dont have facebook account lol
  • Really enjoy the friends, banter and support and information found here on MFP, I may hit FB once a day is all but that is slowly dwindling....

    Since i found this site i rarely use FB! :laugh:
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I view them as two completely different things. No need to quit one because you like the other.

    I get plenty of good support and exercise/fitness talk here, and it's been helping me TONS with dropping some pounds. But FB is where the people I know in real life are, and it's great for keeping up with real-life friends.

    I liked FB for keeping in touch with my friends and family. But since they keep changing privacy settings and now the newsfeed is all messed up. I'm ready to quit in protest. I especially don't like the fact that people can now subscribe to my updates without even being a friend! Not coo. I'm ready to try Google+. F*** FB.

    I really do love the positive talk here too. But do still need something separate for my friends and family.

    I wasn't aware that it would affect my privacy settings. . thank you so very much for this.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I prefer MFP. It's just so much more supportive and positive. I have all kinds of family on FB and it seems like at least once a week they're going all "Jerry Springer episode" on each other and it just gets ridiculous. Or if I post a status I get people arguing with me about why they don't agree with it. I'm not posting political, religious things or even "eat/don't eat all your exercise calories back" I simply copied and pasted a blurb about people being nice to each other and overlooking differences and got a big lecture about being politically correct. I think they sorta missed the point of my post. Sorry, apparently I needed to vent! MFP and Google+ for me and I'm going to be very selective about who I add to my circles.
  • I am def on this more than fb. I dont really care for fb anymore.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I have maybe 25 FB friends, all close friends and family in real life. That's what I use it for.
  • MARI1010
    MARI1010 Posts: 76 Member
    I am def on this more than fb. I dont really care for fb anymore.

    Same here. And when i do log onto face book its usually because a friend tell me they uploaded pics or something. And im in and out. For some reason i get really annoyed by ppl complaining about their day or feeling the need to tell the world where theyre at and with who. Alot of show offs on there, I guess those are my friends lol.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I've never been fond of FB - I've deleted my account more than once. I only use it to maintain a club I manage now ... but even that doesn't get much action any more.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I only use it now to post pics of my booty, since its not frowned upon over there.
  • I have just deactivated my FB account.

    I am giving myself a FB free month to see if I miss it. I enjoy using it to keep in contact with friends and family that do not live locally but feel like I get sucked in by so much trivial rubbish :(

    Less time on FB means more time on MFP and my exercise bike :)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I use Facebook less frequently now too. I'm not replacing it with MFP, though. I just don't care about saying everything that crosses my mind anymore.