New member

I just signed up and am looking forward to a better me . IF i can navigate the site and app. I’m tech illiterate and having a terrible experience so far😭. My nutritionist recommended I join and I’m not giving up.


  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,083 Member

    Not giving up is really awesome. That's the key to success. Keep sticking to it! I bet you'll figure it out even if it's a bit of a challenge at first. There's good tools here; take advantage of them.
  • TeamCap12
    TeamCap12 Posts: 10 Member
    Can I ask what exactly it is you are having trouble with? The app or the website? If find the website easier to navigate myself so I use the app and website. Let me know if you want to chat and I would be happy to help in any way I can to help you learn how to use either.