Depression and eating

Lately I've been fairly down and I have been absolutely dreading doing things that could potentially stress me out (laundry especially).

Usually when I'm depressed I will eat... a lot. Bad things. Tonight, I don't want to go over my calories so I find myself wanting to just not eat instead of figuring out something healthy that will be enjoyable because the thought of putting forth effort is upsetting to me right now.

Does this happen to anyone else? How do you overcome your emotional eating/not eating?


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I used to be a really, really, bad emotional eater. I've gotten better control the last few months, but every so often I just go on a random binge, feel horrible, and get back on track the next day. I try to stay away from the kitchen, and focus on other things. Above all, I keep bad food out of the house. Feel free to message me. :)
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    depression eating is what landed me at 220 pounds. thankfully, I got out of the depression and ate better. exercise will help make you happier because of the endorphins that are released.
  • Samanthasteinagle26
    I eat when Im depressed and bored.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Little things like cheese and crackers or a sandwich of some sort or a tinned soup take no or minimal effort. I can sympathise. Don't not eat, that'll just make you feel worse physically.
    The mind and body are linked, treat one well and the other feels better.
    Chin up :smile:
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    Oh girl I know the feeling....sometimes planning a healthy meal will make me anxious because all I want is JUNK when I'm anxious and/or depressed.

    I try taking a walk or sipping some tea. Sometimes if it's early enough, I'll just go to bed! I find that i will want food when what my body really wants is SLEEP. I hope you find something that works for you!!! (((hugs)))
  • bettybooboo
    Yea, I eat mostly when I'm depressed....binge big time...feels like I just can't stop.....
    I too ballooned in weight due to depression....

    Try small meals....and exercise helps, but I know when I was depressed that's the last thing I wanted to do....\
    Doesn't matter how many times you fall off the wagon, it's how many times you get back on!
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    I am in the same boat darling. All you can do is calm down and avoid the kitchen.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    carrot chips (as in when they cut the carrots to look like chips) and salsa. It sounds weird, I know.
  • bdreilly
    If something like laundry really upsets you (I hate laundry) break it up. Do 5-10 minutes of laundry and then go try to do something you enjoy for a few minutes. Then come back. You will feel great when you see the laundry is getting done but you won't be so overwhelmed in the process. Also try to remind yourself that you will be even more depressed and upset if you decided to eat crap food. Make a healthier comfort food. When I am cranky I like grilled cheese and tomato soup, but that is just me. You can get through this one day at a time :)
  • bowtiekitty
    bowtiekitty Posts: 8 Member
    I'm trying to replace binge eating when I'm sad with studying or chores. I sweep or dust, and drink about 2 glasses of water if I get the urge. I try to stop thinking about food for at least a half hour because I read that cravings take 15 minutes to dissipate, which I've found to be true.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    omg. Definitely know how you feel. Those nights are the ones where I end up eating the most, though.

    I have found, with practice, things get easier. Exercise and healthy eating help level off my moods, too. Healthy eating and exercise works SO much better for me than the round of anti-depressants I tried. Anyways - I keep things on hand for the days when I can't face making dinner. I keep some frozen dinners that you just toss in a skillet to heat. Contessa brand is my favorite. I also keep Celeste single serving pizza's on hand. They are great, b/c I feel like I can indulge in pizza, but the portion size is controlled.
  • saadler
    saadler Posts: 116
    omg. Definitely know how you feel. Those nights are the ones where I end up eating the most, though.

    I have found, with practice, things get easier. Exercise and healthy eating help level off my moods, too. Healthy eating and exercise works SO much better for me than the round of anti-depressants I tried. Anyways - I keep things on hand for the days when I can't face making dinner. I keep some frozen dinners that you just toss in a skillet to heat. Contessa brand is my favorite. I also keep Celeste single serving pizza's on hand. They are great, b/c I feel like I can indulge in pizza, but the portion size is controlled.

    I find that my biggest problem tonight is that everything I WANT to eat doesn't match up at all with anything I SHOULD eat. I would love to just order a pizza and go nuts.
  • babbityboo
    babbityboo Posts: 98 Member
    I've just had my anti depressants reduced, and it's playing havoc with my moods.

    I know exactly how you feel. When I'm having a 'bad' day the thought of having to watch what I'm eating and logging it etc makes me feel even worse because then I think I can't have anything, making the mood worse.

    I've found that honeydew melon is fantastic. Sweet and refreshing. Tastes great and doesn't make very much dent in the calories at all :) or a light chocolate bar (I don't know what the American equivilent of a UK Milky Way is, possibly a 3 musketeers?) put it in the freezer for a while, takes longer to eat :)

    If you want to add me, please feel free. Always on here if you ever need to talk xx
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    The best thing I did was just stopped. I just plain stopped. I've been depressed for years and was a huge emotional binger. When I was depressed, I'd eat myself into a coma and then I'd go to sleep for hours and hours. I'd be awake long enough to eat more and then go back to sleep.

    The best thing I did was start taking vitamins, which helped to give me more energy (multivitamin and iron supplements as I'm anemic) and started to eat healthily. It's been 2 weeks and I honestly have not felt as good as I do now since I was about 12 years old (11 years ago). I have also begun to exercise EVERY DAY (even when I have a rest day from Ct5k or my other exercises, I am doing yoga and low impact stretching to keep myself moving toward lean, loose and flexible). My grandpa died on Sunday and I have not allowed it to define my eating and exercise patterns. I have not allowed it to consume and depress me. Have I cried? Yes. Have I been sad? Yes. Does it hurt? Of course. But after I have some grieving time, I take a deep breath and then I smile. I get up and go exercise.

    Getting through depression is difficult but it's a choice you have to make. In the beginning, you will not want to get up out of bed and you will crave the salty, sugary and fatty foods you consoled yourself with but you have to actively choose to deny yourself. You have to choose to get up and move. Everything is a choice. Depression takes away your will to choose an alternative option for yourself. It may sound like I'm being coarse but that is the best advice I can give to somebody who is dealing with what I have dealt with. When you choose to eat right and get exercise (especially the latter), you WILL feel better. Nothing about either of those choices will make you feel worse. Exercise releases the endorphins that you will get cherish more than the sugary, salty foods and you can run away from the bad feelings, thoughts and anxiety. You will wake up. You will smile FOR NO REASON. You will feel in control. Everything will get better, I swear. But you have to believe it and be optimistic even when you don't feel like it and you have to make the decision to change. Good luck.