Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 212



  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,403 Member
    @CamandJarvis - love the photo's, what a glorious day it looks
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member
    @sheilaboneham LOL-not sure I would call myself a “writer?” I wrote my father’s life story (mainly for my siblings), I wrote a children’s book about my dad’s family on the Oregon Trail (for my grandchildren and nieces and nephews). I wrote my great grandfather’s life story as told by my father as a young boy (again for my family)

    This story is different-it is ALSO a TRUE story-but NOT about my family. It is a minister (Rev. George Jones Adams) who in the 1860’s conned people that he was a religious leader chosen by God to take them to Jaffa for the second coming. Since the families have loaned me their family diaries and letters-I am doing it for them. Once done, I will send copies to the historical centers near the locations plus provide it free on a facebook site I set up for them.

    I will take your advice and pace myself. It is hard as I get tied up in the research. I promised the families I would get this done six months ago.

    @Machias1949 Clearly you are 100% a writer which includes all the research that goes into a writing project. Good luck on future projects!
  • RockinRobyn672
    RockinRobyn672 Posts: 907 Member
    @CamandJarvis Great photos! Thanks for sharing.