Forks Over Knives Documentary..



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    Ain't giving up my meat because of a documentary.
  • mustang2005
    It was excellent! Since watching this documentary, I've decided to go vegan 2-3 days each week.
  • heatherzotigh
    I just recently watched it and have since given up dairy which I'd already been working on before--I was down to just greek yogurt and cottage cheese as regular dairy sources--but have officially given it up completely... and truthfully I was debating the whole vegan thing but am still unsure... I have doubled my vegetable intake (do a lot of juicing) and have always ate a lot of fruit and I only eat meat once a day and might reduce that to the occasional meal when my body is craving the protein, still researching and deciding... and I agree that we need to avoid the processed/chemical laden foods--that's whats causing the multitude of disease we see today--whether humans are herbivores or omnivores naturally--just look back on the history of disease--they didn't expound until we started adding all this preservatives/hormones and god knows what else to our foods! So regardless of being a meat eater or a plant eater--keep it clean and natural and I believe you'll beat out the majority of Americans in health...

    Since I have given up dairy and started juicing--the one thing I notice already (been about 2 weeks no dairy and a week and half juicing--one to two juices a day) is that I sleep so much better! I fall asleep quicker and sleep sounder during the night, I also wake up less!
  • OfficialPR
    OfficialPR Posts: 1,610 Member
    Watched it this evening and am still digesting...but quite an amazing thing what dairy/meat are doing to humans..still not jumping to be a vegan but less of those two items going forward
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,025 Member
    Great vegan propaganda as far as the disease aspect went. The China Study showed that people who ate the most meat and dairy had the least amount of cancer and disease, yes weird, but true. People should buy local if they can and support sustainable farming..........
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    Society needs to learn to take everything with a grain of salt. It seems like common sense to me, humans were genetically created to eat whole foods with minimal processing. So, of course your health will improve on a near whole foods diet. Regardless of my beliefs on veganism- (I am vegan)- not everything one reads is true and non bias and I suggest to everyone who watches that documentary to do research of their own before jumping on the bandwagon to such a drastic lifestyle change. But, I must say, becoming Vegan was the best choice I have ever made :)