Anybody else just start Insanity or about to start?

Hello! I started Insanity yesterday.

I previously completed P90x and then went on a week long cruise. I'm back now and ready to hit it again but this time with Shaun T.

I was in a buddy group for P90x and it helped me tremendously by helping me stay accountable so I'm looking for the same. If there is one already (I did a search) that just started, please direct me. If not, well then let's start one!


  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    if you start a group let me know i keep saying im going to do insanity and never start, but id like to start now!!
  • Hey! So i'm on my 4th week of insanity. I actually haven't lost any scale weight but have lost a couple of inches and feel SO much stronger and fit into my clothes better. I'm just starting to fine tweak my diet now to see maximum results. Next week is recovery week then I start month 2. I'd LOVE to join a group to keep me motivated. I took 3 days off last week, my knees and ankles were in so much pain but I am sucking it up now and pushing through it. Also I'm trying to be more light on my joints! Let me know if you create a group
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I started Insanity yesterday was my first workout besides the fit test. I did plyometrics cardio curcit and I gad to stop a couple of times and I had to ulter some of the moves, but I felt great afterwards.. So I'm gonna keep doing it. I know it's a hard workout, comparing it to what I was previously doing ( 30 day shred).

    I would love a support group so it u start one.. I'm in :)
  • omg after a whole month of it i STILL stop and alter the movements lol. NOT EASY AT ALL
  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
    I started this morning with the fit test and didn't even make it all the way through. Way more out of shape than i thought. But i am going to keep at it, just might take me 120 days instead of 60.
  • I just started too! I did the Fit Test yesterday, and today I finished the Plyometric Circuit thing. It's definitely insane, haha.

    I actually started because I saw a post about it here, and when I looked it up I thought it was AWESOME.

    Is anyone else really sore afterwards? I definitely took breaks, and I felt exhausted when I finished. The next morning I had a lot of energy, but a lot of sore muscles. I can feel my abs alright!

    I'm worried that I won't be able to keep it up for the full 60 days. I'm really keen right now, but I'm worried about getting too tired.
  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
    its been 16 hours since i did the fit test and find that my legs are more sore than anything, mostly my thighs. in the morning i hope to finish the fit test.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Hey everybody... seems there is no other group so let's start one! I did okay in my fit test... if you are interested we can share our results. I recently completed p90x so that's probably helped me tons. Yesterdays workout (plyo cardio circuit) was crazy but awesome. I love the fast movement. I did have to stop a couple of times to catch my breath. I was sweating like crazy too.

    Woohoo, I'm excited that I have others doing this with me!
  • I like starting a newbie group! I'm only on day 3, Cardio Power & Resistance. I enjoyed it, especially the V pushups. Those were interesting. I like that he changes things up frequently- I get bored doing the same exercise over and over.

    It's funny; after I finish the workout, or the next morning, I can feel all my muscles, and I feel like I MUST look like one of the people on the video, with super ripped abs! Then I realize I still have the fat to lose, haha. But it's a nice feeling, nonetheless.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I just started Monday too! This isn't the first time I have started and all the times before I never made it past the first week. So I am determined to complete the full 60 days this time! Will be doing Cardio Recovery tonight.

    Switch Kicks - 93
    Power Jacks - 40
    Power Knees - 87
    Power Jump - 35
    Globe Jump- 10
    Suicide Jump - 16
    Push up Jacks - 25
    Low Plank Oblique - 55
  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
    Finished my fit test and if anyone wants to feel better about how well they did, look at these results:

    Switch kicks 20
    Power jacks 24
    Power knees 45
    Power jumps 10
    Globe jumps 4
    Suicide jumps 0
    Modified pushup jacks 10
    Low plank oblique 10

    I am having serious shin pains with some of the moves on the video- any ideas?
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I started a new post for the group.

    I will post my fit test results tonight. I didn't do so hot but am sure I'll do much better next time.
  • fzia
    fzia Posts: 68 Member
    I'm on my 3rd weeks, how can I join your group?
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I'm on my 3rd weeks, how can I join your group?

    I have no idea haha. I've never made a group. I started a new thread though (the link is in my last post) so you can go there since that will be the official groupl. Thanks!
  • i just started yesterday i did a week of p90x since in the desert thats what most people do and on of my friends was about to start insanity so i too a look at a few works outs just watch them and it seem like it was more of what i was looking for... i just finished day 2!!
  • Shaun T really is insane.

    I just finished day 5, Pure Cardio. I had very little energy when I started, but I perked up halfway through. I've never seen my face quite so red, haha. Anyone get a sore throat/chest thing from breathing too heavily? I really like the suicide runs, but I HATE the suicide jumps!

    I had some questions, if anyone has any advice. For the hamstring stretch, should you keep your legs straight? Not locked, I know, but is it better to have a slight bend, or keep them mostly straight?

    Secondly, a friend gave me some packets of Myoplex, and I usually only have about 1/4 of a pack once in awhile. I mix it with warm water, and I'm curious, should I be drinking warm or cool water after a workout?

    I can't believe I finished 5 days. Does anyone go through these workout with zero breaks? I can't imagine that ever happening! Does it get easier during week 2?
  • i just started yesterday i did a week of p90x since in the desert thats what most people do and on of my friends was about to start insanity so i too a look at a few works outs just watch them and it seem like it was more of what i was looking for... i just finished day 2!!

    Good luck! I'm only on day 5, but it starts to become something you look forward to. I always feel like I did something AMAZING when I finish a workout. I hope it goes the same for you ^^
  • Alright... so I recently moved to Honduras which has made working out and running close to impossible (schedule and awkwardness). On top of that the diet of rice, beans, and tortillas is not so great for the waistline. So I'm waiting to get Insanity (hopefully this week) in hopes that it will be what I NEED. But, I am wondering how much time do I need to carve out in my schedule? I've looked around and it seems to be about 40 minutes for the first month? Do you all try to complete it at the same time everyday for routine? And in general do you just eat healthier or do you try to get more protien or anything? Thanks so much!
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Alright... so I recently moved to Honduras which has made working out and running close to impossible (schedule and awkwardness). On top of that the diet of rice, beans, and tortillas is not so great for the waistline. So I'm waiting to get Insanity (hopefully this week) in hopes that it will be what I NEED. But, I am wondering how much time do I need to carve out in my schedule? I've looked around and it seems to be about 40 minutes for the first month? Do you all try to complete it at the same time everyday for routine? And in general do you just eat healthier or do you try to get more protien or anything? Thanks so much!

    The first month is about 40 min each and the second month is about 60. I did it generally in the morning around 9 but with 2 kids 2 and under it got done when I could. I just ate healthy and had a protein shake after my workouts cause my muscles were really sore before I started doing that. Good Luck :)
  • Thank you! I start today!