Hello all, I am a newbie and confused!

So I just watched my sister lose 25 pounds using this website and I figure I would give it a go! I am so confused though! I am trying to come up with a diet plan but I can't seem to get enough calories and I have way to much protein??? How do I fix this it, any suggestions on a balanced diet without citrus(allergy)??

Thank you and good luck to everyone!


  • Cindynguyen
    Hi there!

    Your question is a bit general so I'll just offer the best option I could think of. You said you eat too much protein so it sounds like you have your meat, protein shake, eggs, dairy products so it's not a big concern. I'm wondering about your carb and fat intake. If you need to increase fat, eat nuts, avocado, olive oil...the healthy fat that help you burn fat. Carb, a steam potato would rack up calories and healthy for you too. Anything unprocessed carb can be good for you...no pasta, (whole wheat is a bit better), but preferably not out from a bag/box.

    Hope this help. If you already know all this :-D never mind about this post. Wish you luck!
  • Jennifernellwebb
    Jennifernellwebb Posts: 209 Member
    I am not sure about all the fruits that have citrus in them... but I am thinking that not ALL of them do, but I really could be wrong on that ....
    As far as the protein goes, I have seen many different comments on that , but most say that MFP is set low so I really don't worry too much on when I go over.... which is everyday. I actually eat quite a bit a day and I keep my calories right around 1200 a day.
    Oatmeal...is a nice start to your day and it sticks with you. Not the instant kind, you can get the ready in 5 or 10 or what ever. It is better. I mix and match things for my breakfast like eggs on occasion ( an nice omelet is a treat with some green peppers and onions. ) You can make those so many ways, as well.
    I usually have cottage cheese (low fat) , crab meat, or a double fiber wheat bread peanut butter and fat free jelly sandwich for lunch. Lately, I have either had a smoothie for breakfast or lunch opposed to these other things. Smoothies are simple and really healthy. Grab a 1/2 banana, 1/2 apple, 1/2 peach, and some strawberries along with a fiber one 50 calorie yogurt and 1/2 cup of fat free milk...... yummy!!! Providing their is no citrus there, anyway...
    For dinner.... fish, turkey, chicken breast, brown rice, potato ( occasionally ) veggies .. (veg out! ) You can eat so many veggies for next to no calories and they are so good. I use Newman's own dressing on my salads and you can get fat free and sugar free. Coming from a ranch eater..... these are really good!
    You can snack out.... I buy 70 calorie puddings that are fat free and sugar free and they are good. 10 calorie sugar free jello with like 2 carbs. or something. I just bought veggie straws... you can eat like 38 of them for like 130 calories. The rice cakes have really come a long way over the years. I like the caramel ones... they taste really good and you have to eat like 13 of them to hit 100 calories or just over ... somewhere along those lines. I even, on occasion, eat the skinny cow ice cream and fruit pops. The fruit pops are sugar free and 25 calories a pop.
    These are some ideas but what I do is I mix and match food the night before or early enough so I can fit things in my goals. I pretty much know what exercising is going to do to my calorie differences and how it ups my carbs and fat.... those things so my exercising usually helps me keep those things in check and I stay pretty close to 1200 . You can get some great recipes from others on here and everyone is great when it comes to suggestions on here. I think that once you get in to the swing of things, you are going to be amazed! Good luck to you! :wink: