What are your "secret diet weapons"?



  • Meal planning. Definately meal planning.

    I often plan my meals several days in advance and prepare some things ahead of time when I can. Helps on busy days because there's no decision to make.
  • Jillian Michaels! She talks the talk AND walks the walk..................and gets results!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    My mind and discipline. That's all.
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    Finally finding the right motivation to make me stick to my new lifestyle.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Not cutting anything out, thus having no cravings.

    Fun size Choccy bars.

    Rediscovering Badminton leagues.
  • Food Scale



    Excercise classes at the gym

    Low Fat Low Sugar High Fiber High Protein Diet

  • I like to keep around things that fill me up without the calories. Things like walnuts and chia seeds. I also make sure to run the stairs at work every day. It only takes 10 minutes twice a day and I burn 220 calories!
  • yukimiyazawa
    yukimiyazawa Posts: 83 Member
    my water bottle. before i eat anything, i drink a full 24oz of water. my stomach fills up on liquids, so i eat much less food.

    my ipod + going for walks. if i'm really wanting to binge, i'll leave the house with my ipod and walk until i'm exhausted. it never feels boring as long as i have my music. it distracts me from food, i feel more motivated by the time i come back having burnt off some calories, and my cravings are usually gone by then.

    diet pop. yeah, people whine about how ****ty it is for you, but it has helped me lose tons of weight.

    black coffee. wonderful in the winter time. the warm liquid is incredibly filling. 0 calories of heaven.

    this website, or another type of food diary. when i keep track of what i eat each day, i feel much more accountable if i go over my allotted calorie limit.

    twitter. the only reason i use it is to chat with fellow dieters. when i'm wanting to binge, i vent my frustrations immediately on my phone. getting responses and support from people instantly helps immensely.

    food porn. instead of eating whatever i'm craving, i'll look at photos online. sometimes this causes people to binge worse, but it satisfies me and i find my appetite will decrease.
  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    Tupperware, Egg whites, White fish, Measuring cup, Water, planning planning planning!
  • Food scales
    Digital scales to weigh self
    And going to bed really early. Like 8/830pm. No more late evening snacking
    It was by chance I discovered this, had a new role at work that meant I could no longer go to 930am classes so now go to 615am gym classes and am so tired I go to bed early and haven't had a late night meal once since (3 weeks)
  • Salads and/or roasted veggies as the main portion of any meals i have. I roast a mix of yellow, red, and orange sweet peoppers, yellow onion, garlic, zuchinni, and lemon juice. I serves as a GREAT filler for any meal. For instance, i made bbq pulled chicken sandwiches for my boyfriend. Since i am dieting i ate a portion the size of half of a chicken breast over a giant bed of roasted veggies. That way i could still get the taste of the main course but got full without the extra calories of the hoagie roll, mayo, and cheese i put on his plate. I do this with most of my dinners. That is how i marry the struggle of cooking for the other half who osn't dieting and fulfilling my diet. It seems to work. 17 lbs lost since Aug 15th. If i am crqving a snack it is usually greek yogurt with a berry medley poured over it.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    diet patches to help the cravings when i got my monthlies so I don't go too far over my calories

    Wii - making exercising fun!!!

    the internet - for the all diet tips!! (including MFP!) :flowerforyou:
  • i find logging in every day to MFP uis my secret weapon, it makes me realize how many calories I am consuming. I dread to think how many calories I had prior to MFP.
  • craig1970
    craig1970 Posts: 139 Member
    Definitely MFP everyday. Logging food helps me avoid over-eating.
    Avoiding temptation. Sorry Greggs Bakers, your steak bakes are soo bad for my weight.
    Drink water
    Exercise daily if possible
    Daydream about that beach body I'm gonna get!

  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    -fat free frozen yogurt, small with no toppings (eat it slow, so good! high sugar though, have to account for that)
    -200 cal huge chocolate flourless cake
    -logging ALL my food everyday - I don't binge or overeat or have unnecessary treats because I can't bare to put myself in the red (except for protein)
    -delicious chocolate protein shakes
    -food scale for sure, who knows how many calories I'm guessing wrong
    -high protein
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    MFP everyday
    Food Scales especially when i eat proteins and pasta
    Heart Rate Monitor
    New Tennis Shoes every month
    Egg Whites in a jug
    Water........lots of water..........when i grow tired of drinking water i drink more water
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    Kitchen scales, smaller portions and my pedometer - and MFP on my mobile was a godsend while I was on holiday! Maintaining my food diary kept me on the wagon :wink:
  • mike20603
    mike20603 Posts: 32 Member
    Nike+ (sportsband and website)
    My trusty NordicTrack elliptical...it accepts no excuses for weather, time of day, darkness, etc...
    Actually, I hate that fu**ing thing. But it works.
    Greek yogurt.
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    Green tea
    Greek yoghurt
  • MFP,Water , My bicycle