Rotator Cuff Surgury

Surgery today.6 weeks in a sling. Bummed because i am in the best shape in 20 yrs and don't want to lose it. Anyone have any suggestions :cry
ps just feeling sorry for myself



  • leemarie324
    leemarie324 Posts: 63 Member
    I work for an orthopedic surgeon and see rotator cuff repairs all the time..give yourself time to heal or you wont heal right and will require further treatment..just watch what you eat, and drink water..before you know it, you'll be back in business! just make you rest and don't push it!..good luck!..:)
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Surgery today.6 weeks in a sling. Bummed because i am in the best shape in 20 yrs and don't want to lose it. Anyone have any suggestions :cry
    ps just feeling sorry for myself


    Stationary bike, Walking, Eliptical....and the occassional off=hand beer curl :)
  • jimswife1
    jimswife1 Posts: 42 Member
    My mom just had the surgery and the surgeon told her 6 weeks in the sling as well, but she was actually only in it for 2 weeks, until her physical therapy started. Perhaps you can take some nice long walks with your lovely wife. I'm sure you will feel better once your surgery is complete and you are on the mend. Take care and heal well.
  • roberthickis
    roberthickis Posts: 8 Member
    12oz curls now your talking