Please Read My Diary :)

I think that that time has come when I have hit my plateu. I started out around 140 and am now stuck at 132.8. My diary is open, please take a look if you have suggestions! Any other questions, I'd be happy to answer! I am not ready to give up, but i need ideas to keep losing the weight!

Thanks in advance :)


  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    im not going to sugarcoat this or try to be polite. you are starving yourself and the worst part is youre not even eating wholesome nutritious foods. i reccomend checking your bmr and eating at least that number, and sticking to no more than a 250 cal defecit. and add some wholegrains lean meats veggies and nuts and cut out all that CRAP.
  • angel_eyes17
    angel_eyes17 Posts: 103 Member
    I think you need to eat more. Your body may be in starvation mode. Eat back all your exercise calories and don't ever go below 1200.
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    I would suggest taking out all the junk snacks and eat more fruits/veggies. Your body needs fuel to thrive and and it will make you feel more energetic. I would also recommend increasing the amount of calories you are eating as your body is probably in starvation mode which lowers your metabolism. You will have a hard time losing weight in this state.
  • RebelBrew
    its no surprise that people are jumping to starvation mode. If you are given 1200 calls per day you are close to it everyday but, here's the bad, you are eating a lot of processed foods and everything has sodium in it. You need more veg and proteins and exercise. Drink at least 128 ounces, or one gallon of water a day it seams like a lot but the more you drink the easier it is to do. Exercise more the little that you are doing helps but with wheat you are in taking you need to do more. I hope his helps. If you need any more help just ask.
  • tristahenry
    The past two days it looks like you've eaten pretty crappy, I'm sure you're aware of this. But I went back as far as Monday and it seems you generally eat your 1200 calories. I do notice you snack on "empty calorie" foods such as pretzels, M&M's and chex mix, all in one day. I recommend you cut out most of that (maybe only one serving of empty calorie snack per day) and supplement with nutritious snacks such as nuts, fruits and veggies. Also, you need to tweak your meals with the proper balance of protein, fats and carbs for optimum health and weight loss ( This is going to be a pot calling the kettle black because if you look at my diary I'm guilty too, however... cut out the boost crap for breakfast and eat real balanced breakfast. Even a piece of whole grain toast, a glass of milk and a piece of fruit is better than that junk (As I'm munching on an atkins bar... I know).

    Also, try to get more consistent with your exercise routine.

    You'll hit your goal weight with patience and a little modification. Keep at it and great job so far.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    The past two days it looks like you've eaten pretty crappy, I'm sure you're aware of this. But I went back as far as Monday and it seems you generally eat your 1200 calories. I do notice you snack on "empty calorie" foods such as pretzels, M&M's and chex mix, all in one day. I recommend you cut out most of that (maybe only one serving of empty calorie snack per day) and supplement with nutritious snacks such as nuts, fruits and veggies. Also, you need to tweak your meals with the proper balance of protein, fats and carbs for optimum health and weight loss ( This is going to be a pot calling the kettle black because if you look at my diary I'm guilty too, however... cut out the boost crap for breakfast and eat real balanced breakfast. Even a piece of whole grain toast, a glass of milk and a piece of fruit is better than that junk (As I'm munching on an atkins bar... I know).

    Also, try to get more consistent with your exercise routine.

    You'll hit your goal weight with patience and a little modification. Keep at it and great job so far.

    Very positive, helpful post :) I'd agree with the above.
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    I agree with every other post here. You are eating way too little and mostly junk. Try to come a little closer to you calorie goal and get some exercise in so you can eat a little more. I know that's not what you want to hear, but everyone here has given really good advise.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Judging from your pictures, you are hot and don't need to lose any weight. It gets harder and harder to lose when you don't have a lot to lose.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    im not going to sugarcoat this or try to be polite. you are starving yourself and the worst part is youre not even eating wholesome nutritious foods. i reccomend checking your bmr and eating at least that number, and sticking to no more than a 250 cal defecit. and add some wholegrains lean meats veggies and nuts and cut out all that CRAP.

    exactly what I was going to say. BMR is critical in figuring out what you need to eat. and sorry to say it, but you lost muscle not fat.
  • chanceuse107

    I'm going to recommend this website... eat whole foods, if nothing else. Eat things with minimal ingredients. Eat more. Eat fat. YES. Fat doesn't make you fat. Sugar does.

    Good luck to you!
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Judging from your pictures, you are hot and don't need to lose any weight.

  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    Options need to eat more foods that are not junk and forget about the Boost thing. Those are really not meant for healthy young people like yourself anyway. I don't see in your pics where you need to lose any weight, but I will still offer my opinion. I agree with everyone else here that you need to eat more nutritious foods, more fruits and veggies for snacks. Now I do have myself 20 mini pretzels of Hanover's in the afternoon for a snack. But, I also eat a regular lunch. I eat pretty much whatever I want, but try to keep it on the more healthy side. I am afraid you have no body fat to lose and your body will eat muscle instead.
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    I think you are doing great overall, so congratulations! As many people mentioned, you didn't eat all that great the last two days, but you did before that. I'm going to assume the plateau made you freak out a little and you tried to go extreme to break it, but I don't think that's going to work.

    I think the odd snack of empty calories is perfectly fine if you are meeting your nutrient requirements, but you could tweak your diet as some of the other posters also mentioned. Where I would change though, would be your exercise component. Likely your body has become stronger over the last little while and you can now do the same exercises with much more ease than you could in the beginning. You need to make it harder again, so ramp that up a bit.

    Having said all that, I already think you look great! You didn't input your height or weight, so it's hard to judge if you are going for a healthy BMI range or if you want to actually put yourself into the underweight range. Also, keep in mind that if you build muscle it is denser than fat, so you'll look leaner, but the scale will read the same. Maybe you don't really need to lose those last two and a bit pounds... Just saying... :smile: :wink:
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Judging from your pictures, you are hot and don't need to lose any weight. It gets harder and harder to lose when you don't have a lot to lose.

    I also agree with this
  • brookiefbabyy
    thanks to all of you.. i was thinking that i needed to move towards more clean eating next week and was waiting until i could get to the store again tomorrow! i also like the idea of making my exercise routine more difficult and more consistent! thanks to all of you that posted! :)
  • Scoobies87
    I don't think your diary looks that bad, except the past couple of days where you were very low on calories. I see lots of positive choices like 'low sodium bacon' and sugar free alternatives so it sounds like you are on the right track. We all have things we can't resist now and then and if it factors into our calorie/fat count then I don't think it's too bad. Great job on the water too!

    I had a plateau at 8 lbs too. It lasted about a month!!! I panicked and ate less and less in a desperate bid to lose. It was only when I went away for a weekend then came back and stopped obsessing that I lost. I think my metabolism needed a boost! The more you stress about it the harder it will be to shift. Eat more and mix up your workouts.

    If this still doesn't work then maybe eat at maintenance for a few days?