Exercise is starting to create adverse effects. What should

Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
So recently iv hit into a bit of a dilema.
My appetite has massively increased from what it was and because of it i'v had to do alot more exercise to compensate, and to stay under my calorie goal.
Normally i have to burn off atleast 1,000 calories a day because i'v been eating over 2,000 calories..
But the problem with this is that i dont have alot of time to do an exercise video or get on the floor and do some push-ups, etc..
So pretty much all of the calories i am burning is from me using the exercise bike...
And i have to spend literally hours on there each day to stay under my net goal..
But this is resulting in my legs aching and getting swollen and stuff. And im just worried that there going to start bulking up and getting very big.
So i was wondering where should the cut off point be, when should i get off of the exercise bike and say to myself if im over my calorie goal its my fault for eating too much im not going to get my legs to peddle anymore..
Because im obviously doing too much on the exercise bike to the point where it is having negative effects..
But if my legs wern't getting bigger i would happily stay on there all day just burning calories.

So normally i am on there for about 2 hours and i burn off about 1,000 calories.
But this is proving to be too much.
So i was thinking maybe i should cut it down, so that i can only burn 250 calories on it a day..
Thats like half an hours work..
But then i thought if i burn about 700 calories a day on it then my legs start to bulk up, but hardly any at all. Actually i think they might not be bulking up they might just be toning up.
So i think maybe 500 calories, (about an hour), on the exercise bike will be ok...
I dont know..

What do you guys think?
I need a calorie limit i cant go over..
Im thinking somewhere between 250 calories and 500 calories..
Or maybe one day i burn off 300, next day 400, first day 300, etc..
I dont know.
What do you all think??

EDIT: The reason why i can only spend a little bit of time doing exercise videos is because there is only one space big anoth for me to exercise and thats right infront of the tv in the lounge, pluss if i do use an exercise video i need the tv...
But there are 6 of us living in this house, and im just the son's fiance, so i have no rights to the tv at all..
So my only chance to use it, or this space, which blocks peoples views to the tv, is like an hour time gap..
A bit longer if i can help it..
But other than that its like a no go.


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm not sure I totally understand all of that, but if you are that hungry all the time I'd review your diet rather than trying to over exercise to compensate. Are you eating enough fat and protein? Make sure to include these in every meal so that you'll feel full longer. Eat lots of veggies as they are low calorie so you can eat al lot without adding many calories. Stay away from white bread and pasta and sugar as much as possible, as these things seem to trigger hunger in a lot of people and they are unhealthy.

    When you feel hungry but shouldn't (e.g. it hasn't been that long since you ate) trying brushing your teeth and/or having something low calorie to drink. It's not uncommon to mistake thirst for hunger.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    You can't out train a bad diet.

    You're eating like you're training for a marathon. You may be able to endure these long workouts BECAUSE you're eating so much, but it's not going to do much in terms of weight loss.

    If your goal is to lose weight, you're going to have to eat less. No way around it.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You don't have time to do a workout video or pushups, but you have time to burn 1000 calories on the exercise bike? I guess I'm just not understanding that.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    No i mean i dont get alot of time infront of the tv.. So i do an exercise video, sometimes even two.
    But then im booted off the tv..
    And have no where else in the house big anoth to exercise than in the lounge..
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I would focus on decreasing your caloric intake by eating healthy foods so you don't have to burn that many calories in a day. Make small changes one or two at a time. Over the months I've been here, I've come up with some ground rules that work for me, and I'll share them so you can see if any of them will work for you.

    Don't drink calories (except my coffee and one glass of V8 each day) -- no pop, juice, etc.
    Increase lean protein to help me feel fuller longer
    Limit empty calories from candy, chips, desserts, etc.
    Take my vitamins every day to ensure that I'm getting enough nutrition (helps keep cravings at bay)
    Drink enough water that my urine is almost clear (works out to about 7-9 cups a day for me)
    Try to hit MFP's fiber goal each day

    Think about what small changes you can make, and start making them. Do just one at a time, stick with it until it becomes habit, and then add another one.

    As far as exercising, it's not good to do that much of any single exercise. You don't have to have a lot of room either. I used to do this workout (http://nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/) in my hallway. Or if you can make time in your schedule, why not try the Couch to 5K program for running? It's a good burn, it's a fun way to get outside, and running is good exercise.
  • Kuzyak
    Kuzyak Posts: 3 Member
    1. Run outdoors, rain or shine. You'll burn your 1000-s twice as faster and have much less one-sided workouts unlike on the exercise bike.
    2. Swim.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    @ ajbeans.

    Thanx! Il have to try that workout!
    And i always take daly vitamins, drink loads of water, and try not to waste my calorie on drinks..
    But i do struggle with not treating myself to the food i love.. =/
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    1. Run outdoors, rain or shine. You'll burn your 1000-s twice as faster and have much less one-sided workouts unlike on the exercise bike.
    2. Swim.

    But people will see me!!!
    I live in a place where if you see someone run, you go up and run next to the them to take the piss out of them..
    It would be suicide!! I tryed it before and i was pelted with eggs! =(
    And if i cant go underwater swimming is boring. and i cant go under water because then my make-up will run and i will look like a panda!
    But before i started wearing make-up i use to go swimming every other day.
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    You can't out train a bad diet.

    You're eating like you're training for a marathon. You may be able to endure these long workouts BECAUSE you're eating so much, but it's not going to do much in terms of weight loss.

    If your goal is to lose weight, you're going to have to eat less. No way around it.

    ^^This. You need to change your eating habits. No way you can sustain this level of exercise for the rest of your life so even if you are able to lose it all - it'll all come back one day. I say eat more veggies. Lots more. It'll fill you up and not leave as much room for the higher calorie stuff.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Don't put on makeup before you go swimming, maybe? :wink:

    And as far as treating yourself to food, I haven't cut out any of the foods I love. I just limit them so they fit in my calorie goal. As time goes on, I want fewer of them because now I crave healthier food instead, but I'll still have a brownie or some pizza if I want it. But I'm not going to punish myself by eating hundreds of extra calories and making myself work them all off every day. Just doesn't seem worth it to me. I'd rather eat a little of the treats, and then do exercise that I enjoy rather than killing myself with cardio every day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    1. Run outdoors, rain or shine. You'll burn your 1000-s twice as faster and have much less one-sided workouts unlike on the exercise bike.
    2. Swim.

    But people will see me!!!
    I live in a place where if you see someone run, you go up and run next to the them to take the piss out of them..
    It would be suicide!! I tryed it before and i was pelted with eggs! =(
    And if i cant go underwater swimming is boring. and i cant go under water because then my make-up will run and i will look like a panda!
    But before i started wearing make-up i use to go swimming every other day.

    there's this stuff called makeup remover, you could use that before you swim...
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    No no make-up remover!!
    I look as skanky as it is with make-up on.
    Let alone how i look when im not wearing it.
    People cant seem me without make-up!
    It would be horrifying!!

    Pluss i have no money to be able to go swimming..
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Well, you can make excuses or you can do something that you enjoy to help you get in shape. It's your call, really. Nobody is going to care what you look like at the pool. But if you'd rather continue to just bust your butt on the exercise bike when you don't enjoy it and it's doing things that you don't like, you can do that.

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but you know that you're just making excuses. Don't lie to yourself that way. If you don't want to swim, say so. But don't blame it on makeup. It's easy to apply after you get finished swimming if you want.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    This thread can't be serious.

    *troll flag*
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    So whats the question?
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    You've eaten too much when your food baby doesn't fit into your real clothes. You've biked too much when you can't continue with your day because your legs will fall off.

    Umm.. is this a real post?
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    This thread can't be serious.

    *troll flag*

    I dont understand why it wouldnt be a real post. =S
    I as just wondering if someone could help me choose a number of calories to burn before i get off and take a break.
    Its sort of the same question a fitness instructor would ask before he makes an exercise video. (how long should it be).
    Im just asking that..
    Im sorry for seeming silly. =S
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    So whats the question?

    How long should i exercise for on the exercise bike before taking a break, and saying iv exercised enough for today?
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    So you don't EVER take your makeup off??
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    I dont understand why it wouldnt be a real post. =S
    I as just wondering if someone could help me choose a number of calories to burn before i get off and take a break.
    Its sort of the same question a fitness instructor would ask before he makes an exercise video. (how long should it be).
    Im just asking that..
    Im sorry for seeming silly. =S

    You're doing it wrong.

    It's "eat food to fuel your workout". Not "workout so you can eat like crap".

    Get it?