Daily check in for support and accountability



    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @JuneWalks Hi, Annie! Congratulations on your weight loss so far! Good for you to see your "highest weight ever" on the scales and decide it is time to do something about it! I am about a year too late for that!

    Not all that long ago, my HWE was 178. Below 180, so not terrible. Then right before the pandemic I was 194.4. Okay, so not over 200 and I am never going there, (Ha!) so I had better do something about it! And I did, getting back down to 171, before I hurt my knee. Early in 2022 sometime I would have crossed over into the 200's but I was in such a bad place mentally that I did not do anything about it. Now it is 2023 and I have so many reasons for wanting and needing to lose weight that I am trying very hard to pull myself out of this mental funk!

    Wednesday, March 1st: 206
    Wednesday, March 8th: 202.4

    Even though it is mostly water, it motivates me to keep this train going!
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    edited March 2023
    Good morning,
    I know weight shouldn't have a lot of influence, but it was nice to see 2 lbs. gone when I weighed in this morning. It's one way to measure if what I'm doing is working. Even though it's imperfect, I'll take it ;)

    Annie, an interesting question about diet books. I find some can be motivating, but I can't help but feel like they're part of the "diet industry machine" and that is a turn off. I have read my fair share though and Geneen Roth's "When You Eat at the Refrigerator, Pull Up a Chair, helped me to identify some emotional eating issues. Though the gist of the book is to stop dieting!-Which is what I was trying to do for the last few years.

    I've participated in wellness and intuitive eating workshops recently, with the emphasis on not giving food value- good or bad, but focus on health. I understand the rationale and agree with it, but I continue to slowly gain weight. So now I'm trying to combine the importance of focusing on wellness, while staying aware of how much I'm eating by counting calories. At times it does feel very restrictive and I'm not even being overly strict (I go over most days). I am very aware that I eat for emotional reasons, stress and boredom, but that knowledge has not changed my behavior. I think this is what I need to do right now.

    Have a great day All!
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Lisa, awesome weight loss this week. I agree- seeing the scale go down is a motivator no matter where the loss is coming from! I'm on board with keeping the train going :smile:
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @JuneWalks My son studied international business. There was a program here in Ontario at a local University, where you did 5 semesters here, 3 semesters at the European Business School in Germany and you got a degree from both schools. And even though EBS is a private school, which we didn't know at the time, we only ever paid Canadian tuition for the the 8 semesters. After he graduated he came home but couldn't find the job he was looking for. A Canadian man who lives and works in Prague, who was a graduate of the Business School here in Ontario, was looking to hire someone and went to his old professor looking for recommendations. He suggested my son. The rest is history. He is with a different company now in Prague, but he and the Canadian man are still friends.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,592 Member
    SW: 300 lb
    Next GW: 180 lb
    3/1: 198.8 lb
    3/2: 198.0 lb
    3/4: 197.8 lb
    3/7: 197.0 lb
    3/8: 195.6 lb
    **weight updated whenever I lose.

    Last night I got to Ladies Bible Study and looked over all the food. Chicken Corn Chowder, homemade corn bread, three types of dessert, and I craved it all. Then I really took stock of what I had available in calories. I made a very small bowl (probably just 1 cup) of the soup. I took the smallest bit of cornbread (about ½ a piece). I looked over all the desserts. Only one had a box with calories listed on it. I decided that was the one I was meant to have and cut one of those in half as well. I filled my 24 oz water bottle, drank the entire thing during that meal. After the meal, I went and refilled the bottle to sip on during the lesson. When I got home I still wanted something and was proud of myself for sticking to my boundaries while not depriving myself of things. I finished my evening with a small protein shake (half scoop of powder with almond milk) so I wouldn’t still be hungry. It feels like it took a massive amount of will power not to go back and get as much as I really wanted. I’m really, truly proud of myself for holding to my line.

    Tonight I promised my family it would be pasta night. The plan for my bowl is going to be steamed cut green beans, topped with exactly one serving of elbow pasta, topped with 2 appetizer sized meatballs, marinara sauce, and the tiniest sprinkle of Italian blend shredded cheese. I have learned that on pasta night if I add a veggie in a similar shape to the pasta of choice that week and a little bit of protein, I will be too full to need additional pasta. It took me a while to figure out how to eat pasta with my family without losing all control. So this is the plan every pasta night now.

    Thankfully, we have no plans for going out, running errands, or doing anything but stay at home tonight. I need a break and maybe a bubble bath tonight.

    @JuneWalks I’ve commented before that I wish there were more healthy weeks or fruit/vegetable provided. I find the community and visiting time of sitting and eating with the group just never happens the same when we take away that extra 45 minutes or don’t do that aspect. When we meet again in 2 weeks they are planning a salad bar night with grilled chicken. So I have been heard but it isn’t going to affect every time, just a portion of them.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @pamperedlinny You should be proud of yourself for going into the Bible Study with a plan, but especially for not depriving yourself! That can only lead to binge, eventually. And I absolutely love your pasta trick; pasta is one of my downfalls so I will have to remember this! Oh, and well done on today's weigh-in!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,592 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @pamperedlinny You should be proud of yourself for going into the Bible Study with a plan, but especially for not depriving yourself! That can only lead to binge, eventually. And I absolutely love your pasta trick; pasta is one of my downfalls so I will have to remember this! Oh, and well done on today's weigh-in!!

    @HASWLRS My husband and daughter ask for pasta night with red sauce at least once a week. It is a family favorite. I would either do that as a cheat meal, or eat something else, or try to keep to just a serving and fail miserably. It literally took me years to think about adding a similar shaped veggie and always add a protein, even if it's just a small one. I don't know why it took me so long but it seriously makes this a favorite for me as well now without my feeling like I need to cheat.
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    Annie, an interesting question about diet books. I find some can be motivating, but I can't help but feel like they're part of the "diet industry machine" and that is a turn off.

    @dogwalker157 I am so with you on that comment. I did WW so many years and finally got fed up with their changing their plan every year. It just reflects the industry feeding into what the current "fad" is. The industry wants to pedal a product. The enemies have been sugar, calories, then it was meat, then it was dairy, then it was fat, then it was carbs...some to the extent of saying fruits and legumes are bad for you...OMG, what happened to a healthy balance?
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,592 Member
    edited March 2023
    Ann262 wrote: »
    Annie, an interesting question about diet books. I find some can be motivating, but I can't help but feel like they're part of the "diet industry machine" and that is a turn off.

    @dogwalker157 I am so with you on that comment. I did WW so many years and finally got fed up with their changing their plan every year. It just reflects the industry feeding into what the current "fad" is. The industry wants to pedal a product. The enemies have been sugar, calories, then it was meat, then it was dairy, then it was fat, then it was carbs...some to the extent of saying fruits and legumes are bad for you...OMG, what happened to a healthy balance?

    @JuneWalks & @dogwalker157 I literally started a book only because it is a diet book that ISN'T about any of that. In fact, he calls out the diet/health/fitness industry for being that way. It's really good. He does cuss though... so if that's a turn off be forewarned. I also watch his posts on social media because he isn't afraid to call out the BS that comes up. It is literally the only "diet" book I've bought in years.
  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    Hello again everyone!

    @Haswlrs - Lisa - Funny how we have these "enough - this has to stop" weights. Mine is/was 18 stone (242)... I lost a stone (14 pounds) a year for a few years and kept it off for over 10 years until 2022.. My "enough - this has to stop" weight needs to change. Permanently. Actually I guess it's the eating habits that need to change permanently and the weight will follow...
    Aw bless - thanks for explaining about your son :-)

    @Dogwalker157 - Yes I know what you mean about diet books being part of the industry. The food industry possibly, rather than just the diet industry? Don't know. I know I have read The 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet by Dr Michael Mosley and wondered how so many of its recipes have bacon in which he says is not good for you... and I've read Wheat Belly which says quit the bread but then suggests a healthy weight loss plan which is about more than just quitting bread? Anyhow, I have 9 food related books so I've retrieved them from the depths of the tardis and am going to give them a re-read. I'm sure they must have been a reason why I kept them. I'll post about them once I've refreshed my memory!

    My current plan is to write what I eat after I've eaten it. I then put it into the Nutracheck site which is so easy to use it's unbelievable. I've never stuck with an online calorie counter before but it's really helpful to see what has put me over my already generous calorie allowance that I've allocated myself (2000). Just three items yesterday had an extra 1000 calories in them. Oh well, today's the start of another week. :-) My basic plan at the mo is to eat three meals a day with no snacks. Doesn't always work! A fourth meal in the evening is a habit I need to ditch. Then I also want to stop eating sweet foods (except fruit). I know I can do it and once I'm a few days in I don't miss it - or the snack(s)...

    @Pamperedlinny - Linda - Wow you did so well at the Bible study! I love broccoli with my pasta. Well I love broccoli full stop!... I also find I need protein to feel satisfied. When we have bring and shares I always take a bowl of easy to eat fresh fruit (apples, bananas, easy peelers and grapes) and a bowl of finger food salad (carrots sticks, cubes of yellow bell pepper, cherry tomatoes and chunks of cucumber).
    That sounds like my kinda book! A couple of mine are like that.

    @Ann262 - yep I'm all for healthy balance! No cutting out stuff here unless it disagrees with me. That's why I choose to reduce by cutting out snacks, which is just excess, and sweet foods cos I can have fruit instead. Sugar is just calories without nutrition and too much causes so much illness, obesity and dentist bills...

    ok - ttfn - Annie in the UK (GMT)
    ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ ¸.•*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨)✫ (¸.•´ .•´ (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ •*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫

  • spaigewrites
    spaigewrites Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Going to join you Ladies. Just starting out on my weightloss journey. I'm 43 and 5'-0.5". Here are my current beginner stats:

    Current Weight: 150
    Goal Weight: 135
    Weight Lost: 0

    I eat relatively healthy and workout (cardio & strength training) 3 - 4 times a week.

    Please keep me accountable.
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    Hey I made this for dinner tonight it was delicious! And I Donely didn’t feel deprived I felt treated! https://www.skinnytaste.com/sheet-pan-shrimp-with-broccolini-and-tomatoes/
  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    edited March 2023
    Good morning everyone!

    @spaigewrites - Welcome!

    @Ann262 - Ann - that recipe looks lovely - but hubbs doesn't like seafood, and I don't know where I can get nice shrimps locally... I will keep an eye out when we go to the beach in future.

    AFM (as for me) - I made a *firm*(!) decision - starting tomorrow (Friday), I am going to do that thing I always talk about doing - no sweet foods except fruit. And yesterday was day 1 (again...) of no snacks, and a daily walk outside.

    NSV - my mauve t-shirt which I hate wearing cos it is so clingy is more roomy now :-)

    Also yesterday, after asking you all what was the most helpful diet book you ever read, I got out my food books - 9 of them, although I have read and passed on many others, and I started a re-read of David A Kessler's The End of Overeating. I'm reading it slow and making notes cos I think he has a good point to make, which basically is that the food industry is expert at making food palatable (which in scientific terms apparently means the food makes you want to eat more of it), by mixing the right amounts of fat, sugar and salt. Too much of one or not enough of the other and they miss the mark. Well worth a read. Apparently he was named a national hero for his work with getting tobacco ads aimed at children regulated in the USA.

    I am continuing to use my pretty new notebook to write my food in (and all sorts of other stuff relevant to wellbeing.) I have started a list of foods which are moreish with a note of the salt/sugar/fat content in them. I notice that the Nutella is not as calorific as I thought - but - it is ultra moreish. The sort of thing that might interrupt my sleep at night...

    ok - ttfn - Annie in the UK (GMT)
    ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ ¸.•*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨)✫ (¸.•´ .•´ (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ •*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,592 Member
    SW: 300 lb
    Next GW: 180 lb
    3/1: 198.8 lb
    3/2: 198.0 lb
    3/4: 197.8 lb
    3/7: 197.0 lb
    3/8: 195.6 lb
    3/9: 195.2 lb
    **weight updated whenever I lose.

    I've officially gotten back to my lowest adult weight as of this morning. I'm 5 lbs from hitting the "overweight" catagory. I'm 15 lbs from my real goal weight.
    If I ever aim for a "normal" BMI I'm about 40 lbs from there. However, with my other health factors I'm not really worried about that. I'm just trying to be able to move, keep my diabetes under control, feel good in my skin and be healthier in general. Being out of obese was the only real BMI factor in the mix.

    I'm planning to get to my Zumba class tonight but no other big plans in the works today. Just a lot of work to get done. My company has a fiscal year end of March 31. I'm officially in year end mode and my emails are blowing up.

    @JuneWalks I love broccoli too. Even when I was a kid I was happy when steamed broccoli hit the table. My brothers... not so much. :D I don't know how you feel about bible study books in connection with diets but if anyone is looking for something I really recommend Taste for Truth and Freedom From Emotional Eating. Both are bible devotionals by Barb Raveling. Taste for Truth really just focused on setting boundaries, maintaining them, truth journaling when you feel like breaking them, etc. Freedom From Emotional Eating expounded on that and addresses each emotion you might feel that makes you react with food. Joy, Worry, Stress, Anger, etc. They don't give you any set diet or plan so much as a bunch of bible study points about those boundaries that we should have in all areas of our lives. One is a 30 day devotional and the other is a 40 day devotional.

    @Ann262 I love Skinny Taste recipes. I've been following her for about a decade. She has some seriously great recipes and ideas. I also like to check out Hungry Girl, Inspiralized, All Day I Dream About Food, Wholesom Yum, and I Breathe I'm Hungry for meal ideas from time to time. I actually write my own recipe blog but I'm not anywhere in league with these sites.

  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    HW (highest weight) 234
    CW (current) 228.6
    GW (goal) 155
    WL (weight lost) 5.4

    I'm loving hello fresh, by the way. The calories and fat are pretty high, though. I'm vegetarian so my choices are limited in there. I can only eat 1/4 of the recipe instead of 1/2. Hubby likes it that way anyway 🙂

    Best diet book... I liked the noom posts. That's kind of a book, maybe. But in the end, I needed my own way.
  • jaimelynn829
    jaimelynn829 Posts: 1 Member
    HW 350
    CW 296
    GW 200

    I just downloaded app today because my doctor suggested it. Once I tried to set up a new account, I realized I had used this app before,in 2014! At that point I weighed 330.

    Anyway about 2 years ago I lost 85 pounds on weight watchers. My weight slowly started going up, and then in the last two months I've gained 15 pounds.

    My problem is when I eat and what I eat. I also go out to restaurants and bars a lot. Restaurant food and alcohol have really accelerated my weight gain.

    I've joined Weight Watchers again and am motivated.

    Thank you for starting this thread and all you guys who have posted. Accountability is so important.

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,592 Member
    @jaimelynn829 Restaurant food is always so hard for me to calculate but I love the opportunity to go out too. I hope you do amazing! :wink:
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    edited March 2023
    Congraulations @pamperedlinny on reaching your lowest adult weight. what a milestone!

    @haringtona1, I tried Hello Fresh years ago. It was good but some of the recipes were a lot of work.

    Welcome @jaimelynn829 ! I did WW for many years. There is a lot good about. Like you, I find it impossible to maintain a healthy weight if I consume alcohol. Even one glass of wine is enough to stimulate my appetite for a good 24 hours and disrupt my sleep. when I am not well rested, I don't take good care of myself. I hope you figure out what works for you. :)

    Here is the reciped I tried today. So good!

  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Is weight watchers about finding the point value of things and adding them instead of calories? That seems like more work, not less. But I'm open to hearing about it...
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi All,
    Welcome @jamielynn. What a great accomplishment losing 85 lbs. I can totally relate to the slow creep up after losing.

    I read through my journal this morning and felt like I was living ground hog day. I seem to keep repeating the same things over again. Then there's a period of time I stop logging and then come back and repeat it all over
    again. I really want it to stick this time!