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Weight Watchers vs MFP



  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I tried WW in lockdown as they were doing zoom meetings, I didn’t enjoy them as I found it a bit cliquey I didn’t get on with the points system either as I’m used to calorie counting.
    I do keep thinking of rejoining now they’re face to face as the weighing in each week and being accountable is quite motivating for me, and I would hope there would be some good nutritional advance, however, there is a lot of branded food so it might not be as informative as I expect.
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    I've never been to WW but I went to a similar group a number of years ago. I much prefer the social aspect of weight loss, this website is nice but I mustn't be the only person who has noticed that the number of active participants on the forum is dropping, especially after the pandemic. I really wonder how many active (and successful) weight losers there are on the challenges forum. I want someone to look up to and admire because of their consistent weight loss.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    I have a 6 month subscription to WW online app right now that I am not using. I've cancelled it but still need to pay the monthly fees until the end of the program period. A big waste of money for me, and I knew it could be but wanted to try it once again.

    My thought is ... unless you want to retrain yourself as to what selection of foods you consume, stick with MFP and look stay within your calories to do what it is you are trying to do with your weight.
  • stuffnmore
    stuffnmore Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2023
    I find weight watchers points system difficult to understand portions in any significant way until I learn/memorize the current system (and difficult to relate the WW points to my calorie needs for the day which is easy to calculate here). But can't say it makes sense on the macros for me.

    MyPlate Exchanges: That said, I find the food exchanges/swappables of the myplate guidelines easier to learn and understand; for building meals and choosing how it fits when I am out and about. I double check with calorie counting for quantity and overall fit for the day. The swaps (once learned) are easy - like bread or rice or noodles... the benefit is free using the food exchange together with calorie counting. I have not really been able to translate WW points into something understandable in practical terms when I am out eating.

    For support: The in-person meetings at weight watchers or TOPS can be fun/supportive (or excruciating) and, for me, not wild about online meetings - not much difference to me than watching an online conference discussion. i find it hard to stay engaged.

    Accountability: I prefer a soft touch, when I want it - so if I am doing well, meetings are fine. When I am struggling, sometimes they can get me going again. Other times, I don't want to talk about it or weigh-in with others.

    MFP: Appreciate there is so much to read here for information and motivation, and can come chat when desired - for free. The cool tools are awesome, but support is available here if we want to reach out for it or just lurk.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    WW was a good fit for me back in the 90s. My group met at my (large) workplace, so it was extremely convenient and there was a nice social component. I think work partially subsidized it as well.

    Now a days, MFP (free version) is a much better fit for me.
  • PamelaJones3
    PamelaJones3 Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2023
    If you are looking for peer-to-peer support to supplement MFP, you might consider TOPS. A virtual TOPS club chapter is a way to get the peer support and accountability of WW without the cost or the bothersome “points” system. TOPS costs about $50 a year. The virtual chapters consist of 10 members from all over the US and Canada meeting weekly via zoom. Typical meeting: members report progress on compliance with their personal SMART goals. We report losses (or gains) and recognize group members’ weekly achievement. We have a short program and discussion on a weight / health topic We set a personal intention for the upcoming week. Many of our virtual chapters members use MFP to log meals, monitor calories and macros, etc. The TOPS zoom meeting is just an additional support tool.
  • putotherpeoplefirst
    putotherpeoplefirst Posts: 31 Member
    I did WW many years ago before they introduced the new Points system. I found it ok but it got a bit expensive.