Wow! Not very friendly...

Not very friendly on here or welcoming to a new member. Nobody reaches out to be a "friend", let alone a friendly "welcome to Myfitnesspal"...unreal...thought this was supposed to he a "I'll motivate you & you motivate me" type of place... maybe there's other places more friendly to go. ;)


  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 406 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I don't do anything re friends but if interested you should check out the Women 50+ group. Very diverse group of ladies and interesting posts. Lots of others in the community. You just have to look around and not sit back and wait for whoever to 'friend' you. Join in on the conversations....introduce yourself. Good luck on your journey.
  • Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Welcome to MFP! I don't do anything re friends but if interested you should check out the Women 50+ group. Very diverse group of ladies and interesting posts. Lots of others in the community. You just have to look around and not sit back and wait for whoever to 'friend' you. Join in on the conversations....introduce yourself. Good luck on your journey.

    I'm not "sitting back waiting" like you say I am, but a "friendly" one word "welcome" goes a long way, especiallysince ive seen how many have seen my first post....& I have introduced myself. Kindness & welcoming goes a long way. Good luck with your journey mam.
  • AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Hello, and welcome!

    You joined the Community this morning, according to your profile. Your first post was about 3 hours ago. I don't know where you are, but it's still the middle of the work day here, so a lot of people post either before work or after. Everyone in the Community is just a regular person like you. The MFP staff post very occasionally, but mostly it's just us regular users.

    Personally, I usually go through the Introduce Yourself and Getting Started areas sometime between a couple days a week and every day, then write customized greeting posts for people with whom I feel some kind of resonance. The over-50s are one such group, often, but I haven't gotten to looking at those areas yet today. (I slept late.) Just guessing, but I probably spend at least a hour a week doing that sort of thing, and more hours answering questions that new folks have in other parts of the Community . . . using my own free time. And I'm retired, so have more time than most.

    I'd encourage you to stick around and give us a chance. Three hours is a pretty short expectation timeline, when we're talking about people fitting in greetings to others in their otherwise busy lives. Most people truly are friendly, and IME truly want to help others. I think the Introduce Yourself area gets a little less attention from old-timers than other areas with more questions/discussions.

    I'm personally pretty sub-par on the MFP friend side of things, so rarely offer that (because I know I s*ck), but I do write greetings and answer questions in the Community.

    I'm happy you're here, and I hope you'll be very successful, because it's for sure worth it. Best wishes!

    Thanks for your insight.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 406 Member
    Looks like Sue left us. I don’t think she gave mfp a chance. Too bad as lots of good info on here and a lot of friendly, positive people. I really didn’t mind being called mam. Wishing you all the best Sue.
  • Silkysausage
    Silkysausage Posts: 502 Member
    Bless her, she may have plucked up the courage at last to join in and wanted validation. I think she'd be better to go to an actual real life group if she's struggling but then again anonymous online activity can be good for those who are shy.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    She probably thought it was like a Facebook group where the moderators can tell who has joined and will welcome the newcomers. But here, unless you make yourself known no one has any way of knowing you exist.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Looks like Sue left us. I don’t think she gave mfp a chance. Too bad as lots of good info on here and a lot of friendly, positive people. I really didn’t mind being called mam. Wishing you all the best Sue.

    Yes. Honestly, that makes me sincerely sad.

    IMO, so much to be gained from sticking with it: MFP for logging, for sure, but also the Community as well.

    In Sue's case, it seems . . . self imposed? I don't understand reacting negatively just because no other people - regular folks with busy lives just like her - haven't responded within 3ish hours. Zero people responded to my intro post back in 2015, literally - not ever, not in almost 8 years. (I don't care, it's OK, understandable.)

    For many (most?) of us, there are things in our typical mindset that truly don't want change. Change is hard. Our perceptions can make anything into an obstacle. Most of those "obstacles" are B.S, I think. I get it.

    In the (I hope) rare case where something that happens is received (felt) as abuse, bullying, unkindness, whatever, by an OP - I hope they can find an understanding that most people here truly want to help. I really believe that's true.

    Things happen, but self-created subjective perception is real: I get that, too.

    I don't understand this.

    Looks like I lurked and posted on other people's threads before I wrote an intro post, which was also in 2015, and I also had zero responses, ever.