Help me Zig Zag... you're my only hope!

5 months straight my weight melted off at a rate of 10lbs / month. But for the last 3 weeks NOTHING! My nutrition has been perfect and I burn 1,000 cals/day excersizing. WTF!

Bad news is I just read about Zig Zag diet today and now realize my body could be in a plateu. If so, my body is used to eating under 2,000 cals a day while burning 1,000+, which was my winning formula the first 5 months.

Good news is, for it to work I have to eat 4,000 more cals a week, which is a challenge I will definitely enjoy!

I really hope this works, kind of nervous about increasing my calories. NOT gonna be happy if I gain weight.


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Increasing my calories has always gotten my weight loss moving again. Our bodies adapt to what we're doing and when they adapt -- they're running more efficiently. You have to confuse it. Keep it on its toes. Once it isn't as comfortable or as sure about what is gonna happen next, you'll usually see the weight loss start to move again.

    I would also try switching up your workout routine.

    Another thing to keep in mind? As you get thinner and leaner - your weight loss will slow way down. The heavier you are, the more weight you have to lose --- so your body is comfortable losing it at a quicker pace.

    Good Luck and congrats on your loss! :)
  • My weight lose has stopped for the last 2 month and I still have 20 or lbs to lose, I gain weight when I eat my exercise calories, I have been so depressed lately I don't want to eat at all...but I just keep plugging along something has got to give !!
  • It could also be a change in your routine that could put it back in motion. I recently got sick and the fatigue made it impossible for me to workout. I just stayed under my calories and I lost 3 pounds that week. So your body has probably hit that plateau. So I would suggest either a zig zag or altering what your workout is. Your body has just gotten into a routine and you need to confuse the hell out it to get out of your funk. Good luck.
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    have you already done the calculations? have you checked out the website:
  • degobah
    degobah Posts: 55 Member
    have you already done the calculations? have you checked out the website:

    That's how I came up with the 4,000+ more calories to eat every week. Thanks, it's a great site!
  • degobah
    degobah Posts: 55 Member
    My weight lose has stopped for the last 2 month and I still have 20 or lbs to lose, I gain weight when I eat my exercise calories, I have been so depressed lately I don't want to eat at all...but I just keep plugging along something has got to give !!

    Sorry to hear about being depressed. I would be the same way. Have you tried the zig zag diet? Sounds like you're going through what I started to go through.
  • Yes I did it last week and gained 2 lbs, my son has a degree in exercise science and he is trying to help me, we have pretty much tried everything, it may just be that I'm one on the unfortunate ones who need to eat less than 1200 calories a day to lose and not eat my exercise calories
  • saydee3
    saydee3 Posts: 34 Member
    Shellgib got me doing zig zag and it works so well! It really will get you past that plateau. I didn't lose anything for about a month and once I started zig-zagging I started dropping weight again.

    I read some advice on here that if you want to keep track of your zig-zag calories on the food log, set your food log as high as you are planning to eat and then create "foods" for the number of calories you need to be deficient that day, i.e. the max calorie count on your plan you can eat is 1,600 calories in a day. Then on days you are going to eat 1,200, make a "food" for 400 calories so you can see exactly what you have to eat that day. I tried it and it didn't work so well for me (I just play it by ear how many calories I eat in a day and then adjust the next few days accordingly) so I just keep track of it in my head over a 3-4 day period.

    Good luck!
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Do it to it!

    The scale had stopped moving for me for the first couple of weeks of our September challenge - so on my day of rest (when I was not held responsible for losing a team point by going over on my calories) I spiked. Not too bad - but it was evidently enough.

    When I started increasing the water (to offset some bad sodium days) and adding a casein shake about an hour before bed each night - scale started moving again.

    Therefore - I will be taking next month off as far as contributing to team points for a challenge. I fully intend to have at least one spike day a week, but maybe two and see how that does. Also - if you didn't already - it is a good idea to check out your goals again and maybe reset when you have lost that much weight.

    I see the posts and you are kickin' booty!! Keep it up!! :bigsmile:
  • degobah
    degobah Posts: 55 Member
    5 months straight my weight melted off at a rate of 10lbs / month. But for the last 3 weeks NOTHING! My nutrition has been perfect and I burn 1,000 cals/day excersizing. WTF!

    Bad news is I just read about Zig Zag diet today and now realize my body could be in a plateu. If so, my body is used to eating under 2,000 cals a day while burning 1,000+, which was my winning formula the first 5 months.

    Good news is, for it to work I have to eat 4,000 more cals a week, which is a challenge I will definitely enjoy!

    I really hope this works, kind of nervous about increasing my calories. NOT gonna be happy if I gain weight.

    ZIG ZAG WORKED! Lost 4lbs in the first week. Thanks for the encouragement everyone!