Links to good resources for an Intermediate-level Lifting program(s)?

Let me preface this, I am no body builder, and don't really plan to head that direction, but I enjoy lifting and would like to keep working towards a nice physique.
My life has been progressing along, and getting my fitness/health on point became a major priority after working through some other 'life' stuff in 2021-22. At this point still in that beginner linear progression stage, but it is slowing, and my lifts are right around (some above, some at, some slighly below) my previous heaviest lifts. Have a feeling in the next 1-2 months the linear progression will dramatically slow and I would like to transition to a more intermediate style program, but this is new territory for me, so am not sure where to turn.
I've had the 5/3/1 program recommended, but there seem to be quite a few takes on that. I'd also like to stick to a 5-day/week lifting routine to keep my routines going without burning out on cardio which I don't love to begin with, and I already do some type of cardio every afternoon.
Got some links or copy/paste programs you'd recommend to someone in my shoes? F, 44, 5'7" currently at 151.


  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    cupcakesandproteinshakes Posts: 1,192 Member
    edited March 2023
    If you see yourself as a long term
    Lifter it’s worth reading up a bit on programming. Eric helms muscle and strength training pyramids is really straight forward and he has some suggested programme skeletons for intermediate and advanced lifters. Otherwise if you don’t mind paying I would have a look at barbell medicines website. I ran their free programme called the bridge after I came off strong lifts. I then paid for their hypertrophy programme. They do various powerlifting and hybrid and oly templates too.
  • mthokodd
    mthokodd Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. 1st, well done on all your progress, thus far. I would say 5/3/1 is more aimed at powerlifters than bodybuilding, of you're talking about the Jim Wendler program.
    A program I like and have actually done myself, is called ultimate figure by Scott Abel. Its aimed for ladies who want to have the classic Figure look (rounded glutes and toned upperbody, without being too bulky.)
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,317 Member
    If you train and diet to improve body composition you're a bodybuilder.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,113 Member
    If you train and diet to improve body composition you're a bodybuilder.
    I'm pretty sure anyone who refers to themselves as a bodybuilder would be offended if I included myself in that category (I would if I was in that category).
    I may be building my body, but I am no where near a "bodybuilder" as someone who would be classified as such.