Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 218



  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 264 Member
    @clprieur .....hoping you are well.....

    @GirlOnTheRebound Hey, thanks for that! I am fine. Sorry I have been AWOL! So nice of you to check in. I have been busy with work which makes me tired and so I haven't had much to say. Also, yesterday and the day before I have just been eating anything in sight, to the point where I have given up on logging as I lose track!! Eeeek! I am hoping that the fatigue and extreme hunger (esp for carbs!!) is related to being premenstrual... and not that my body is now preparing to binge my way back up to 200 lbs!!!
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 264 Member
    I couldnt figure hiwnto edit my post above to add my weight in 🤔 so had to make a new post. Also the battery in my Renpho scale broke so I had to use my old scale and I think it weighs me a little lighter. I'll finish off this round with the same scale then use my Renpho for the next one! I'm psyched for this accountability though.... Lawd knows nothing else has been working for me 😵‍💫

    @KellyGurl68 Welcome! I started out by keeping my entries in a Word document, and now I am glad I did - because I have been able read back and make observations about what worked and what did not (for example to see that I always seem to eat more before TOM, etc.). So I have everything in a Word doc, and I type up my daily entry in Word, and when I'm ready, I post it in here. I started out by just writing a couple of words every day... now my entries are pretty... um... extreme. LOL! (They have been referred to as "novellas" on here!! LOL!!) But I find it super helpful to write out my thoughts early in the morning and reflect on my goals and sort of set my intention for the day. Hope that helps! :)
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 264 Member

    3/23 - 179
    The blasted wagon threw me right off last night. Emotional eating snack binge. But I’m climbing back on and am going to try to hang on for the rest of the round.

    @SheilaBoneham You and me both, gurl. Make room for me on the wagon, and give me a hand up! You and I can help each other try to be a bit more successful today. Although in reading the posts on here it seems like there are a few of us who are struggling! I think we need to focus on the positive, look for the small wins, and try to just keep moving forward (and not fret about our past mistakes). We got this!! <3
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 264 Member
    RenaPink11 wrote: »
    New to this challenge. I'm 45. My starting weight was 249 (February 2022) I'm currently 176 and my goal weight is 150. I've been stuck at 174-176 for the last 3 weeks. Ugh. My new fitness goal is to walk/run a 5k! I'm excited for that. I've started using the couch to 5k app. I really shocked myself that I can jog!!!

    @RenaPink11 OOH-OOH-OOH!! Can we be friends?? I just started trying to jog, too! And I also was shocked that I can actually do it!! Maybe I should try a couch to 5K! I'm super stoked about it and would love to have you in my corner!! :) Good job on your weight-loss, too! You are killin' it!!!
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,382 Member
    @jedaschultz - my condolences to you, so sad to hear of your loss, I know life will be exceptionally hard for you at the moment, sending you lots of comforting hugs. It's very brave of you to return so quickly, welcome back to the fold, we are here for you, and will give you as much virtual support as we can. <3
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,293 Member
    edited March 2023
    Round 218

    March 23 - April 1, 2023

    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE👍👍

    🐶SW RND 217 153.2🐶

    SW RND 218

    3/23 153.7 - We ate a late dinner at Ihop, veggie omelette… i skipped hash browns but I should of only ate one piece of toast 😢
    3/24 154.7 - The bagel late tasted so good but I should of had a piece of fruit instead 😢

    Goal weight 152