New to MFP...looking for friends and support!

I'm Annette, 36 years old and ~100 pounds to lose. Today I attended a class to learn about weight loss surgery and boy was that an eye opener! The first thing I need to do is come to terms with the fact that I am overweight, love food and do not love exercise. The second thing to do is make a plan to fix all that. While the surgery sounds like my best bet the waiting period is about 4-6 months so I will need to start doing something now. I've had this account since June and have tracked food and fitness on and off, I'm looking to make MFP a permanent fixture in my daily life. Good or bad, I need to see what's going on each day.

Happy to be here :)


  • Welcome, Annette!!

    Save yourself the money and risk and lose the weight naturally, you'll thank yourself later! There are TONS of people on here who can be super supportive and have lost 100+ pounds. It takes a lot of time, but doing it that way will reinforce positive, healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

    I hope you are here to stay!
  • Welcome! If you're truly ready to start losing this is the place for you.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Welcome! Exercise can be all kinds of things, and I find I stick with it better when I'm doing things I enjoy. Walking the dogs, hiking, swimming, even cruising around the mall... that's all exercise! AND FREE. Good luck!
  • beachbumdoug
    beachbumdoug Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome to the site, you will love it.. Take one day at a time and you may find out that surgery is the last option.. Hang in there
  • Welcome! Lots of support on this site. You can do it!
  • ShannonTodd
    ShannonTodd Posts: 105 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You did the right thing by joining. I have met nothing but awesome and supportive people on the site.
    This is an investment in you, and you are most definitely worth it!!:flowerforyou:
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Welcome!!! There are so many wonderful and supportive people on here and if you commit to making a lifestyle change you can lose the weight without surgery!!!

    I also LOVE food and hate to exercise.....well the old me that is. I've only been on this journey since the end of July but I have decided to make that step and I'm so grateful I did. For the first time ever I'm making conscious choices about the food that I put in my body and the ones I'm choosing not to. I thought I was well educated in what is healthy at restaurants and when I look at their nutrition guide I'm appalled that what I thought was healthy was putting between 900-1300 calories in my one meal.

    I admit I was hungry a lot when I started but that really lasted less than 2 weeks and then I figured out what works for me. I committed to my elliptical 3 days a week and now I'm on Day 10 Level 1 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. The woman is Satan but I'm stronger because of her and doing things I never thought possible. I'm winning.

    I'm still not big on exercise and I still LOVE food.....I've just decided that I'm going to make healthy choices and learn portion control because I want to be healthy for me, my husband and my kids!!! YOU CAN DO IT WITHOUT SURGERY!!! Try this way of doing it, be honest, take a few walks (you get more food because you eat back your exercise calories) and just see!!!
  • Hello Annette, can do this naturally.when I started I had 110-115 lbs to lose,
    I have lost 40 to date. I started June 6th. I wish you luck and great successes
    on this journey to better health and fitness..feel free to add me if you'd like some
    constant support and motivation and would also like to give it!
  • Welcome :)
  • tinamariebarton
    tinamariebarton Posts: 10 Member
    You don't need surgery, you just need lots of support and encouragement from people who understand. This is the place to come. Feel free to add me as a friend :-)
  • I am fairly new here too - WELCOME!
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 237 Member
    Welcome Annette! You'll find lots of support here and meet some great people to help cheer you along the way. :flowerforyou:
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    You can do it! We can help you dry the tears you will shed while you're doing it too. You can vent and laugh and joke around, but when it comes down to it, as a team we work together to motivate, encourage, listen, learn, and live...

    I was a lot like you described. I didn't like to exercise, I didn't eat right and I'm learning how to do it little by little. I take it down ONE pound at a time. Nice and easy. I'm not in a race and I'm not trying to impress. I just want to get down one pound.... :)

    Good Luck! Welcome to MFP and Add me if you would like! :)

    P.S. I say skip the surgery and work it!
  • gioisa75
    gioisa75 Posts: 242 Member
    You can lose the weight without surgery! I have lost 90 plus and I did it by improving my diet and exercising. Feel free to add me.
  • hi, wow i already love this site i have it on my bb too =) your all welcome to add me as a friend. ive not been on here long but would really like the support and to knock the feeling im in this alone!
  • lulupallooza
    lulupallooza Posts: 48 Member
    You can do it! With support, you may lose enough wait during that waiting period that you won't even need to consider surgery!! :-)

    Would love to be MFP friends with you. Feel free to add!
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Howdy and welcome. I'm day 4 into my program using MFP and really like this site. Lots of great people and the tracking setup is very easy to use.

    I think you'll like exercise once you start feeling a little better by eating a more nutritious diet, and by finding some activity that you like to do. BTW, many many people who lose weight with surgery put it back on. You still have to make behavioral changes so why not just skip the surgery part?
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Hi Annette

    MFP is a much cheaper way to help you lose weight, just log everything! Yes it's a bit scary at first but it helps the good habits fall into place.

    Get loads of friends to help you

    Good Luck
  • Welcome, Annette! I just started yesterday. It's much easier when you have support so I'm here for you. Good luck!:happy:
  • Thank you ALL for the kind words and support. I knew I wasn't alone :)