Partner to hold me accountable

Looking for a partner to check in with weekly to help me stay on track :)


  • StaciInGa
    StaciInGa Posts: 65 Member
    I'm open to this sort of teamwork. :) I'm 48, female, and have lost ~12 pounds since the beginning of the year with another ~15 yet to go. I'm a desk job by day, walking here & there when I can sort. I'm good at calorie counting/maintaining a deficit as long as I plan and make the effort. Lost ~50 in 2014 by calorie counting, increasing activity (walking mainly) and some of it crept back on in 2021-2022...

    Message me here if you want to chat more, share goals, struggles, etc.
  • Sfulcher05
    Sfulcher05 Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2023
    Me too. I need to get this body back on track. I'm hyper physical with an active job so I'm always justifying snacks. I'm living proof that you can't out work a bad diet 😜