Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 219



  • JacquelineC53
    JacquelineC53 Posts: 157 Member
    Looking forward another challenge. My goals for the challenge are the same as last time - to log consistently and to avoid snacking after dinner - including over the Easter weekend, which falls in the middle of this challenge!

    SW RND 218 152.4 lbs. EW 147.8 lbs
    SW RND 219 148.4 lbs

    2/4 148.4 lbs
    3/4 148.2 lbs.
    4/4 148.2 lbs
    5/4 148.0 lbs
    6/4 148.2 lbs
    7/4 147.0 lbs.
    8/4 146.8 lbs. Had our big family Easter dinner today. I pre-logged my day so I was prepared for which things I considered “worth it” and which I couldn’t care less about. I ate to my plan except for a few chocolate eggs that I logged afterwards! I’m went over my daily calories but not by a lot. It definitely helped to pre-log.
  • jspecies11
    jspecies11 Posts: 1,129 Member
    69 yo female; 5’5”
    Thank you @quiltingjaine
    SW: 139.2#
    Goals: eat plant based unprocessed foods; increase hydration; strength training 3x/week minimum.
    GW: 138.0#

    4/2 138.6#
    4/3 138.6#
    4/4 138.0#
    4/5 137.8#
    4/6 137.2#
    4/7 137.8#
    4/8 137.2#
    4/9 138.0# Bof!
  • shmmm3
    shmmm3 Posts: 255 Member
    @clprieur I'm sorry that happened. Have you looked into hiring a behaviorist for your dog? I've known of a lot of success with behaviorists and prozac for reactive dogs and their owners said it helped both their dog's quality of life and theirs. You've had him for such a short time who knows what he's been through. This book helped me, Beware Of The Dog: Positive Solutions For Aggressive Behavior In Dogs
    Book by Pat Miller