Sexy in Six Weekly Challenge PURPLE TEAM



  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    I got 100 crunches in today, despite the horrendous flooding . . . . thankfully we are dry, but those around us have lost everything. The destructive power of water is amazing.
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    I got 100 crunches in today, despite the horrendous flooding . . . . thankfully we are dry, but those around us have lost everything. The destructive power of water is amazing.

    You are awesome!!!
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    330 crunches :)
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    330 crunches :)

    Your awesome your self .. . . . . . Crunch Queen :)
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    just fifty, but twas good for me!
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    I hope everyone was able to get their crunches done this week and has logged their weight results. For any one having difficulty with lack of losses (as I am) . . . . it is important to remember two things:

    1. Muscle weighs more than fat . . . . and looks better under your skin
    2. Skeletal muscle retains H2O, fat doesn't

    Ok, hope that makes everyone feel a little better if the scale isn't exactly going the direction anticipated as fast as desired. Keep up the great work!! It's paying off :)
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    yeay! lost 1.4 lbs! about frickin' time!

    did 50 crunches yesterday and 50 today. just sent my weigh in form to peanut

    whew!!!!!! dang those crunches nearly got me! never felt my abs like THAT before. but i loved this challenge. mid week i wasn't seeing the weight move on the scale but i could see and feel a difference in my clothes so i knew something was working in this body of mine.

    thanks for the tips sakus. i knew muscle weighed more but didn't know muscles held water. maybe (hopefully) that's what was happening to me last week.

    hope everyone feels good about this week. saw some amazing work! even if nothing happend you still logged and that's what it's all about. who knows, maybe it'll catch up with you next week :)

    can't wait to see results!!! GO TEAM PURPLE!!!! WWWWOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    I'm excited to see the results too.... Feeling better on the water, still too much of me to notice anything other than dull aches re the crunches, but glad to be in the challenge! Clothes fitting better - this is good. Go Team Purple!!
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member

    Tuesday - Extra activity 100 star jumps (admittedly not consecutive ha ha)
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Are star jumps, jumping jacks??? We are going to rock out the challenge
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    Are star jumps, jumping jacks??? We are going to rock out the challenge

    I`m thinking so .... but hey - exercise is exercise no mattter what we call it or how we do it ha ha - TEAM PURPLE YEAHHHHHHH!:happy:
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Hey purple ladies . . . . . this weeks challenge by Peanut has been a really hard one for me personally, as some of my days I either work almost around the clock or I am so wiped out after running from patient room to patient room that I can barely take my scrubs off, much less exercise. Monday and Tuesday were a total wash for me in the exercise department as i spent both days working from sunup to sundown. The kicker is, I ran from the time I got up to the time I fell in a heap . . . . literally, I was sweating at work. On those occasions where I am not sitting on my rump, and I have a particularly active work day, i would like to count those times as exercise calories. Seriously, the stuff I do is 80% physicality most days. Anyone share my feelings?? Thoughts about how the daily grind affects your workout ability?? :)
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    That sounds like an awesome all day workout really. I had a rough time too with travelling so my whole schedule is messed up. I guess doing anything that is not your regular work is workout enough, cos that means extra calories burnt.

    I think this week's challenge is going to drive me nuts really watching out for a balanced meal. Looks like I need to make my own work lunches this week.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    Yeay team purple!! So ppumped we got the lead and if my calculations are correct we're ahead in pounds lost by nearly 2. I can sooooo see us winning this competition. We just gotta stick with it. Especially me with this week. Have some sad news....

    My aunt passed away today. She was only 50 years old but battling with MS for around 20 years and confined to a wheelchair. I know she's running thru heaven's gates with a blessed and new body but she's gonna be missed by her family sooooo much.

    Please keep me and my family in ur thoughts and prayers this week. I'll keep u all in mine. :-)
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Yeay team purple!! So ppumped we got the lead and if my calculations are correct we're ahead in pounds lost by nearly 2. I can sooooo see us winning this competition. We just gotta stick with it. Especially me with this week. Have some sad news....

    My aunt passed away today. She was only 50 years old but battling with MS for around 20 years and confined to a wheelchair. I know she's running thru heaven's gates with a blessed and new body but she's gonna be missed by her family sooooo much.

    Please keep me and my family in ur thoughts and prayers this week. I'll keep u all in mine. :-)

    Hey Kristyann,

    I'm sorry to hear your of your loss. My prayers go out to your family and you in this difficult time. Take care!
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Yeay team purple!! So ppumped we got the lead and if my calculations are correct we're ahead in pounds lost by nearly 2. I can sooooo see us winning this competition. We just gotta stick with it. Especially me with this week. Have some sad news....

    My aunt passed away today. She was only 50 years old but battling with MS for around 20 years and confined to a wheelchair. I know she's running thru heaven's gates with a blessed and new body but she's gonna be missed by her family sooooo much.

    Please keep me and my family in ur thoughts and prayers this week. I'll keep u all in mine. :-)

    My deepest condolences and sympathies to you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers :)
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    thank you girls so much. it's been bittersweet. funeral is tomorrow then i go back to my home 4 hours away wednesday.

    and i also need help with the double whammy challenge. not so much with exercise, but the food part. i'm afraid i don't pay attention to the "balance" of my meals. lol when i think of protein, the only thing i think of is chicken lolol pretty slim huh? egg is protein right?
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Beans, Eggs, cheese, chicken, fish, tuna, shrimp, shellfish . . . .

    Complex carbs:
    Whole wheat, whole grain, remember multi grain also includes WHITE FLOUR generally speaking. Oatmeal, quinoa

    I believe peanutbutter is one of those wonderful foods that hits alot of categories at once: protein, fats, and complex carb

    Get a little of everything and you will be fine :)
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    thank you girls so much. it's been bittersweet. funeral is tomorrow then i go back to my home 4 hours away wednesday.

    and i also need help with the double whammy challenge. not so much with exercise, but the food part. i'm afraid i don't pay attention to the "balance" of my meals. lol when i think of protein, the only thing i think of is chicken lolol pretty slim huh? egg is protein right?

    I'm finding it really tough, this week is all about late nights for me at the office, and I'm exhausted! I know the proteins and all that, just don't know to balance it together. :S
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    One more week as the purple team ladies . . . . . it's bittersweet. I am hoping to hit the 10lb mark next week, but am facing one of my most jam packed weeks yet. School, kids, two field trips,two school picture days, work 33+ hours, clinical prep, clinical presentation, and hopefully sleep. I am not sure where I will get my workouts in . . . . . .really needing some encouragement to get a run or two in and do some at home workouts when i stop by the house for 5 minutes :p