Transformation challenge, for the health of it

How many will join me in a 12 week transformation challenge? We can offer advice and hold each other accountable. If your interested post a before pic before the 15th of April and a few stats. I’ll start kqgmqgq7camv.jpeg

This is last Monday when I actually started at a weight of 240.4 lbs and I’m 60 years old


  • I would like to participate in this challenge. I'm sorry to say, that I don't post photos; however I could post one showing my current waist measurement & weight. These I can update each week, if that would work to comply with the overall integrity of this challenge. Thanks.
  • allierat84
    allierat84 Posts: 73 Member
    I don't have any proper before pictures in gym wear or anything, but I have this one I took of my outfit to show my sister last week! I started exercising just over a week ago and started logging food consistently the past few days. Started at 171lbs and I'm 38 years old. Definitely up for a challenge!
  • BlackDragon28
    BlackDragon28 Posts: 7 Member
    I also don't have a before pic right now. I'll upload one tomorrow though and join this challenge. I currently weigh at 213.2lbs this morning. I'll keep you guys posted. Good luck to you all!
  • Alright I'm ready, stats: age 51, height 5'8", photos of current weight 222.6 & measured relaxed belly 45 1/2" (can hoist it in easily 5-6 inches, but honestly let's be real with ourselves). We got this y'all!


  • Jesse62
    Jesse62 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for joining me folks. Send me a friend request
  • BlackDragon28
    BlackDragon28 Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2023

    Back again. My current stats. My age is 28, I'm 5'-10" tall. I weigh 213 lbs and a rough body fat percentage of 26.2%. Had to really prepare myself yesterday and cook up my meals for the week and be ready for the rest of the week. Do we want to post our workouts or anythings?
  • Jesse62
    Jesse62 Posts: 43 Member
    Black dragon you’ve got a lot of solid muscle brother. Yeah let’s post up anything relevant that may help the group
  • BlackDragon28
    BlackDragon28 Posts: 7 Member
    I can stay consistent with the workouts, but for some odd reason I'll do a self sabotage in my diet sometimes. I'll make my food diary public, and make sure to stay on the right path.
    Same for you too btw for the solid muscles. Keep up the good work! 👍
  • Morning y'all. It's good to know where we're at and direction headed. I've been assessing my situation with what I want (do & don't). Preparation has been set. For me, not through lists, but with how it flows through my day. Ultimate goal is for things to flow, even when life gets a bit difficult & situations arise -- as they will.
  • rebecca_livinghealthy
    rebecca_livinghealthy Posts: 25 Member
    edited April 2023
    Morning walk 15 - 20+ minutes > 30 minutes total (most days) Goal is to include the same mid-afternoon, prior to supper.

    Strength training 3x/per week hitting some arms, legs, core each day. Separating it out with a day for that & a day for this, just doesn't work for me & makes me feel incomplete.

    Meals are Brunch, Snack, Supper. Water never an issue.
  • BlackDragon28
    BlackDragon28 Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2023
    Did my lower Body workout this evening. Always hits hard when I need to get back on track with training. 😆
    If anyone is interested, I use the "Hevy" app to track my workouts.
    My first time doing calf extension on the machine, so a couple of extra sets to get a feel with the machine.

    Lower Body Day
    Wednesday, Apr 12, 2023 at 5:03pm

    Squat (Barbell)
    Set 1: 225 lbs x 10
    Set 2: 275 lbs x 9
    Set 3: 275 lbs x 8
    Set 4: 275 lbs x 8
    Set 5: 275 lbs x 8

    Romanian Deadlift (Barbell)
    Set 1: 275 lbs x 10
    Set 2: 275 lbs x 6
    Set 3: 245 lbs x 10
    Set 4: 245 lbs x 8

    Good Morning (Barbell)
    Set 1: 205 lbs x 4
    Set 2: 185 lbs x 10
    Set 3: 185 lbs x 10
    Set 4: 185 lbs x 6

    Leg Press Horizontal (Machine)
    Set 1: 240 lbs x 20
    Set 2: 240 lbs x 15
    Set 3: 220 lbs x 12
    Set 4: 220 lbs x 8

    Calf Extension (Machine)
    Set 1: 80 lbs x 15
    Set 2: 100 lbs x 15
    Set 3: 120 lbs x 10
    Set 4: 120 lbs x 15
    Set 5: 130 lbs x 15
    Set 6: 140 lbs x 15

  • Wow! Nice job. Downloaded app & followed too in order to check out your workouts. Strong routines! Thanks for sharing!
  • BlackDragon28
    BlackDragon28 Posts: 7 Member
    Of course! Thanks for the follow. 😀 I've followed you back I think. Really handy to keep track of my workouts.
  • capnemomac
    capnemomac Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all, I’m a day late but re-installed this app on my phone specifically because I’m looking for some regular chat and accountability.

    How do I join? Just keep coming back to this post? I’ll post my beginning info if I can join!
  • cypressfey
    cypressfey Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 66-1/2 currently weigh 155.4 - gained 40 lbs when my thyroid decided to retire - now my thyroid is working fine, but I have 40 lbs to lose! :(sayg6tjmw5pf.jpg
  • PeachTye
    PeachTye Posts: 11 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello everyone so I'll participate in this 12 week challenge.
    I'm 193.2 lbs today.

    So I hope to be 181 in 12 weeks.

    Note - I'm not sure why my photo won't upload.
  • capnemomac
    capnemomac Posts: 17 Member
    Okay. My stats.

    I'm 40 years old. 5'11"
    Just weighed in at 329 lbs.

    I've been eating like crap lately and this is late in the day, so if I just cut out the junk I should be able to shed a few pounds pretty quickly. Maybe in 12 weeks I can get down below 300. Then I want to continue back down below 285 which is where I was a couple years ago before work and family stress got me off track 😅
  • capnemomac
    capnemomac Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2023
    I've been doing some explorations on this site and found that this "Group" function might work better for us. Maybe another group has already been started that I was late for, lol, if so that's cool too.

    Feel free to join and bookmark this one if you want!
  • Jesse62
    Jesse62 Posts: 43 Member
    I am digging the engagement here. Thought I would share an update. I started my challenge 3 weeks ago @ 240.8 lbs. about 12 days in I weighed in at 225.6 lbs only to find out the batteries in my scale were bad. When I fixed the issue I was about 232 lbs. this morning in my birthday suit I was 228.6 lbs. Nice and slow to preserve my hard earned muscle. I’ll post more about my nutrition approach/cardio/training soon. Have a blessed day!
  • BlackDragon28
    BlackDragon28 Posts: 7 Member
    Just checking in with my weight. I'm currently at 206.4lbs, and a rough body fat percentage of 24.8%. I figure every week, I come to report how my journey is going. Majority of the weight was more than likely water. Trying to keep the protein high and the workouts intense. Looks like with my current program, I need to invest more in chest, back, and definitely core workouts. I plan to do some core routine in the morning, since I'm kind of limited for time.
    Thank you all for reading this.